Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

asking alexandria bassist

asking alexandria bassist

hello and welcome to a new short review that talk about the new fake idols album to be released on september 16, entitled witness. so fake idols is a quintet formed from three different european metal bands, then we have the singer claudio coassin (ex raintime), drummer enrico fabris (ex raintime too), guitarist ivan odorico (ex slowmotion apocalypse / raintime), bassist ivo boscariol (ex slowmotion apocalypse) and the last guitarist cristian tavano (ex jar of bones). witness is their second album and it released two years after their eponymous album. fake idols is certainly a small band but it already has its fame: they had a guest for their first album the singer crucified barbara and now the guitarist of motorhead phil campbell and singer of elevenking and hell in the club: damna. you could also see them alongside wasp and mnemic for their european tours, or occasionally from down or candlemass ...

you already see the band level. so, we start the album because you start to identify the universe of the band. first i want to say that this band is my discovery heart-stroke of this summer with their sounds very hard rock or alternative metal with explosive riffs and catchy choruses. in short, fake idols is just that, amazing riffs and a singer with a slightly hoarse voice just sublime. it works perfectly, even verses hanging; everything is finely worked to keep you hanging on your speakers. the sound is heavy and hard-hitting, it does not beat around the bush, that's the rock n’roll spirit. all the songs are good, they sweat all the same energy and the same atmosphere and i adhere completely. you will find quite certain songs more violent than others after all this must remain diversified,

but you will be happy that all the tracks have the same energy, the same desire. and as i talked earlier, we can see phill campbell on this album, which is already an unlikely event, play a very good solo for madball a overexcite song. you can also see the singer of elevenking and hell in the club accompanying claudio coassin on the city's burning and their duo clashes and won’t leave you indifferent: it’s indeed my favorite track of this album to tell you. after we go from surprise to surprise with a cover of go from chemical brothers, and i was more than surprised. i didn’t expect at all as a striking result, they managed to embellish the dance song with their own touch and we are really not disappointed about the adventure. the rockers are very open-minded people. besides the album will give you time to catch your breath midterm with the beautiful instrumental interlude called silence, a gem unfortunately quickly forgotten by the other songs.

after all, what can i say more, the album is a block to be savored and don’t hesitate to listen to all day long. i still can’t get tired before this nugget hiding in my inbox. like what i do well digging. i want to warn that some people may be stopped by the hoarse voice of the singer or the style, strictly speaking of the band, because after all everyone has different tastes, but i find this album a bit more accessible than the previous with melodies can be smoother. so i personally loved this album, it’s for me the album to discover this fall! the mark is 19/20 for this little gem that deserves success.

asking alexandria bass

asking alexandria bass

uh-oh! pedophilia! pedophilia alert! i'm already creeped out by the whole thing. (laughing) this is weird. the music doesn't shock me nor does the video, not really. she is great. pretty twisted, man. my worst nightmare: getting lost in downtown la at night alone. duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh.

i think black-ops gone wild. well, i hear a beat. little bizarre. weird what they consider music. the guy with the mustache is funny. i kinda like it. that's strange. that's just really strange music. now it's going softer. "oh my god!" is right.

is this what young people listen to? it's so violent. i'm thinking it's probably a lot better if you're really stoned. it's the old formula: verse, chorus, verse, chorus. it's the same format. it's like a monster or something. obviously, i'm not going to download this to my mp3 player because i don't have one. not exactly sinatra, or dean martin, or sammy davis. that was cool. that was good. i like seeing new stuff so that was really neat. what is that? is it called something?

[fine bros.] "what did you just listen to?" a bunch of crap. i'm not sure. it's really beyond my comprehension. i can't say it's music as i think of music. something that someone a lot younger than me calls "music." it's techno/dance music with someone screaming every once in a while. i've never heard songs like that before. [fine bros.] "how did it make you feel?"

it made me feel like the future is now. well, i feel like i just landed on mars. like my stomach was churning. overwhelms my little, old senses. and i'm not sure what the "oh my god!" thing was. i don't know if she was getting hurt, or it was fun, or it was an orgasm, i'm not really sure. [fine bros.] "what words would you use to describe the music?" i would call it "electronic nonsense." psychotic.

dark. unidentifiable. wiffet! very, very clever. definitely something your parents are not gonna say, "golly, play me more." [fine bros.] "did the sounds remind you of anything?" heavy metal gone awry. it was kinda like a jackass in a bottle. electric static.

like screeching cars. like a monster or something singing. [fine bros.] "can you make some of these sounds?" (dubstep noises) "oh my god!" [fine bros.] "did you like the music?" no. some of it i liked. it made you pump, pump your heart faster faster. so probably young people

will like it more because old people could die maybe. that's fine for the new generation, but you show it to somebody in my age group or older and i can guarantee you they will turn it off in a heartbeat. i would rather have my kid or grand-kid listening to this than justin bieber or britney spears. [fine bros.] "what do you think this genre of music will be called?" moving noise. pump. metalli-purge. psycho 1.

[fine bros.] "psycho 1?" or two or three or whatever. [fine bros.] "it's called dubstep." dubstep. i can see step, but what's dub? i've heard of dubstep. where they got that, beats me. [fine bros.] "what types of people listen to this music?" people looking for a new edge. really an off swing of the mainstream.

i don't exactly know what emo is, but emo might apply to this type of music. the artistic group, the creative group, the kinda what they used to call "outcasts", loners. the kids that wear earrings, and tattoos, and hair dyed different colors. i can't identify with them, they scare me because i associate them with violent acts. [fine bros.] "if i played the music, what type of dance moves do you think you would rock out to this?" i'm gonna be a grumpy, old lady and go, "no." my kids are going to kill me. [fine bros.] "dubstep, more recently, has become a very popular music genre. all over the world even. [fine bros.] "does that surprise you?"

i wouldn't think that it would be. that amazes me. no, not at all. no, it's something new. no, nothing surprises me anymore. i think kids will buy anything that's new or different just to be the first one on the block to be able to say, "gee, i heard that." i think every generation has to do something so rebellious as to alienate their parents. [fine bros.] "do you know the artist who made the songs we played here?" i have no idea who the artist is.

i haven't the foggiest. [fine bros.] "well, his name is skrillex." skrillex? why can't they have normal names? did his mom or dad make that up while they were high? [fine bros.] "i'm gonna show you a picture here of skrillex." nice haircut. it's very cool. it fits him. i'm gonna do everything my mom said not to do and i'm gonna be successful at it.

at first, it looked like a girl. if i were younger, to be honest with you, i wouldn't date him. [fine bros.] "would you let your son or grand-kid have a skrillex haircut?" never. i say enjoy it while you have it then when it's gone trim it up a little bit. otherwise you look like an assh*le like donald trump. i would say, "you know what? it's your life. if that's what you want to do, i'm all for it." but deep down inside, i would like to.... oh, absolutely. i'm from the 60's. i would be very disappointed if my kid didn't want to look like this, or my grand-kid. [fine bros.] "finally, now that you've heard dubstep music are you going to keep listening to the genre?"

nfw i'm sorry, dubstep but no. yeah, i'd listen to that. absolutely, i'm going to seek it out. i'm intrigued so i'd listen to more of it and find out more about it. absolutely! i'm gonna go out today and go, of course there's no more record shops, but maybe wal-mart or some place and see if they have dubstep. is it dubstep? and go home and give it a whirl and see what happens. this is just the next step. there will be more beyond it, that will be probably wilder and wackier.

and thus concludes another episode of "elder's react." thank you so much for watching, everybody. if you liked the video, don't forget to give it a thumbs up! we'll be back very, very soon so make sure you subscribe. i enjoyed dubstep so much. thank you for recommending it for the show. hasta la vista, me amigos

asking alexandria band

asking alexandria band

den, thank you for visiting our... cellar. - of course. so, you were invited by group, english group, to be their vocalist? - yeah, exactly. - have you already recoreded some track, together with new group? - yes, yes, it released literally 27-th of may, at night. and so... and it get more then six hundred thousand views for the first day. - on the youtobe, yes? - yes now this track is #1 in the charts of itunes wordwide. so yeah, all are fine now. - super. - but why do they contact exactly with you?

- well, may be i'm exactly the man, that should be apply to. - how old are you now? - 23 - it means, that in twenty three, you were invited by the group, that have ten millions views on youtobe that plays great concerts in britain, weren't you? - yes. - and you'll be british super star? - well, seems like yes. - and you'll immediately begin a concerts, tour around the world, all? - literally 2-nd or 3-rd of june i'll get a schengen and immediately fly to the czech republic.0:01:27.240,0:01:29.760we'll have a concert on the festival there - 45000 people. and so. and this day i'll finally meet my group. well, i knew them before, but now i'll met them like real member of group.

we'll shake hands and try to feel, what is our set for today. and we'll play our first concert immediately. - and you'll play so confidently, without rehearsal, with them your first concert? what allows you to be so confident that all will be ok, that you'll play good? - we're good musicians. i know that we will do it. - well, it's immodesty enough) - well, it's rock&roll. - i know that before this, before playing with this group, you had two more groups. but you weren't so famous in ukraine with that two groups, like abroad. - yes. - what were these groups, can you tell their names?

- i had two groups before, the first called "make me famous" and second called - "down & dirty" - den, and how did you start all this? well... how did you get to this rock show-business? how did you become a star of metal-core and so on? - it started from the moment, when i started to shoot a little cover-videos with my old camera in my room, at home, in hartsizk. youtobe just appear in our lifes then. and i saw that people put their covers there, and it was interesting for me to see them. and then i thought, may be i should try to do the same, why not? i learned music too, played guitar,

tried to sing, learned, well, and i begin to gradually shoot this videos. and then, i didn't even notice how, i saw that number of views grows and number of subscribers grows too, and people like it, and they wanna more - so i just continue to do this. mainly, my viewers were from usa, from europe, england and so on, and it helps me to show my music - i just upload, for example, my first song to my youtobe-channel. well. and could show it to the people, who were there. ðnd then they did their trick - they just spread it and... simply started to write labels to manage a company. - for you? - yes,

who wanted to try to work with out group. and this way it happened. - nice. den, thank you for visit, i wish you luck with your new group. - no problem, thank you very much. - come visit ukraine with megaconcert in "palats sportu", or better... in the republic sta... ð¾h, in the stadion. how it called now? in the olympic stadion come, not only vakarchuk should gather it, and then.. - we'll hope. - thats all, super, thanks.

asking alexandria band shirts

asking alexandria band shirts

go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. mark 16:15 jesus said, "my sheep will hear and obey myvoice. and the stranger's they will not follow." people listen to the wrong voice, and thestranger's voice is always speaking. if i don't see the cross and i don't see whatjesus did for me, then i can never be free. you were predestined before the foundation of the world your value is priceless you were created for purpose

i'd just like to take you into my life fora couple of days so i can show you what i believe isnormal christianity. it is walking in relationship with jesus. it is being a christian and knowingthat i have two commandments. the first one is to love god with all my heart,soul, and my mind and the second one is like it: to lovemy neighbor as myself. and this is the normal look intomy life. so, i hope you guys enjoy it. lifestyle christianity

in my life the schedule is pretty intense. we drove five hours in the rain. i got to fellowship withjesus and be with my bible and read the word. with an intense schedule, it's imperativethat i'm always prepared last night we got to the church, we went iní¾ i had half an hour before to justget quiet, get on my knees, and just talk to jesus i'm always in communion but there are times,special times, when i have a half hour, 30 minutes, whatever. i utilize that time to worship him,to get to know him. if i don't take the time each day, no matterwhat i'm doing, if i don't take the time to

get into theword and seek him in the secret place, then when i'm getting up there to speak, it's almostlike i have to try to prep something. i've never lived in that place. because i've always been in that preparatory place no matter what i'm doing. so i always want to be preparedí¾ always want to be in the word. serving the lord doesn't just mean doing thingsfor the lord as a servant, but serving the lordactually means doing things with the lord as his son. god is co-laboringthrough you. to accomplish his will. i wake up, and my first thought is jesus.

my first thought is thank you fatherfor the dayí¾ i thank you for another day that i'm goingto get to touch people, i'm going to get to love peopleí¾ i'm going to get to show people who you reallyare, god. i commit my heart. 100%to being his son. of god as a father. i'm asking you to reveal to my heart, to mysoul, to my spirit what it means to be in communion with you. i woke up this morning. just woke up and communed with jesus on mybed and said thank you so much for another day. gosh, it's just an amazing relationship thati have.

i said, god, thankyou that this is who i am. this is who you've created me to be. then i texted my friends andsaid, i'm going to go down and work out. i had an encounter with the housekeeper inthe hallway before i came in here. god spoke to meabout her backí¾ and she couldn't even bend. so i held her hands and she said i could. we weresitting there praying. father, thank you, and she bent. she said, "oh no, it's killing me." i say "that's not okay."

father, i thank you in the name of jesus." and she bent over and she said, "there's likea heat in my back right now." so, today when i was walking by and i askedyou about your back, what did you think? it just feels...there's no pain. it's gone away all of a sudden. i've been having trouble for a yearwith my back pain. and now, i felt that warm thing, and i wasthinking how is this going to heal me. and it started the healing because i haven'thad any pain. so i'm trying to use this machinejust to check it out.

and i haven't had any pain. so she's in there, and she is bent over. she touched her toes and said, "i can't dothis. what's going on? i said jesus that is very amazing. i like that so good. it is a sign of god who comes to help me. wow, so maybe god is listening to me so i wasn't too sure because i wasn't payingattention to him because i thought there was

no such thing as god that would help you.butreally, it is. i have a personal relationship with jesus everyday. would you like to have that? yeah, i would so what happens. what god does. regardless of whether we know we've sinned or whether we've fallen short we all have. there is know one that is perfect but jesus lived perfect and when he died on the cross you have heard of the cross before... yes when he died on that cross. he paid the price for all of my sin to be forgiven

but it is a love relationship with the father he comes in. makes his home inside of me. then all of a sudden, he inside of me. he helps to fight things around me... and he wins my battles it's amazing. pray with me. it's really easy just say this. lord god right now. i surrender my life to you i don't want to be in un forgiveness anymore i ask you right now to forgive my sin come to make your home inside of me holy spirit. right now

i invite you into my life jesus, i believe that you paid the price on the cross, to forgive my sins and remove them father i thank you in he name of jesus holy spirit i ask you to overwhelm her with your goodness. with your mercy god that you would give her peace that she has never known father i thank you for grace. in jesus name bring your presence just overwhelm her. god thank you.

jesus thank you . you love her so much god i ask you. bless her and her family. her husband and her kids her life. god thank you in jesus name i thank you that her sleep will be restored to her that she will have no problems with sleeping god i thank you in jesus name awesome. so good it gives you a joy from the inside.

it is so amazing yeah it is. i have no more pain can i give you a hug? what is it worth? it just wreaks me every time. because people walk by housekeepers. and janitors all the time. most people do not even notice or see them. this girl is working hard. she has been here for fourteen years. she works hard. she is working seven days a week. she is here all the time how many christians have walked by her? and haven't even shared the gospel with her. haven't prayed with her?

all we need to do is step up and be jesus to the world around us it's not that hard. it's easy i wonder if people tried to wear the linen that jesus wore? it's the privilege of every believer we've got the privilege to be able to pour into a lost and dying world. it's everyday i want to try to minister to as many people as i can in the time period that i have not pressure. it's seed sowing i go to hotels and they remember the man that stayed there

i see housekeepers. and even though i'm not rich, i want to financially bless them. and tell them how much god loves them when i see a waitress at a restaurant, i want to bless them with a tip we can't neglect the reality of the sowing of seed, the we are responsible for. as christians some sow. some water. never ever forget that all you are doing is watering where someone else sowed. when it becomes increase time. god will make it very apparent that it is increase time but it is him that brings the increase. it's not you. there is no pressure do me a favor. stand up and just check it to see

what does that feel like? it's good feels better we came out to the car, leaving the hotel i was talking to the hotel attendants about jesus, and how amazing he thinks that they are i came out and told the cook that his food was amazing and very good. that he really took pride in what he does he said "that's just because your stoned. when it wears off mcdonalds will be good enough" i said "no, i was a drug addict for 22 years man. i mean what i say. your a good cook" he said " ok, thanks friend"

he walked away, and this lady inside the break area by the dumpster she said " i thought it was very amazing what you said to him. it really touched my heart all i said was that i was a drug addict for 22 years she said "if you ever have time to talk perhaps you could talk to me?" she is crying, she is hurting, she needs hope. i am going to go inside. but sometime you could maybe stop at the desk and ask for me? on the outside she looks ok . but she is outside here smoking a cigarette trying to calm her nerves. because her nerves are freaking out.

but god is going to completely deliver her i have one minute left. then i will go inside and take her to the side... and speak to her. god's going preform an amazing deliverance in a ten minute period. it is going to be awesome. everywhere we go. we are a conduit for jesus i went inside. asked for her. and she came out she was sitting in a chair. as soon as i started talking to her she began to cry i told her about my testimony. how i used to live. what i have done. how horrible it was. i talked about my daughter. and she began to cry very hard.

she said she had a sixteen month old daughter. she has not seen her daughter since she was four months old. so she is a mom. and she does not know how to get to jesus i talked to her about jesus. how he will set her free she said "i don't know how to get to him" i said " i am going to make it very easy for you, because he did everything for you so you can just receive it she said " that would be awesome " so she became a christian today. gave her life to jesus she looked at me as said i don't know what to say right now. i feel completely different. my whole life feels different. like i just started my day

i said "it's not a new day, i want to show you something. i showed her corinthians 5 if anyone be in christ, he is a new creation. old things have passed away. all things have become new she said " that's how i feel" i said "that's because that's who you are " on the outside they look ok. but the reality is that everybody is being dominated by something and if it is not jesus. then it is the devil. we need to get people free from the devil. we need to get people free from selfishness, from unforgiveness from anger and rage. and jesus is the only answer that does that

i believe that we can all live a lifestyle of christianity everywhere we go. because this is the middle of the day. i don't know how many people were blessed already but this is normal life this is how a christian life is supposed to be we're supposed to bless people everywhere we go people say that i'm creating more problems for myself why don't you just settle down and it will be easy why? because people are going to hell and i can't stand it i can't handle it. nobody told me about the gospel for 34 years

i can't be quiet about this because i'm in love with jesus i should be in hell. but god gave me a second chance and a new life the new life he gave me was to represent his life on this earth i can't afford to hold him back from people that are dying. people are dying there is a person in front of you in every walk of life that needs the jesus that you say you have you having a basket on your head and being quiet about what you have could cause someone to an eternal life in hell god loves you and you are amazing you have the opportunity to change peoples lives you've let that thing hurt your heart, and wreak your heart

jesus is powerful yeah i did it was a bad road for me you're not on that road anymore. i promise you you're real purpose is to serve god with everything that you are you are an amazing woman of god. this is not a coincidence you talk to him as a god that is far away from you. wondering if he is hearing you? he hears you every day. he hears your heart cry how do you think i would know about psychology?

how could i know about all that stuff? unless i tap into gods heart for you because he loves you and wants you back you get to sow, water, or be silent you sow, you water, or be silent... and silent is not an option jesus is the only option. it's righteousness. it's right standing with my father it's awesome! my daughter had her memories supernaturally erased jesus erased all the thoughts about hating your father. your father is a looser, he is a lair. she started to do dances for jesus. so now she choreographs dances for girls to express their faith, through dance

and i see you doing that too that's crazy. i said that to my boyfriend this morning i've never told him that. but when i was younger we used to do these dances drama skits? yes. how is your back? my back is messed up is it messed up in the middle? does it give you pain?

yeah it does in jesus name, we command every muscle, every nerve to be healed right now god in jesus name that she would feel a heat in her back right now complete wholeness all the way up her spine. in jesus name amen what do you feel right now? jesus you died to remove my guilt to remove my shame

i come back today home to you father i give my life to you i ask you to show me who i am. as a daughter i thank you for the reality of who she is. today, as a new girl. daddy's girl. god thank you in jesus name grace in jesus name. amen that's awesome

that is awesome! i need a hug right now? that's awesome! a big chunk of meat. and asparagus the bite is important at 1 hour and 20 minutes but what is most important is that peoples lives get changed because food is still good weather it is cold or warm what would it be worth to minister to one person a day with god's love that is what touched you. his love. that's it. the love of god

so in here... i blessed you no we always do this. we always tip our bill. whatever the cost that's sowing a seed into your life i can't do that you don't have to. i just did it. god so loved the world that he gave. right? if i am a christian. if i were trying to represent jesus. and not want to be a giver. i misrepresent my father yes

god so loved the world that he gave his son. in my life i give. not so that i can get. i give because it is great to give in order for you to be alright with this. you just need to be a good receiver are you a good receiver? can i receive this back to you tomorrow? bless you! thank you. i appreciate it no strings. god loves you i will not go out to eat unless i can tip my bill

that means that you eat out less. which is ok imagine tipping your waitress whatever your bill was? i've seen them run out of the restaurant screaming and crying they treated you very bad because you told them about jesus at the meal your food came out cold, they were angry, most of the time, christians are lousy tippers christians are complainers on sunday the waitresses and waiters don't like it when they have another christian to serve sunday meals are the worst meals for waitresses and waiters across america

not in every city. but all the cities i've been in when you ask a waitress what their worst day is. most complaints and lowest tips. they will tell you sunday after church because christians are notorious in wanting to be receivers. but they are not very good givers i'm not saying this for your offering. i'm saying this so that your life can become one everywhere you go imagine if christians we're known for generosity

god i am asking you for dominance of your kingdom reality to come into our financial thinking use your finances to advance the kingdom that this be the prosperity message seek first the kingdom of god. and his righteousness. and all these things will be added unto you with your life. ministering, making sure you are bringing the gospel everywhere you go that's impossible unless you are spending time with jesus i try to read the word on a constant basis. i try to listen to the audio bible on a constant basis

i am in communion on a constant basis when christ, who is our life is revealed. then you will also be revealed with him in glory. therefor consider put to death the members, which are on the earth. immorality, fornication, impurity evil desire, greed. idolitry the reference for that... it is just so amazing it's just for a couple minutes. i might pop in the audio bible or video bible. the gospel of john. the book of acts, matthew, john. these are all things that are tools out there i will get lost in the "strong's concordance"

it's on my phone. on my ipad i'll touch a word, and that word will lead me to a definition of it. it will refer me to other scriptures that are linked to it i get lost in the bible. i will spend an hour and a half just learning and growing in who jesus has called us to be i read the bible personally. i don't just read it to read 40 books in one session when i am working out. i will take one chapter and listen to it again, and again and again when i read my bible. i read it knowing that he is the active part in my life. and that he wants to talk to me everyday. all day long it is out of the overflow of your heart that you can give away. i need to constantly be in relationship and communion

i can't afford to have thoughts in my brain that are not in gods heart i need to have the same thoughts that god thinks about me inside of me on a constant basis. the best way to do that is communion with the holy spirit i want to be in fellowship and relationship with god the only one who disables me from relationship with god is myself. because god will never shut it down i can be in love with jesus. we all can be. we have the opportunity of a lifetime in front of us i thank you for another day that i can minister and show people who you are i thank you that you are my life. and that my life is yours. today you are going to be on display father i thank you so much. jesus i love you. you are amazing.

i slept like a baby. my alarm clock went off, and i was thinking. i have to get up! normally when i get up there is a painful nerve in my back i didn't feel anything. i didn't feel any pain at all that is awesome! never again! is there anything that you couldn't do before? like bending down? i couldn't bend down. i had a right leg that was always numb my leg would feel asleep. i could not feel it. now i can feel my toes

so you could not bend over before? are you able to do it now? yes, i can do it right now see! like this she went home and talked to her son who had a sore leg her son told her that his leg felt better too i told her to tell him that jesus healed his leg too. because we prayed for his leg also do you feel warmth? a little bit, yes that is so good. god loves you so much

you have a good day i jesus name. god you care about him so much. he does hard work every day i thank you for three brand new bones in his back i thank you for brand new knees, and new ankles too in jesus name. amen bless you what do you think about god? i love god. he is working out for me give me a hug. i love you. that is awesome!

it is nice to meet you how long have you been doing this? 3 years do you like it? no. but it is work. keeps me busy this is for you thank you, bless you god loves you so much you have a good day. it was great meeting you guys

do me a favor today. bend and check your back right now not bad let me pray again. stand up. father i thank you in jesus name bless my friend back be healed in jesus name right now every part now check it one more time watch this. this will be amazing

god, i thank you for a new back in jesus name every bit of pain to let him go. in jesus name check it again. it should be really good it feels better! check it again. really bend it actually yes. i'm not feeling any pain. that's right. that is our king i feel lighter do you feel that heat that went through your body right now?

oh yes, definitely love you i think the one with the white? one of them has a white ring around the back we almost lost him no returns we just about lost the puppy. thank you god so i asked you about your back because i thought that i heard in my heart that you had a problem in your lower back in the right side i'm not a crazy man

isn't that funny. i throw out my joints once and a while on my right side. on the right side? what do you think about jesus? i believe in jesus. does he talk to me ? no let me see your hands i am just going to pray for you we found our homes all that you need to do is start now ... and persivere people ask me all the time "how do you see people healed?

what happens when you don't see them healed? my answer is that i see jesus i know that if jesus prayed. they would have been healed that's always my answer he would. he'd pray for them and they would be healed. so that is my standard i can't afford to drop the standard less than what christ walked out he paid a price for me to walk just like he walked that has always been my resolution, my answer if i don't see it. if jesus prayed it would happen right now. so i have to keep on going for it

holy spirit, you are here. you are the one that he said he would send you are just like jesus the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead is here and he is active may the god of peace sanctify you completely spirit, soul, and body when i become born again. i become one spirit with god the bible says that we have become flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone so my flesh should not have a voice in my life. now that i have become one spirit with god when i see the reality of my soul. and the transfer of all my demonic thinking

all the strategy of the enemy the way that seems right to a man. that gets wiped out. and truth sets up home right here i start to think from heavens view, and heavens perspective it says to set your mind on things above. and not on things beneath if i see that correctly. every time i look in the mirror i will see what god sees i will never hear the enemy whispering to me and if i do. it's so exposed by the truth, that i will recognize that it's just the lair. why would i pay attention to that? you can't afford to take my message alone. you have to take it. go to the bible and say. "god, this is what he said. show me in your word

once the holy spirit shows you in the word it will change your reality you will start to live from god's thoughts towards you. not the enemies thoughts towards you. see the more you look like the world. then the more you are already dead because you can't change something. if that is where you are getting fed. if your running for scraps from the worlds table for applause. then you are already done. you're already a lost cause but don't worry. even lost causes. they all get their day and i know that there is a savior, and i know that there is a way. for every abandoned, and broken, and abused little child.

there is a father who loves you, who sent his only son to die so all we have to do is wake up. and do what he says. yes love is the thing that will free us from our head it's the love, it's the love of god oh, it is the love it's the love of god oh, how great you are if you are a christian, and you are praying for someone to give you a christian job somewhere. you are deceived! you belong in the darkness, because light belongs in the darkness

we better understand and see who we are. because all creation is groaning for you to manifest son-ship everywhere you go. i have an explosion in my heart that i can't shut down. it's a burning fire that rages inside of me that doesn't go away until i get it out. i thank you father in jesus name for a brand new back every muscle, every tendon, every ligament, every cartilage god thank you in jesus name for brand new i don't know how to describe it. it wasn't hot. it was cool like a cool sensation? did you play soccer? yes!

i had an accident in soccer in my left leg. i believe that is what has been distorting the muscles. let me see your feet that is what has been throwing it out it's fairly big. come over the top and look if i push you back in the chair that is a big deal. check this out and watch. this is going to be amazing. are you ready? in jesus name. left leg grow. thank you god brand new. jesus i thank you that this back will never bother him again.

that is it brother did you feel that? a little bit yes. it's just a little tug jesus, i thank you for this man that has always been an encouragement to people that's always there for people. always there to hear peoples problems. always there for them. god, i thank you for a brand new shoulder. god i thank you for a brand new rota-torcuff god, that every bit of it will be completely healed awesome! no more light duty for you brother.

it is not about a gift. it is knowing that you are a son of god. you are never condemned for not ministering. but if you are compelled by love, you will minister to people. you will not need to headlock someone into believing like you do. thank you for the fire of heaven burning in their hearts and souls lord god that they will snatch people out of that tragic life. every situation. no matter how dark it is.what kind of crowd you are in. no matter what circumstance you're in. we have to know that we are light people call it darkness. only because they don't understand that we are light.

it's all about learning who you are. looking into the word of god, and finding out what god says about you. believing it, and walking it out! if you have people that are saying things that you would never say, and doing things that you would never do. shine in such a way that grace is upon your life. it will empower you to walk out truth. in the midst of a perverse and corrupt generation their thinking is twisted. but how are they think right unless someone that thinks like heaven, with their mind set on things above and not beneath. unless they have the chance to see it. that is what they saw when they walked with jesus. if we walk like jesus. they will want his body too. the church is the body. the body of christ.

we're the fullness of him that fills everything. we need to understand who we are on this planet. jesus changed everything. so come out and be separate means this: i can go to a festival like this. with a bunch of people that are not worshiping jesus. kids that are rowdy and crashing into eachother and i can love them. because whats in me will get on them. what's on them cannot get on me. because i am filled with the love of jesus it doesn't mean that i am going to act like them jesus is clean. when he touches something. they become clean.

in the old testament the leper is dirty. we were not allowed to touch a leper. you would become unclean, and would have to go through sanctification. jesus, with the holy spirit in him comes, and makes the leper clean. i am praying for kids with shirts that say bad things... and the kids say we love you after i pray for them. their shirts to not say that though. if i go into a bar. it's never to go socialize and be like the world. it's to go in and pull people out of alcoholism. to show them the love of jesus. being among them, and being separate is different. but in the new testament. it's because of christ in you the hope of glory. with your mind set apart and on things that are above.

i have come to destroy all sense of life who cares. i have to go down there and get into the pit. or close to it. i wonder if we can get there from this side. i heard a voice speak to me and say i took those bullets for you. are you ready to live for me yet? i had no idea what it was. i was suicidal my whole life. i didn't have a reason to live. i hurt so many people

i was with my wife for nine years. with a seven and a half year old daughter. i got shot at. my wife told me that she hated me. i went to a drug rehabilitation center. i had three nights where i had encounters with jesus. face to face with jesus he said. go home and he never left me. now i travel and preach the gospel. he saved my life. i love people. he loves you ! what do you do for work? have you ever worked on cars before? i'm all dirty now. but yes, that is what i do.

that's what i heard in my heart. i promise. i am not a psychic. i am standing here beside you. and i see in my mind that you work on cars. do you have your own shop yet? no something inside of me. god told me that you desire to have your own business. let me pray for you. a couple bones in your back that are out of alignment. six of them! in your lower back? yes watch this. watch

father i thank you in jesus name for brand new bones in his lower back. now in jesus name. holy spirit, that you would give him a brand new back right now. nerves to be loosed right now. in jesus name. do me a favor. bend and touch your toes. what does that feel like? not as bad as it did before! is there any pain at all? try it one more time. any pain? love you. bless you.

i heard an amazing man of god. his name is bill johnson say: jesus is the head of the church. if we walk like jesus. they will want his body too. the church is the body. the body of christ. we are the fullness of him that fills all and all. the bible says come out from them and be separate. it's a question that a lot of christians have. many times christians think that they are going to get dirty if they are around people like that. there is nothing that has the ability to make me dirty when jesus has cleaned me from the inside out. we fit in in the kingdom. which means that we will not fit in when we are in a crowd like that.

so we should stand out and there should be something separate. if i live with my heart focused on the love of god for me and the love of god for people. when i see that as my primary focus i don't have this hesitation to be around people that are wrapped up in that lifestyle. because it has nothing to do with who i am. i need to understand who i am. so that when i walk in that place they see jesus in me. one of my prayers is that they would see you, god, inside of me. paul said " imitate me as i imitate christ." so we can be imitators of god. ephesians 5 says "therefor be imitators of god dear children, and walk in love. even as christ loved us and gave himself for us.

there is a place that we can walk and live in faith in jesus. where we can walk just like christ walked. not to take glory to ourselves. because even jesus when he walked, never took glory for himself he paid a price for me to walk and think kingdom and i need to step up to the challenge. the challenge is to deny yourself, pick up the cross and follow him. we need to understand our created value. so that we can understand other peoples created value. it's really easy to be light in the darkness. as long as you are seeing the light that god created you to be. we are sons of light. this thing is awesome. we can do this! we need to step up and be christians. and have a lifestyle of christianity.

it's about love. it's all about love. it's so good! i see someone who is always encouraging people. you have a great heart! god saved my life. i was an atheist. i hated christians then he turned me into one. now i love people. no selling anything. i just want to pray for her knee. that's all. are you alright with that? i thank you in jesus name. i thank you for a brand new knee. can you bend your knee and see what it feels like? is there any pain at all? everybody knows brokenness. everybody knows abuse. everybody knows drugs. not enough people know about jesus christ! that's right! i am so proud of you! i've had a lot of kids come up to me today.

who i do not even know. one kid named "josiah" came up to me and said : i've been watching your videos for the last year. you are the one that god saved me through. i can't believe that you are here at this show. so powerful a young man that was so full of love. but full of hate, full of anger. wanting to be done with his life his whole life. but jesus came. it's awesome! so many people determine their value by who their parents were. my mom was this way. my dad was a good dad, bad dad. my mom was a good mom, bad mom. my mom was on drugs. my mom hit me, beat me. my mom told me that she wished i was never born.

all that affects so many christians in their walk. but, when you become a christian. everything changes sometimes we are looking for affirmation we think that everyone is going to be in agreement with this new thing. but, the reality is that heaven is in agreement with your new life. the peace that you receive from being right with god is a violation to people who don't have peace with god. check it and see what it feels like? a little bit sore on the inside. but not as bad. no pressure. no just want to pray for you.

father, i thank you in jesus name for a brand new back. every bit of pain, let him go, in jesus name. check one more time. i feel nothing. love you my back is bad. jesus will heal you right now. father, i thank you in jesus name for my friend. god, i ask you to touch him right now. in the name of jesus. i thank you for two brand new bones in his back.

jesus name. thank you father. it feels different. i believe you will see amazing results. father, i thank you in the name of jesus. i thank you for a brand new wrist. for a miracle. right now in jesus name. in the name of jesus. wrist be healed. god , thank you in jesus name. back be loose. wrist be healed. in jesus name. try it again normally that hurts

it feels like a wall. in my wrist. no pressure father, i thank you in jesus name for a brand new wrist. god, i thank you that today he will see breakthrough in jesus name. i thank you for wholeness god. check it again. is it shaking? is that normal? father, i thank you in jesus name. spirit of infirmity, i command you to let his wrist go now. in jesus name in jesus name. i command you to let this go. now

do it again just hold your hand out like this it never shakes like that? and it never does this either. it's ok. your wrist is going to be healed today it is the beginning of freedom that is your microphone hand. it's not good to have a microphone hand that is frozen i can't even do a push-up god, i thank you in the name of jesus, for complete wholeness, lord god

brand new wrist, you be healed. spirit of infirmity you let go right now. in jesus name try to stretch your hand out that's more. more than you did before jesus name it's not supposed to be able to go that way i thank you for my friend. in the name of jesus, lord god, brand new in jesus name. brand new i know it is tight. but what does it feel like compared to before?

before, it would never go flat on the ground. that is awesome! i feel so at home god will come and make his home in your heart. pray with me right now. father, i thank you. that jesus is real god, i am asking you forgive me. of all of my sins come and make your home inside of me i give my heart to you are you willing?

to look beyond appearances we must realize everyone spends eternity in heaven hell you are

the answer eternity awaits this is so hard for me sometimes. because for myself it is simple. it is just a way of life many times we try to come up with what we are going to say. i honestly believe that when we see our identity in jesus when we see who christ has created us to be. when we see that we are sons and daughters of god. we are the light of the world. jesus was the light of the world. now he says that you are the light go and be the light. a light that lights up a city. a light that lights up your own house. a city on a hill.

we are here to be the light of the world. jesus came down and stepped into darkness. in him was the light of all mankind. now we have that same light. when i am in a crowd with a bunch of people that are screaming and cursing. things not for the purpose of the kingdom of god. i'm there to bring the presence of god. but it starts with each individual person. anything on the lip or the nose? are you going to get that one pierced too? my septum is stretched to it too! did you go in there? yes i use to do it. i don't anymore.

my friend. he sings in a band called "for today" he is one of my best friends in the world. i actually preach the gospel. my friend "mattie" is coming to preach with me in two weeks. i always tell people to love the person in front of them. i was standing beside that kid. he started talking to me. so i shared jesus. sometimes as christians, we comfort ourselves in being comfortable. we like to stay in places that feel comfortable. the only problem with that is that you don't need the holy spirit for that. darkness gets lit up by light. if you don't know who you are. you will put a cover on your light.

if you are the only one at your work that knows you are a christian. you might have a cover on your light. if you see your righteousness with god. you will not care who says anything about you. because you will know the truth. the truth will set you free we can represent jesus whether we are in an airplane, a mall, or a grocery store. or at a concert. the boldness to represent the king of glory. who paid the price to set us free from ourselves. so that we can boldly proclaim the truth. of who he is. and who he created us to be. i love being able to preach and share the truth.

but, i love people. i love to be around people who do not love me back. because that was me. i was a man who hated everyone. i was in the world. people would approach me and i would think : how will they benefit? what do they want? there was always something attached to the gospel. something they wanted out of it. the only reason you did that for me was for what you can get out of me. so what do you want? that's how that world thinks. everyone is expecting it. we've been trained by the devil to say : i love you. now what are you going to give me back in return? we do something for someone in expectation that they will give us something in return. that is not love.

love is not like that. love does something with no expectation of return. people say : that's not fair. if you want fair : go to hell church. if you want fair, go to hell. because that is what we all deserve. we all deserve eternal separation from god forever. but, god had mercy and loved the world that he gave. he didn't take he gave everything! that is what love does. why do we bless people? because that is what love does. i honestly believe that when we see our identity in jesus. when we see who christ has created us to be.

when we see that we are sons and daughters of god. you are the light of the world. jesus was the light of the world. now you are the light. go and be the light. a light that lights up his own city. a light that lights up his own house. jesus stepped into darkness. in him was the light of all men. now in us is that same light. i want to share a story about my life. can i tell you my story? when i was young. when i was eleven years old my mom and dad had a divorce. i started partying. i became addicted to drugs at twelve years old. when i joined the marines. i had the most serious authority problem. i was addicted to cocaine, marijuana, and every other kind of drug i could find. i was trying to make my mind think different than it was thinking.

has anyone ever had that happen? at the beginning of my life. at 19 years old. i had already been extradited twice across america . i had 14 thousand dollars in court costs. i began to think about suicide. i began to think of killing myself. has anyone ever thought of taking their life? how many people are tired of life. and want to be finished with it? how many people think : i am not good at anything. i am going to live how i want today. but tonight might be the night that i am done with everything. i went to the gun cabinet to get a rifle to shoot myself. it was my last day. on the way to the gun cabinet. i stopped by a phone book on the way. i flipped it open. it opened to churches. i'm not a church man. i have never been in church. i there was nothing about the church that i wanted in my life.

i thought it was about people who were selfish and about themselves. i saw people who were hiding in a building. i didn't know what love was. i didn't know what hope was. i didn't know what grace was. i didn't know what mercy was. so i could not show it. i thought love was how someone made me feel. but, this was different. todd was the worst person, the angriest person. the hater of haters. people are dead because of me, my drug addictions. people are wounded. i wreaked everyone's life. but, god said : i love you. i said : you can't love me? he said: i love you! god is not mad at anyone out there. he is hope. he is amazing. and he loves you all so much. but i am not talking about religious bondage. that hurts people.

jesus never hurt anyone. he loves you all so much. he loves you so much! god wants to give you peace. if you want to have peace, right now. raise your hand. if you want to know the love of god. and you want all the junk thrown out of your life. all the trash. all the hatred, all the anger, all the hopelessness, all the depression? i asking you to lift your hands and surrender to jesus right now. be bold with me right now! be bold with me. don't be afraid. stop letting life crush you and beat you up. you are all amazing! god isn't asking you to give up anything except something that you were never created to be. god did not create you for yourself. he created you for him.

are you ready? pray with me right now! lord god. i don't know you. but, i want to. i want to know what love is. i want a love relationship i want to know the father. forgive me of all of my sins.

i say "yes" to you and "no" to hopelessness. i say "yes" to you and "no" to anger opportunities are passing us by people are dying all around us are you willing to share

jesus rise up fearless unashamed of the gospel is coming back your final lap is almost up now

is your time to awaken to your created purpose run your race with passion to love your neighbor ?

if you have a problem with your shoulder, raise your hand. watch this. father, i thank you in the name of jesus for brand new shoulders right now. in jesus name. god, i thank you for brand new backs right now. shoulders and necks. in the name of jesus. right now! check your shoulder right now. check it. i promise that it is gone. wave your hand if it is gone. this is no joke. this is for real. father, i thank you, in the name of jesus, for everyone's back that is hurting right now. in the name of jesus thank you for brand new knees.

new knees. new backs. new wrists. i want everyone in here to check your body for any kind of pain that you had. it doesn't matter if we called it out. just check it. if it is gone. wave both hands in the air. i thank you for no more migraine headaches in jesus name. thank you for every neck being healed. shoulder. heart. lungs. hips, kidneys, livers. in jesus name! new! jesus!

is that all you got? louder! so this lifestyle. is really amazing. this love relationship that jesus paid a price for us to have. all we have to do is believe we don't need to receive honor from people we are sons and daughters of the king you are light in the darkness you are an opportunity for someone to see what it looks like for jesus to walk by. if there is one thing that i could convey. is that you would dive into a deeper relationship with your father. realize that if i can do it. anyone can.

god says "knock" and the door will be opened. "ask" and you will recieve. "seek" and you will find. he wants you to see who you are. see your created value. so when you are working, you look like jesus. god wants you to love people who don't know how to love you back. god wants you to pray for those who spitefully use you. god wants you to know that you are blessed when you are persecuted. we get to live in the world. but not be like it. we get to consider it joy when we go through tribulation. because we believe that jesus overcame the devil. when everyone else is panicking. we are not in crisis. we are with christ.

when tribulation comes against you. you understand who you are and what is against you. if you see the light that you have. you will destroy hell everyday. you will make the devil wish that he never touched you. you have to represent him. you have to love god. you have to know that you are loved by him. be passionate about god. god loved us. that is why he endured the cross. we are heavens joy. god has never abandoned us. he is with us! pursue god. know who he is. god is wondering if you are going to represent him? filmed and edited by "robert gervais"

this film was made possible by the partners of lifestyle christianity

asking alexandria band merch

asking alexandria band merch

are you a sharks fan? yeah. alright. yeah, i'm the lone one. fair enough, you can be in this interviewwith me then. we can just talk about the sharks. we can talk about hockey the whole time. that's probably what i know most about anyways. yeah. my name is kelen capener and i playbass in the story so far

this is a pretty actually interestingstory with how i met our guitarist will a long time ago. we both had, less than jake t-shirts. it was this red t-shirt. i think it hadthe little pez guy on it. and it was kind of like a conversation starter. i'm sure we got those shirts from hot topic back in the day kyle's doing alright. last time, uh, you guysgot an interview from the story so far, was actually from my, my step brother,kyle. 'sup? my name is kyle. i'm, uh, kelen's brother who plays in the story so far,

but i'm his brother. i haven't talked to him in a long time. he kinda, he was kind of disowned from, uh, from the family, but. if you're not familiar, he's kind of like a... he's got his issues and, uh, he's often drunk and foundpassed out at frat parties. we just did brazil, which is fun. we never played there but it was it wasreally fun. i like, i like going out there and just kind of like, the culture'svery different and just like it's one of those places you know when you goto england it still similar to the us this is one of those places that is so far outthere like it's everything is new

we always hear that the bootleg merchsouth of the border is always incredible did you see any cool bootlegs? i was hoping so, but wedidn't really see that much there was only one show where they had it kind of hung out like a clothesline. they recreated it pretty well like they hadthe shirts that we have in store with you guys there and it was, uh, prettyspot-on. honestly the the quality might have been better then then you guysproduce so i don't know maybe you should give them a call.

Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

asking alexandria band members

asking alexandria band members

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ remember the moment youleft me alone and ♪ ♪ broke every promiseyou ever made ♪ ♪ i was an ocean, lostin the open ♪ ♪ nothing couldtake the pain away ♪ ♪ so you can throwme to the wolves ♪ ♪ tomorrow i will come backleader of the whole pack ♪ ♪ beat me black and blue ♪ ♪ every wound will shape meevery scar will build my ♪

♪ throne ♪ ♪ the sticks and the stones thatyou used to throw have ♪ ♪ built me an empireso don't even try ♪ ♪ to cry me a rivercause i forgive you ♪ ♪ you are the reasoni still fight ♪ ♪ so you can throw meto the wolves ♪ ♪ tomorrow i will comeback leader of the whole pack ♪ ♪ every wound willshape me every scarwill build my throne ♪ ♪ i'll leave you choking onevery word you left unspoken ♪

♪ rebuild all that you'vebroken and now you know ♪ ♪ rebuild all thatyou've broken ♪ ♪ and now you know ♪ ♪ every wound will shapeme every scar will build my ♪ (music ends)

asking alexandria bag

asking alexandria bag

hi everybody welcome to another episode of exploring photography right here on adoramatv, i'm mark wallace. well about a year and a half ago i did a series on the exposure triangle, understanding the iso, the shutter and the aperture value, and how those all relate to each other and a lot of people have written in and said; "can you please just give us an

example of you putting that into practice" and so that's what we're going to do today. so i am in pretoria, south africa i'm going to be walking the streets, shooting some street photography. maybe doing a portrait here and there, but the key to this episode is explaining my thought process. why am i using a certain aperture? why am i using a certain iso

value? or why am i using a certain shutter speed? and how do all those things relate? and so we're going to do that by me just walking taking pictures and explaining it as i go. so join me as we do this in this video today. alright we're going to start by using the simplest setup possible. we have lots of light here

and so what i'm doing is i have my aperture set to f/8. that is the sharpest that this lens is going to be. so really, really, crystal clear. if you're not sure what the sharpest aperture value of your lens is where you can google it or look at the adorama learning center, we've probably had some discussions about that,

but it's going to be around f/8 around to maybe, to f/11 something like that. i have my iso at 200 because we have lots of light. i don't need to have that cranked up, so it's going to keep everything nice and noise free. as far as the shutter is concerned, well i'm shooting in aperture priority mode. in other words, i've set this to f/8 iso 200 the cameras going to

figure out the shutter speed, because we know we have a lot of light, it's going to be nice and fast, so i can shoot handheld and i'm sitting with the 21mm lens, which is perfect for street photography, because almost everything is going to be in focus. i can almost just point and shoot and take some great shots.

so behind me we've a lot of construction. we got a lot of people working. we've got a lot of activity. so we're going to walk around and shoot with these settings. this is gertrude, we just met her on the street. she said we could take pictures. i think she sort of likes me.

oh i love you darling. thank you. i just love you darling [unintelligible singing]... okay and you don’t know the story i think she was then the double pawn. i think my husband will say, “why, why, why?” so i said, “because you are not part of the story darling.”

i'll just talk just a second about gertrude, so she just walked up and said "hello" on the street and engaged with us and what a fantastic conversation, but in that situation that's when understanding the exposure triangle really comes into play, because i wanted to get a good shot of her but everything was all wacky. we had this

really strong back light. the first shots i was taking were under exposed because the camera was metering for the background, and so i didn't have a chance to fumble with my camera as i was having a conversation with her, so i quickly peaked at my histogram and the image on the back of the screen and i could tell that things were right and so as she was

talking, i took a picture of her feet and that gave me a proper exposure because it was in the shade, then i adjusted my camera manually to the proper settings, and then i was able to shoot and get some shots of her face and everything was all correct. "zinc, zinc, twilight..." so still iso 200, still, i think i was at

f/8 and then the shutter speed. i don't remember what it is, but i will show it right here, so you know what i was shooting at, but that's the kind of thing understanding the exposure triangle will help you with, is understanding what to do when things aren't going right and i think these shots are really fun and i really had fun hanging out with gertrude.

okay well in this situation what i'm doing is, we have sort of this busy shopping center with lots of hustle and bustle, and people buying things, and eating and so motion is the thing that's important to me. so what i've done is i've set my camera to a really small aperture value. its an aperture value of f/16 and that's going to restrict the light

and force my shutter speed to be really long so i'm shooting at a shutter speed of a 1/4 of a second, 1/4s at iso 200 and that's going to blur everything that's moving but because my camera is on a tripod, anything that's not moving; like the ground and the environment is going to be perfectly still,

and that'll give us that sense of motion. so slow shutter speed, low iso, closed down aperture, almost everything is going to be in focus and now we can see that we have this sort of hustle and bustle scene and it works just fine. so in this shot odette is joining us. you might remember her from previous episodes

of exploring photography. so thanks for popping in for this. we are really in a dark environment, right now. it's really, really low light. we have the gain turned up on the video camera, so it might not look like that. so what settings do i use? well what i'm going to do is we're going to shoot against this brick wall. we're going to do a black and white exposure

here, to be sort of really nice and contrasting. so what i'm going to do here is i'm going to start at an aperture value of f/2.8. that's going to let in a lot of light. i'm an iso 200. that's my base iso. when i try to take this shot. so you stand right there. i look and i see that, oh my gosh i'm

at 1/8th of a second. that is really slow so i'm going to have some problems with camera shake. so the next thing i'm going to do is at an 1/8th of a second, i know i really need to crank up my iso, so i'm changing my iso from 200 all the way up to 800. on this camera it doesn't do really well above iso 800, so i'm stopping they're.

now i'm going to check and see what my shutter speed is to see if i can shoot handheld. so we're going to look again and now i'm seeing that my shutter speed is about 1/30th of a second, which is still going to be a little bit shaky so what can i do my iso is increased my aperture is open luckily i have a lens that goes from f/2.8

all the way to f/1.4 that's a full stop that's going to allow me to shoot handheld and because we have that nice shallow depth of field against this, it doesn't really matter how much is in focus, as long as i focus on the eyes. so iso 800 for the low light. aperture at f/1.4 also because of low light and now

we're going to shoot. are you ready? okay, let's begin, beautiful, i love those eyes. right well, i think these shots worked really great. thank you so much for popping in and helping us with this video, but we have other shots to take so we're going to leave you and do that right now

jimmy and floyd, jimmy and floyd, jimmy and floyd i'm going to take one more picture of you guys okay we're going to film is that alright? alright jimmy and floyd are going to let me take pictures, so i'm shooting this f/2, shallow depth of field we're sort of in low light here. that's going to work out my 35mm lens. give me your best jimmy and floyd expression.

what i'm going to do now is, there's some construction behind me ,you can see these guys working. i want to maybe get a couple of shots from them, but i want to isolate the workers and so i'm going to use a shallow depth of field, which requires a wide open aperture. this is a 50mm lens, so it's not going to be two shallow at distance. so i'm going to go all the

way to f/1.4 that's wide open that means i need to have my iso as low as possible with all this light, and that's going to make my shutter speed really, really fast. that'll freeze the motion so i'm going to shoot these guys back here and we'll show you what we get. can i take your picture? yeah? fantastic. ammous. this is ammous. ammous.

what is it? ammous ammous, alright thank you this was awesome. alright well i think we've shot enough to illustrate the point of how the exposure triangle works. remember; if you're thinking about motion, you're thinking about the shutter speed. a slow shutter speed shows motion, like we shot

in that busy little market there. fast shutter speed is going to freeze motion. if you're concerned about depth of field, how much is in focus? wide open aperture with a long lens is going to give you shallow depth of field, like we shot with construction workers or a nice short lens 21mm, like i used for the

street photography is going to have everything in focus with an aperture value about f/8 so if you're concerned about depth of field, think aperture first, but if you're in low light, then you're going to start thinking about your iso, to bring that up so that you can capture that low light as best as

possible. once you start playing with this you'll see that it works every single time you just need to practice, practice, practice and you'll see that all of these things start to relate automatically in your brain and you'll be able to adjust very, very quickly. thank you so much for joining me for this episode of exploring photography.

don't forget to subscribe to adoramatv it's absolutely free, so click the button and subscribe right now. thanks for joining me and i'll see you again next time.

asking alexandria atlanta

asking alexandria atlanta

om nom stories

asking alexandria art

asking alexandria art

egypt – one glance is enough to understand the diversity of civilisations that coexisted here. here, pharaonic, greek, roman and islamic civilisations can be found. but egypt is also home to early christians. their history dates back to ancient times. a museum - unique in the oriental world - can tell the epic history of these early christians: the coptic museum in cairo. forgetten treasures around the mediterranean the coptic museum in cairo / egypt after cleopatraâ´s death in 33 a.d., the romans occupy the country.

7 million men and women live in egypt, the heirs of the era of the pyramids. did their culture, art and religion perish together with the pharaohs? or did they stay alive? and what became of this people? “my name is anianus. i was born in ancient egypt and i can tell you our story. yes, our pharaohs died, but we, the coptic people, have survived. and no, we did not give up our gods. everything starts with the year 0 of our time reckoning. my profession is shoe-maker, a shoe-maker like all the others, until one day my life changes completely.

greeks and romans rule over our country and the nile valley. they try to impose their gods on us, but we remain faithful to amun-re, isis and osiris.” although the copts reject all foreign gods systematically, they start accepting christian faith when it gets announced in egypt. what is it about this new faith that people begin to abjure their former gods? “80 years have passed since the death of cleopatra. i work in my shop like every day, when a man enters. he says his name is mark and that he came from far away, and must repair his sandals. when i ask him where he comes from, he tells me incredible news: that a new pharaoh has arrived to save us.

his name is christ. i listen to this mark. i believe him. he baptises me, here in my workshop, and i become the first christian in egypt.” 12 years after the death of christ, saint mark [the evangelist] arrives in egypt. “i, anianus, the humble shoe-maker, become a disciple of mark. together we start announcing the gospel to the coptic people.” the news about this god who became human spread like wildfire along the nile valley, and down to the southern provinces.

there, near the city of aswan, a temple dedicated to the goddess of isis continues to defy time. “mark said that christ raise from the dead. with our sun god amun-re who rises day after day in his sun boat, we also believe in the rebirth of the souls. for all initiates, the first christians engraved the cross of their new religion into the stones and the pillars of this temple. here were once the pharaonic priests had worshipped the ancient gods, in the first century ad the egyptians established the first christian chapel we know in egypt. “we used to revere isis. the wife of osiris gave birth to godâ´s son horus, to who she gives eternal milk. in our eyes, mary, mother of christ, is another incarnation of our goddess isis. both are breastfeeding their respective child and godâ´s son.

and slowly we start painting and worshipping the image of the virgin who breastfeeds jesus. when he grows up, godâ´s child horus takes on the form of a falcon. through him, the pharaohs receive their divine power. jesus christ as well is at the same time a divine and a human child.” in the coptic museum, other pieces of evidence can prove how many bridges have been built between the pharaonic cults and christian belief. “we abandon mummification. instead, just like in pharaonic times, we put images of our deceased upon their graves. when the soul resurrects, it must be able to recognise its body, to take it to eternal life. with time, our ancient egyptian cross, the â´ankhâ´ cross [=the sign of life],

becomes more and more similar to the cross on which jesus was crucified by the romans.” between the 1st and 4th century, the coptic cross develops, including its symbolism it shows until today: four equal arms ending in four triangles. each triangle symbolises the â´holy trinityâ´ of father, son and holy spirit. between the four arms there are four points for the four evangelists. 3 multiplied by 4 are 12, like the 12 disciples. on the tomb stones, anubis with the jackal head remains, the god of death, the most surprising remainder of pharaonic gods. the jackal god ruling over the hereafter weighs the souls of the deceased,

to send them on the road to resurrection or into damnation. anubis can be found on tombstones from the era between 1st and 6th century. until middle age, its form is changing. during the morphing of one belief into the other, the pharaonic demigods are gradually replaced by [christian] saints, angels and archangels. the wings of the vulture and of other divine birds of prey slowly become angel wings. “while overtaking a new religion, we also change our depiction of the world." coptic art changes. the pharaonic style shows faces in profiles, but the greco-roman in front. the gradual mixing of these two influences coins a new aesthetics,

leading to the development of coptic art. “after the exaggeratedly elongated eyes of our pharaonic profiles, we now start depicting very open eyes. this way we express our desire to open our souls toward god and the mysteries of the hereafter. besides the one god and among his many saints, some characters of the greco-roman pantheon continue to live on, like aphrodite. this goddess of femininity, beauty and love was born out of a shell in the ocean, as a symbol of birth and resurrection, just like isis who was born out of the waters of the nile. “out of this shell we will make one of the most continuous symbols for birth and resurrection.

in all our churches, the stoup has the form of a shell, and adorns our faã§ades.” today, the coptic descendants of the first christians constitute 10 percent of the 85 million inhabitants of modern egypt. every tenth egyptian is a coptic christian. a community that is united by its foundation myths. one of the touching myths is the flight of the holy family into egypt [from palestine]. in a distance of 200 metres from the coptic museum, a small chapel is hidden under a church. it lies 14 metres below the modern city, on the city level 2,000 years ago, at the time of jesus. “one nice day, mark led me through the alleys to this point, and tells me a story.

mary, joseph and their baby child jesus lived here during that time, he says. the people of the quarter still remember their stay. this used to be a cave, and later we changed it into a chapel.” when jesus is born, herod the great, king of judaea, fears to lose his throne [because of the three magi asking him where to find the â´newborn king of the jewsâ´]. so he initiates the killing of all male newborn babies in his kingdom. to protect their child, joseph and mary escape and find a refuge here in egypt. 2,000 years later, the copts are still praying in this grotto. itâ´s said that in their songs, even today we can hear the melodies and elegies that were chanted in the times of the pharaohs. “one cursed day, a raging crowd rushes in to get our master, saint mark. they put a rope around his neck and drag him through the streets for two days.

this is the beginning of endless prosecutions [of the christians]. a tragic time; we call it the era of the martyrs. our first woman martyr is saint barbara. against the will of her family, she converts to christian faith. her father jails her into a tower. but she declines to renounce her belief in christ. thereupon, the father beheads his own daughter.” the christians donâ´t become weaker. finally the romans know no other remedy than expelling them from the cities. far away in the south, in the desert and the temples of upper egypt, the romans commit a systematic massacre. “one of the most disastrous places the romans force us to go is this temple in kom ombo.

here they throw us into deep wells connected to the nile, where crocodiles are waiting to devour us, by the dozens, - men, women and children. those who manage to escape go into hiding in the graves of the valley of the kings, as if our ancient pharaohs were still able to protect them. between the hieroglyphs of our ancestors they write down the misery of our martyrdom. even hidden under the earth, they manage to consecrate an altar, to put up the sign of the cross, and to minister church services.” in the tomb of ramses iv., petitions by christian refugees overlay hieroglyphs from the â´book of the deadâ´. the christians write in their traditional language, but in red letters,

as if written with blood. “after the death of saint mark, i become patriarch, the first pope of our [coptic] church. i have only little time to save our brothers and their souls. so i organise them in small groups and send them into the desert, where i give them two missions: surviving and propagating.” within only a few decades, as anchorites many men and women search refuge in solitude and prayers. itâ´s the beginning of the first desert monasteries. theyâ´ve been existing for almost 1,800 years now. “our first eremites not only wanted to escape from the noise of the world, but also wanted to make a journey,

a journey without moving, on a road to christ. our first desert hermit is paul of thebes, born in 228, who lives in a cave for 81 years in the eastern desert, near the red sea. in a night full of dreams, antonius, another eremite, has a vision where god informs him about paulâ´s existence. on the next day, antonius crosses the mountains, guided by a raven with a loaf of bread in its bill. the two anchorites are supposed to feed off this bread.” when paul dies at the age of 118, antonius buries him here in the grotto, under grey-marbled altar. out of the desert, two lions arrive and help him digging the grave with their strong claws.“ “our father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. amen.” “but not all our monasteries defy the ravages of time. our faith never gets weak in fact, but from time to time the bedouins from the desert or the heathens succeed in tearing down our walls.” in the coptic museum, an entire room is dedicated to the remainders of a monastery which was destroyed in the 18th century: the monastery of saint jeremiah. “for this monastery, our artists work with a clay that resembles the clay of pharaoh djoser,

the way it was found in his pyramid 3,000 years before christ. only the decoration with shells and our cross make our clay different from the pharaonic one. in 312, our emperor constantine converts. rome becomes christian, and the persecutions finally come to an end.” with the freedom to practise their religion, the copts regain the freedom to write as well. since administration needs a common and practical language, the greek language gets established. the copts are still speaking their language, but to write it down, the writers turn away from hieroglyphs and develop a new, more universal language. they start with the greek alphabet and add seven coptic characters, to depict seven phonemes which only exist in their ancient language. “papyrus is expensive. for writing, we use everything we can get:

shoulder blades of cattle, shards of broken amphorae, stones, gypsum or bricks.” “i, aurelius colutus, tired of fighting against my body, and fearing to leave life suddenly and unexpectedly, write down the following testament...” “dear husband, in your absence your children are growing. they get taller and wiser. when will your business allow you to return to us, so that you can see how they look?” -“so, do you have news about fatherâ´s health?” -“taylor, here are the motifs i want to have embroidered onto the cloth.” -“look at this dates thief! we caught him stealing the fruits from the tree.

he got so scared that he fell off the tree.” „now we can live our faith in freedom, and we start building churches. to attain an optimum height, our cairo cathedral is built on a gate house of the roman citadel.” this first cathedral is so tall and delicate that itâ´s later called the â´hanging churchâ´. because the coptic architects – apt heirs of the master architects of the pyramids – erect this church upon ancient walls, they build this church from simple pillars, gypsum arches and a very lightweight woodwork. “our artisans still own the know-how of ancient egypt. they perfectly know how to work with cloth, wood, stones and ivory.” the copts become masters of an art that is typical for their people: the production of cloths and embroideries.

“on the countryside, our farmers show their joy of working by making music. camels are loaded with grapes that promise a lot of wonderful wine.” in 641, general amr ibn al-as – a companion of the prophet muhammad – conquers egypt. “with the arab muslims, we finally get rid of the romans. their [muslim] religion is very similar to ours. there is one god, and one holy book.” an era of exchange between copts and arabs begins. one of the first actions of the muslims is the renovation of the hanging churchâ´s faã§ade. while the arabic language becomes prevalent, the copts transfer all their texts into this new language. “our oldest manuscripts, long time preserved in the depths of our monasteries, now return to the light.

our writers copy them patiently into arabic language, just like our psalms and bibles. left coptic, right arabic.” this way, millennia of knowledge pass from ancient into modern times. “i died on a day in the year 82 ad, and was buried next to saint mark. another patriarch took my position, and since then, my life story is entwined with the story of my people. now that youâ´ve heard my story, you know that we copts – the descendants of the pharaohs – are not a forgotten people. our church may seem lost in the middle east, but itâ´s not only a small sister of the western churches, but one of the mothers of christianity.”

asking alexandria argentina

asking alexandria argentina

♪♪♪ ♪ nothing left,now i'm feeling numb ♪ ♪ and just like you, icouldn't love someone ♪ ♪ there is noone, i can belong to ♪ ♪ take you out, neverbring you back again, ♪ ♪ back again, back again ♪ ♪ can't recall how welost our innocence, ♪ ♪ innocence, (innocence) ♪ ♪ nothing in thecage of my ribcage ♪

♪ got no heart tobreak, like it that way ♪ ♪ emptiness issafe, keep it that way ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ohoh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ohoh oh oh ♪ ♪ on the path ofnever leading home ♪ ♪ cut it out frommy flesh and bone ♪ ♪ and i feel like, ican't see anything ♪ ♪ take you out, neverbring you back again ♪ ♪ can't recall howwe lost our innocence ♪

♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ used to be, i had light ♪ ♪ i had fire in my chest ♪ ♪ oh, but now i'm all out ♪ ♪ and i've got nothing left ♪

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

asking alexandria apparel

asking alexandria apparel

♪ (punk rock music) ♪ (ambient jungle noises) (gasps loudly) is this... (squealing and chuckling) yes! queen! oh, is this "anaconda"? i really hope this is the fart parody. (laughing) no, this is not happening. so this is happening. i'm censoring this for myself.

- ♪ unless you got buns, hon ♪- mm-mm. ♪ boy toy named troy ♪ my name is in this though--"a boy toy named troy." me and all my friends, when we saw this, we were just like, "whaaat?" ♪ ...palace, bought me alexander mcqueen ♪ i have no idea what to think about this. ♪ real, real, real ♪ bananas on a turntable,'cause that makes so much sense.

people always talk about this video. i've been trying to avoidwatching it for a reason. oh my god. i don't feel comfortablewatching this with anyone except myself. ♪ by the way, what he say? ♪ ♪ he can tell i ain't missing no meals ♪ ♪ come through and [bleep] 'emin my automobile ♪ ew, stop! why are you-- this is-- no! (sarcastically) wow, that was such subtle

advertisement placement. ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪ - (mouths along)- ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪ (sings along) ♪ my anacondadon't want none ♪ - ♪ unless you got buns, hon ♪- (school bell rings) mom, i'm censoring myself. - (mouths along)- ♪ look at her butt ♪ it's not her real butt.no one's butt can be that big. i never made it this farinto the video, so...

- (chuckles)- ♪ look at her butt ♪ - ♪ look at, look at, look at ♪- this song is great. ♪ this dude named michael ♪ yeah, this is totally how people work out. ♪ ...bigger than a tower,i ain't talking about eiffel's ♪ see, kids shouldn't be hearingthat one lyric right there. apparently i'm working out wrong,because apparently you're supposed to wearless clothes when you work out. ever since this video came out,the world has been changed.

like, this is all anyone talks about. ♪ look at her butt ♪ ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪it's so catchy though. - ♪ ...don't want none ♪- ew. wait, was that the guywho sang, "i like big butts"? this is different than kids react.i was watching frozen things. now i'm watching nicki minaj butt-naked. - ♪ yeah ♪- oh, drake. ♪ he love this fat ass ♪

(minaj laughs maniacally) what was that? - (imitates laughter)- ♪ this one is for my bitches ♪ ♪ with a fat ass in the [bleep] club ♪ i don't even know whythis part is even necessary. some people havethe rolling stones and the beatles. we have "anaconda" and nicki minaj. ♪ [bleep] you if youskinny bitches, what? kyuh! ♪ i'm a skinny bitch.

♪ i got a big fat ass (echoing) ♪ it's pretty well known, nicki.you don't need to tell us. i should have brought holy water today. (laughing) oh my god. ew, too much ass. stop. (chuckles) drake, have you no shame? i'm overwhelmed. i'm overwhelmed. that brought me a lot of joyright there, heh-heh-heh. was it absolutely necessary?you couldn't find anything else?

butts became so big this year. like, literally. (finebros) so what do you thinkof nicki minaj's new song - and music video?- i can't lie. it's very catchy. it's amazing... for obvious reasons. i will say i enjoyed it a little bit. it's a thing that most peoplemy age that are guys would like. there's only one word thatcan describe that video truly, and that is "booty."

so much booty. it's gross. like, it's all just ass. i think it's portraying womenin a really sexist way. it sounds like every otherpop song out there, except for sir mix-a-lot.i like him a lot. at least it goes with the song.it's not just something random. it actually correlates withwhat the song is about. - (finebros) what is this song about?- butts? an anaconda isn't a snake.(cracking up) that's all i know,

and i don't want to really say it. "my [bleep] don't want itunless you got a booty." no one's going to find yousexually appealing if you do not have a big butt. maybe it's a feminist songabout women being in power. (finebros) we have some lyricsthat we'd love for you - to read for us.- fantastic. let's do it. (gasps) "this dude named michaelused to ride motorcycles."

(laughing) this next line. "[bleep] bigger than a tower..."i highly doubt that. "i ain't talkin' about eiffel's." "real country..." blank, blank. "real country ass--" i'm not gonna-- i don't feel comfortable saying that word. "...let me play with his rifle."(laughs) oh my god. "now that bang bang bang. i let him hit it 'cause he slang cocaine."

always a great life choice when the reason you're sleeping with someoneis because they're a drug dealer. "he toss my salad like his name romaine." (bursts out laughing) (cracking up) "he toss my saladlike his name is romaine." that's disgusting! that one's clever, okay?i will give nicki minaj or whoever her writers are that one. it'd be nice if they were this cleverwith a positive message.

my church isn't gonna behappy about this. (cracks up) (finebros) a lot of womenand younger girls not only like her music butalso are inspired by her story, because she's this famous femalerapper who came from nothing. is it okay for her to make a video like this when she has that kindof influence on people? yes. just because people look up to you doesn't mean that you shouldhave to censor yourself

to be what people thinkthat you need to be. she's always been like that, so why would you"controversial" about that now? from coming from nothingto being this big-- like, she's one of the biggestrappers in the world, and she's a girl. showing herself as this character, i don't think it'd be goodin the long run. it's not an okay song to put on the radio,

'cause she's talking aboutreally explicit things. even though they might blur things out, kids are still gonnawatch the music video. what are girls gonna thinkwhen they see this if they want to aspire to bea rapper in the industry? that they have to be naked and make songs just abouttwerking to be successful? (finebros) what do you thinkit does to society when so many female celebritiesdo things like this,

when males are rarely portrayed that way? yeah. it's-- oh. ooh. ouch, that hit a nerve. it kinda bothers in a sense to think, why haven't i thought about this? for me, it's normal now, which also says somethingabout our society, that it is normal for a 14-year-old girlto see nicki minaj do that and be like, "oh, that's normal."

it just makes it even more okayfor everybody else to bring in girls anddo that kind of stuff. i can't even think of a woman who has ever not taken off her clothesto become more famous. magazine covers,you see women in their bikinis. and then you see menin suits, fully clothed. and it's-- what is going on here? how many boobs do you see in movies? but how many [bleep]do you see? like, none.

the only time you seea penis on game of thrones is when they're about to die,and you see boobs all the time. is that fair? no. is it preferred? maybe. there are glimmers of hope here and there where they have a strongfemale protagonist. and it's really interesting. i don't know if you guysheard of the legend of korra. it's, like, a great show.

(finebros) the flip-sideto some of this controversy is people claim that this videois a form of feminism. what? (finebros) it's empowerment. they're flaunting 'cause they want to, and they can do what they want.what is your thoughts on that? it makes sense. like,i can't say that that's wrong. i just don't think that waywas the right way to show that. from a guy's perspective,

it just looks like you'retrying to get attention. it's a yes-and-no question. she's putting herself out there in ways to expose herself the way she wants to, and she's expressing herself.but at the same time she's not, because she's oversexualizedand she's objectified. it's empowering,but it's objectifying. pick one. (finebros) the term"rape culture" has been used to describe our society,saying that we don't even realize

that we're surrounded withthe objectification of women across society, including the media, which some say leads tothe mistreatment of women. it's so true. like, i hate it. i've done some researchabout ads and media oversexualizing women,and it's all very subconscious. we do have thosepreconceptions about women, because it's what we getas an influence when we're young. men think it's just normal to have sex.

how about you teach young men and boys to learn how to respect women? i almost feel like it isbecause of these music videos and culture that shows howthese women have no clothes on. and it just makes men feel likethey're entitled to that body, because they see it all the time. the guys in my grade are, like-- a lot of the times whenthey have a relationship, they always, like, be like, "send nudes.

send nudes 'cause you have to,'cause i'm your boyfriend." when they see something like that, they're probably gonna be like,"oh, if drake can do that, then i can ask for some girl to do it too, because i'm just like drake." we allow it to be mainstreambecause we tend to like it so much, i mean, especially when itcomes to this close-to-nudity. we're allowing it to the extentthat it makes it so okay, when it shouldn't be as okay as it is.

(finebros) so back to the video itself, some people think all thiscontroversy is a big overreaction, because the video is just fun - and it's supposed to be a funny song.- it makes sense. i'll be honest, the first time i heard it, i was hysterically laughing. i feel like people justoverreact over nothing. i guess, but i think there are better ways she could've maybe gone about it.

i feel like if she didn'tgive the lap dance, it would be kind of that sort of idea. all the other times,there was no guys, right? in the music video, it was all girls? they're just thinking,"oh, this is fun. i'm getting views. this is becoming more popular. awesome." but they're not really realizing that guys are stilltreating women as objects. (finebros) so finally,all this being said, yes or no--

is this video appropriate or notfor nicki minaj to have made? no. i think it was appropriate. (chuckling) no. for her, yeah, why not? - no.- no. i don't think that it wouldbe correct to tell her not to make stuff like that. no, she shouldn't have.

yeah, because it's nicki minaj. she's always been like that. please, nicki, (chortles) change.don't let vaatu in. no, it's not okay, just becausei feel like it's just too much. as much as i enjoyed it,it's just too much. thanks for watchingthis episode of teens react. if you want to watch bonusfootage from this episode, make sure to check it outon the react channel. my anaconda don't want none,unless you got a personality.
