what is up everybody and welcome to rock gameryou're number one stop for all things rock band 4, guitar hero live and amplitude relatedand just like last week i'm just showing myself playing my rock band 4 drum kit. this is whati use when i play rock band and the song you see me playing is still into you by paramorewhich is one of the 11 new songs announced and we had an interesting week. we had songannouncements for both games this week and lets start with the 11 songs that were announcedfor rock band 4. now we had 11 songs and this was probably the best song announcement they'vehad to date for the game. so we had aerosmith toys in the attic the cure friday i'm in love,dream theatre metropolis part 1 the miracle and the sleeper foo fighters feast and thefamine judas priest halls of valhalla live
all over you the outfield your love ozzy osbournemiracle man paramore still into you st. vincent birth in reverse and van morrison with browneyed girl then along with the new song announcement we also saw a new trailer being released whichyou see here it shows an updated build of the game with the notes looking more likegems and looking more colourful i've also noticed that the background looks a lot darkerand more red like you see on the front cover of the game and i've also noticed that wedo see the new drum fill system in action and there's also something called band bonusthat was shown off in the trailer as well. harmonix has also said that the final gamemay look a lot different than what you even see in the new trailer so it's still a workin progress. turning now to guitar hero live
news track list tuesday returned this pastweek and we had an announcement of another 9 or 10 songs. the songs include one repubiiccounting stars paramore now the mowgli's san francisco cypress hill featuring tom morellorise up asking alexandria the final episode the vines metal zone wolf alice moaning lisasmile disturbed down with the sickness tv on the radio lazerray foster the people comingof age. in other guitar hero live news we learned this week that if you pre-order fromgamestop in the us you'll get 1 month free trail of pandora's music streaming servicewe also learned this week that there's two new gameplay footage from san diego's comiccon of people playing expert gameplay of pierce the veil song and fall out boy song my songsknow what you did in the dark so you guys
can click the link in the description boxbelow to watch those big thanks to elliot for notifying me about the news and for thoseof you who missed our podcast this week there's a brand new rock band 4 and guitar hero livepodcast with special guest elliot from the riff repeater and the hero feed so make sureyou guys check that out and to close off our episode with something new this week fromnow on i want to talk about the amazon sales rankings of these games so the ps4 rock band4 bundle is ranked 691 on the video games sales list so when i talk about video gamesit includes everything related to video games games, controllers, accessories so the ps4version of rock band 4 the band bundle is 691 the xbox one version is 516 on the listcompared to guitar hero live the xbox one
version is ranked 2,479 on the list and theps4 version is ranked 3, 044 on the list so there is a pretty big discrepancy it seemslike rock band 4 is ahead but it'll be interesting to see closer to launch but that does it forthis week's video i want to thank you guys for watching and if you guys want to stayup to date on all things rock band 4, guitar hero live and amplitude related be sure toclick the subscribe button.