("pomp and circumstance"and "trumpet voluntary") - the candidates for baccalaureate degrees from the henry b. tippiecollege of business, the college of liberal arts and sciences, the roy j. and lucille a.carver college of medicine, and university college have gathered to celebrate commencement. all are in their places. these proceedings arehereby called to order.
may i now introduce the associate provost for undergraduate education,dean of university college and clinical professor ofmanagement and organizations in the henry b. tippie collegeof business, lon moeller. - thank you, professor eberl. i would like to give specialthanks to the members of the iowa brass collective. on horn, professor jeffrey agrell. on trombone, dr. jonathan allen.
on tuba, professor john manning. on trumpets, dr. courtneyjones and mr. nathan stucky. all these proceedings will be interpreted by ms. scottie van iseghem. aly olson, a senior musicmajor from des moines, iowa, who's also graduating today, will now lead us in singingthe national anthem. ♫ o say can you see ♫ by the dawn's early light
♫ what so proudly we hailed ♫ at the twilight's last gleaming ♫ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♫ through the perilous fight ♫ o'er the ramparts we watched ♫ were so gallantly streaming ♫ and the rockets' red glare ♫ the bombs bursting in air ♫ gave proof through the night
♫ that our flag was still there ♫ o say does that ♫ star-spangled banner ♫ yet wave ♫ o'er the land ♫ of the free ♫ and the home ♫ of the brave ♫ (audience cheering)
- please be seated. aly, that was absolutely amazing. thank you very much. graduating students, family and friends, faculty and staff, distinguished guests, on behalf of the university of iowa, welcome to this very special occasion. graduates, today is your day. although you've taken different journeys
through your time at the university, you've all arrived here atthe same place, same time, and you start a new journey today as a graduate of the university of iowa. i'll bet that each of youcan remember some key moments during your first days as auniversity of iowa student, moments filled withanticipation, exhilaration, and probably some apprehension. and i'll also bet you're feelingmany of those same emotions
this morning. the excitement and thenervousness because in many ways you're in the same place once more. i hope, however, today thatthe overwhelming feelings that you have are a senseof pride and accomplishment. now, graduates, as youknow as well as i do that you wouldn't be here ifyou didn't have the support and love of your family and friends and i'd like you totake just a few moments
to think about the many people who helped get you towhere you are this morning. now in recognition of theirsupport and the support of the family and friends thatare joining us this morning, graduates, let's givethem a round of applause. (people clapping) at commencement we cometogether as a hawkeye family to celebrate the successof students who have met the challenges we've set for them
and the challenges theyset for themselves. the fact you're sitting here today tell us that you've done well in the classroom. we know that you'vebroadened your horizons, you've met people from placesyou didn't know existed, you've struggled withdifficult and new ideas, and you've probably donethings that you never dreamt you could do before you cameto the university of iowa. now, as you graduate today,it's important for you
to understand the positiveimpact you've had on the university of iowa. your enthusiasm to learn and your excitement about being a student at the university of iowa has inspired us. you've helped make a greatuniversity even better. that is the legacy you leave today as you walk across this stage, that you helped make a greatuniversity even better.
on behalf of the faculty,staff, the students, and i'm sure the family and friends here won't mind if i speak for them as well, we congratulate you onyour many accomplishments. but even as we do that, our greatest joy is the anticipation of your remarkable futures. now joining me in honoring you today is university of iowapresident, bruce harreld.
helena dettmer, associate deanfor undergraduate programs and curriculum, and the humanities, and the college ofliberal arts and sciences, and professor of classics. kenneth brown, associate deanfor the undergraduate program in business and professor ofmanagement and organizations. stacey brook, lecturer in economics. steve duck, professorin communication studies and psychological and brainsciences and chair of rhetoric.
downing thomas, associateprovost and dean, international programs. sarah fisher gardial, henry b. tippie dean and the tippie college of business and professor of marketing. raul curto, executive associate dean in the college ofliberal arts and sciences and professor of mathematics. daniel eberl,
professor biology and otolaryngology. shelly campo, associate professor incommunication studies and community and behavioral health. nancy abram, lecturer in marketing. kevin den adel, lecturer and director of the accounting undergraduate program in the tippie college of business. and russell ganim, professor and director,
division of world languages, literatures, and cultures in the collegeof liberal arts and sciences. it's now my pleasure tointroduce our student speaker, drew boysen. drew is an iowa city native,receiving his bba degree today with majors in marketing andentrepreneurial management. during his three and a halfyears at university of iowa, drew has been actively involved in the student philanthropy group,
where he's held an executive position as vice president of marketing. drew was also selected torepresent the tippie college of business at the collegiateethics case competition at the university ofarizona this past october. in addition to his academicinvolvement at the university, drew has been heavilyinvolved in iowa intramurals. he co-captains a team that's on its way to a third consecutiveoverall points championship.
drew is joined today byhis brother, parents, grandparents, extendedfamily, and friends. would you please giveme a round of applause for drew boysen. - thank you associate provost lon moeller. good morning. faculty, family, friends, thank you for celebrating with us today and thank you for allof the love and support
you've provided us over the years. i was like most otherfreshmen when i first arrived on campus. i attached a long and obnoxious lanyard to my single dorm room key and dangled it out of my pocket. the key represented mynewfound independence and the lanyard was the flagthat showed this independence. so i proudly displayed it wherever i went.
i lifted a bunch at the crwc because i wanted tosurprise all my friends with how big i got at college. that all stopped once idiscovered how special napping is and soon my designated lifting time became my designated napping time. and the only lifting i wasdoing on a regular basis was shotputting pancherosburritos into my mouth. and, as i'm sure you can all relate,
i played a lot offiercely competitive chess in my dorm room. my roommate and i thoughtit would be a surefire way to make friends, but we soon realized that people didn't want to be hanging out with the two guys sitting in the dorm room playing chess on their minifridge, listening to beethoven and yelling at peoplepassing through the hallway, asking if they were downfor a chess tournament.
we're lucky we didn't haverobes and pipes as well. i don't think we wouldhave ever made any friends. even if you didn't havea four foot long lanyard or compete in chess tournaments, we all have something in common: we were extremely luckyto get to go to college. and more than that, we gotto go to the best college of all, the university of iowa. (audience clapping)
there's a picture out there of garfield, you know, the lazy catwho eats all the lasagna? in this picture, garfieldhas a smirk on his face and books tied to his arms,legs, torso, and head. and there's a caption onthe picture that reads, "i'm learning by osmosis." it sucks to find outthat learning by osmosis wasn't quite as effective as studying. otherwise, all that napping on top
of my principals of chem textbook would have helped me on the final. however, i think the idea that we learn from our surroundings,runs true in regards to the people we surround ourselves with. and the opportunity wehave had to be surrounded by hawkeyes has helped all of us grow during our time here atthe university of iowa. i'd like to share some thingsthat you've all taught me
and that is to face my fears, to care for others, andto commit to my passions. first off, you taught me to face my fears. everyone remembers givingspeeches in rhetoric, right? well, i was the kid with thedeath grip on the podium, talking way too fast, andkeeping an uncomfortable amount of eye contact with the professor. so it's safe to say the university of iowa put up quite the uphill battlein getting me to face my fear
of being in front of a microphone. but this moment is proof theuniversity has done just that. by watching all of yougive your speeches in class or present in front of alecture hall of 300 peers, i learned that i didn'tneed to be so afraid. everyone at iowa was doingit, so maybe i could too. moreover, whenever i was requiredto give speeches in class, everyone was shockingly supportive. no one pointed and laughedat me like in my dreams.
in fact, a lot of you cameup and complimented me and as insignificant as asimple, "nice speech, man," may seem, it meant the world to me and slowly helped build my confidence. the importance of facingyour fears isn't all that you here at iowa have taught me. sometimes when you're incollege, you get into the mindset of only thinking about me, me, me. but by watching your example,i experienced the real value
of caring for others. you showed me the impact ofcaring through dance marathon and tippie build andyour passion inspired me to join the student philanthropy group. and so many of you affirm yourdedication to care for others by receiving degrees todayin fields such as health and human physiology, socialwork, environmental sciences, and education, to list only a few. seeing you receive degrees in these fields
illustrates the importance that we, here at the university of iowa, put on following our passions. iowa students know thatfollowing your passions and committing to yourdreams leads to a happy life. we see this in jpec, the john pappajohn entrepreneurial center, where students who don'tthink they're busy enough with class, homework, student groups,
their social lives, andprocrastinating calling their moms, can start their own businesswhile still in college. i've come to find thatalthough they don't seem to have much free time,these entrepreneurs, who are following their passionsand chasing their dreams, are often the happiest people i know. and if you haven'tdiscovered your passion yet, like me, keep looking and remember, it doesn't have to be normal.
you don't have to be normal. in fact, don't be normal. sadly, normal is gettingdressed in clothes that you buy for work anddriving through traffic in a car that you're still paying for in order to get to the jobthat you don't really like, but that you need to payfor the clothes and the car and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
i wish those were my words, but i stole them from thejournalist ellen goodman. so be weird, find yourpassion, and chase it because pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. i stole that one too. thanks aristotle. my strategic human resourcesprofessor, michael mount, would tell us, "thepeople make the place."
we've all helped shape theuniversity of iowa into our home. i'm so thankful to have beensurrounded by all of you for the past three and a half years. a great man once sang,"we're all in this together." we've all sat through eachother's presentations, sorry, to all of you whohad to sit through mine. and although we'vetaken different classes, the university of iowa has taught us all a handful of core values:
to face our fears, to care for each other, and to commit to our passions. we may not have had to takeexams over these values, but they're just as importantas what we learned in class. if we take anything outof our experience at iowa, it would be to not strive fora job that impresses others, but to be passionate andcommitted to what you do. love your work, not your title because us our down-to-earthhawkeyes will judge you
based on the person youare, not the number of zeros in your bank account or thetitle on your parking spot. through our years here atiowa, we've become fearless, caring, and passionate hawkeyes. congratulations to everyonewho is graduating today, to all of our family and friends, who have supported us along the way, and to our hawkeyesheading to the rose bowl. go hawks.
- thank you very much, drew. that was some really inspirational words and the reference topanchero around lunch time is helpful as well. we come now to the conferring of degrees. i would like to invite dean sarah gardial to come forward to presentthe degree candidates from the henry b. tippiecollege of business. - will the candidates for the degree
bachelor of businessadministration please rise? president harreld, thesecandidates, having completed the requirements for the degree bachelor of business administration,are recommended to you by the faculty of the henryb. tippie college of business for the conferring of this degree. - on recommendation of thefaculty of the henry b. tippie college of businessand by the authority invested in me by the boardof regents state of iowa,
i confer on each of you, the degree bachelor ofbusiness administration as qualified and designated. - you may be seated. members of beta gamma sigma represent the highest recognition that a business student can earn to be eligible for membership. a student's academicranking must place them
in the upper 10% of thejunior or senior class. graduating members of beta gamma sigma wear a blue and gold cord torecognize their achievement. will the marshalls pleaselead the new graduates of the tippie college of business forward? associate dean ken brownand dr. kevin den adel will read their names forindividual recognition. - mallory griffith. - matt merfeld.
- bailey koebrick. - james yochum. - lexi cheney. - yuanhao sun. - sarah abel. - yingchen zhao. (cheering) - christopher buckman. - chenlu shao, with high distinction.
- jaclyn hickey. - alexandria necker. - john heinrich. - lena niemann. - jacob dubois. - siera sons. - michael donaldson. - megan seats. - george lemke.
- logan sump. - cameron doolady. - keith wiencek. - nathan grove, with distinction. - surbhi sachdev. - drew boysen. - jaclyn steiff. - madison gingery. - vu nguyen.
- kelsie berkee. - kuan-yu sun. - cameron james. - jacob mazuc. - bingliang chen. - yin jia. - yanhui liu. - chenyu zhao, with distinction. - case bieri.
- feng xu. - michael lewiston. - in-cha ja. - benjamin lovik. - xiuqi wang. - chase janson. - megan shoppa. - jahzel fristo. - carly rain schmidt.
- joshua jensen. - anna slife. - callen bakkum. - maren monson. - lindsay horton. - jared mandel. - alyssa butuso. - patrick wilson. - thomas christensen.
- christian swartzentruber,with high distinction. - blake galley - daniel sarodnick. - brandon harrington. - eric simmons. - thomas john leahy. - shiyi zheng. - nathan larick, with high distinction. - yanan yu.
- doe-lan yo-hen. - xun xiao zhao. - kathleen gleason. - hao zheng. - elizabeth corbett dale. - luo zesheng. - justin cole. - noah sierra. - chase fergus.
- connor trumm. - yixin fu. - regina stevens. - wenfeng chen. - garrett pawlick. - lindsay bushman. - brett overbey. - neil p. flynn. - lucas mccarthy.
- john ferro. - jennifer torto. - john chase. - ryan murray. - keith kammen. - trent miller. - keith allen jones jr. - rin-chel ma. - hannah credille.
- matt maiers. - andrea holdsworth. - jhon anastacio roa. - jeongeun jeong. - xing xi. - lena yaspering. - yuefeng pan, with honors in marketing. - kyle francis cerchio. - xiaoting wang.
- kramer halverson. - austin svatos. - alexio casas. - michael schremp. - daniel eisemman. - sean o'brien. - william bradford. - will martin. - jacob duzey.
- yuan tu. - kyle anderson. - yunfu xiao. - john joseph deming demars. - xuxiang mai. - david iles. - wenhuai zheng. - yuhuo cai. - yichao mao.
- lucas johnson. - peng xuan. - dustin balius. - jinglei wu. - tanner chartier. - jane chen. - michael considine. - li jiuyi. - braden kusay.
- jinwei zhang. - john hentges. - adam millers, with high distinction. - kyle gleason. - robert travers. - bret balestri. - yancen wan. - matthew lord. - yingyi zhu.
- eliza kelley. - summer lian. - noha yasser abdel-karim. - wenzhi ong. (??) - zhongbin zhuo. - ivan lim. - yunjae bae. - ax lim. - qianjun guo.
- dong han. - kaiyuan jiang. - yuke zhao. - yi liu. yicheng ji. yanlu li. saiyin liu. alisha lal. hao lin.
- xinyu chen. - luying hu. - i now invite executiveassociate dean raul curto of the college ofliberal arts and sciences to present the degreecandidates of his college, the degree candidates for thecarver college of medicine and for our university college. - i ask the graduatingliberal arts and science, carver college of medicine,and university college students
to rise when i name the particular degree you are about to receive and to please remain standing until all degrees are recognized. will the candidates for the bachelor of applied studies please rise? will the candidates for the bachelor of liberal studies degree please rise? of music degree please rise?
of fine arts degree please rise? of science degree please rise? and finally, will thecandidates for the bachelor of arts degree please rise? president harreld-- president harreld, theseworthy and approved candidates, having completed all therequirements for the degrees as listed in the commencement program, i recommend it to you for theconference of these degree
by the faculty of the collegeof liberal arts and sciences, the carver college of medicine,and university college. - on recommendation ofthe faculty of the college of liberal arts and sciences, the carver college of medicine,and university college, and by the authority invested in me by the board of regents state of iowa, i confer on each of you the degree, bachelor of applied sciences,
bachelor of liberal studies, bachelor of music,bachelor of the fine arts, bachelor of applied studies,bachelor of science, bachelor of arts, asqualified and designated. - graduates, please be seated. phi beta kappa is theoldest and most prestigious honor society for students inthe liberal arts and sciences. to be elected to the society, students must meat membership stipulations
including an academicranking in the upper 10% of the senior class, basedon grade point average. will the members who haveaccepted their election to phi beta kappa pleaserise for recognition. thank you, please be seated. now, will the degreecandidates from the college of liberal arts and sciences,caver college of medicine, and university college please come forward for individual recognition.
associate dean helena dettmerand professor russ ganim will read their names. - [helena] harley luck. - [russ] jessica yackley.- [helena] jo-shu kwon. - mia arndt, with distinction. - [russ] megan smothers. - [voiceover] go megan, woo! - sean embree. - madisen zeigler.
- devon meeks. - allie pasternak. - korey scott schneider. - nicole schmitt. - andrew marciniate. - hannah lester. - julianne blomburg. - elizabeth schmeltzly. - brian donatelli.
- karly schultz. - sara eisenberg. - rebekah smith. - viktoria aranowski. - kathleen skillen. - jon burke. - mohamed samir taha. - aly olson, with highest distinction, with university honors,and with honors in music.
- andrew stone. - colin bream. - melvin spears. - lindsay clark. - alexa smith. - shawna dudovitz. - kathryn van acker. - roxanne dudovitz. - gabrielle santana.
- katie boddicker. - josue velasquez. - jordan den-zer-ee. - ivonne villa, with distinction. - michael dornbugh. - olivia sieve. - alyssa bentley. - alexa vlahakis. - katie bougher.
- lindsey schmidt. - alec darrow. - kristen thompson, with high distinction. - katherine buchanan. - allison seaton. - alexander courtney. - ryan sheker. - alyssa bissell. - natalie upchurch.
- ronald arder. - miller thammavongsa. - kathleen fitzgibbon. - sumita subramani. - shannon beck. - tingting zhang. - erika abramsohn. - caitlin trumm. - andrew charipar.
- clancy o'brien. - nolan anderson. - haylee hoffman. - matthew donahoe. - alexandra orozco. - leah baas. - daniel waller. - torah desousa, with highest distinction. - kathleen williams.
- colin brown. - paige marie weber, with high distinction and with university honors. - john fabiano. - kaitlin kelly schager. - patrick cook. - matthew schmitt. - scott benson, with honors in biology and university honors.
- katy stites. - kaitlin dewulf. - scott wanninger. - miles davis. - emily wickham. - anna edwards. - madeleine sell. - boston dunning. - stephanie sremac.
- molly brown. - yu zuo. - lila cutter. - austin teel. - emily hope erler, with university honors and with honors in english. - aleksandra vujicic, with distinction. - marquis everett. - allison wall.
- bukky adebiyi. - ashley tritthardt. - babatunde amosu. - hannah shows. - megan crawford. - daniel showalter. - kiley foster, with honors in spanish. - dj chu. - jessica enriquez.
- scott woods. - mackenzie bean, with distinction. - james sanburn. - lauren blyth. - jon whisler. - haley church. - ashley taylor streb. - britney fry. - mary sharp.
- andrew michael demma. - aaron wilson. - kelly dzuris. - robert scheffel. - miko bernstine. - claire spaete. - morgan foley. - sarrah steffens. - nicole cihla.
- youwei zhao. - zachary cain. - yezi shen. - kaylie jo burkhart. - yejun wang. - gabriella bello. - jacob strong. - emily davids, with high distinction. - skyler saunders.
- carley cullen. - zheng tu. - angelina baccam, honors in art. - lan wang. - kevin doyle. - yan wen. - nicole fernandez. - joshua richard yezek. - matthew ellenson.
- zachary sanders, with distinction. - hannah cuttell. - heidi zenisek. - sara mcneil. - john silka - melissa klambauer. - lindsay sarich. - austin love. - evangeline williamson.
- joshua thomas conden. - kirsten wohlford. - shadeed williford. - alexandra sahn-tih-lad. - taylor elizabeth frank. - [voiceover] yeah, tay! - emily staats. - danielle beeman. - bryce so-leen.
- matthew brow. - yusun seo. - jayden brown. - emma shelton. - monica belt. - bridget senkerik, with distinction. - jenna berger. - travis vogel. - alexandra clark.
- sharon pa-lew-iss. - morgan reilly. - kyle williams. - emily bogart, with distinction. - jonathan setna. - yessenia chavez. - matthew shaver. - brigidta de souza. - wensi xu.
- katharine christiansen. - xinyu shi. - joseph eames. - jeremy skeens. - i know. natalie erickson. - alyson wilkins. - kayla cordova, with distinction. - abigail weaver, with university honors,
with high distinctionand honors in history. - catie comella. - carina zhang. - sangmi an. - james shelley. - jason everett. - kortney taylor webber. - randall hutchcroft. - nathan warner.
- taylor finch, with university honors, with high distinction,with honors in history. - taylor wicks. - brett aden. - jared weber. - hannah ebbing. - karli schlader. - han jun zhuo. - rui cao.
- ah-heon jeong. - gabrielle wilson. - yue chen. - christine walsh. - marlee davis. - morgan starr. - lauren coffey. - aarika stone. - emily dang.
- nathan selberg. - dan feld. - travis wiese. - ruixiang cao. - benjamin verhille. - madison cardoza. - anna walker, with honorsin english and microbiology. - erin fray. - ben witt.
- rex hadden. - hongpeng xu. - brylie bernhard. - xiao xu. - emily fisher. - jason sherman. - mary feng, with distinction. - hadiatou sow. - muxuan sun.
- derrick dimig. - mengwei wang. - kaitlyn abernathy. - xingjian song. - brittany burge. - collin thatcher, withhighest distinction. - jay franclin valenzuela cruz. - jeffrey smith. - siyuan chen.
- hui xuan tan. - nadia hannan doubiany. - shih meng chong. - allison dunal. - elena yui zafrul. - kate bloomburg. - zhiwan zhu. - caroline zhang. - sydney wagner.
- sydney alcini. - yeon eung jin. - kyle dick. - yeon sue-been. - grady james condill. - beibei zhang. - megan becker. - yuhan yang. - joshua lerith.
- jinsol uh. - steven lickteig. - zackary geib. - yunlong wang. - benjamin johnson. - jessica moll. - emily knuteson. - courtney mercurio. - samantha julian, with high distinction.
- chelsey robertson. - sungwoo jeong. - samantha pederson. - tyler jaminski. - erika narhi martinez. - spencer lundquist,with highest distinction, honors in art. - lindsey mcgrew. - evan grooms.
- neal patel. - judith henning. - sana nagri. - kaitlin nicole lerche. - jennifer palmer. - briana garcia. - taylor newland. - holly knoke. - adiceson peppels.
- xiaotian he, with honors in psychology. - cassidy riley, with high distinction, with university honors, with honors in journalism and mass communications. - jiatong li. - alexa ravetti. - justin lovan. - jordan means. - visouda keomanivong.
- gabrielle mcilvanie. - nicholas golias. - mark ozeroff. - gregory george. - lauren ossian. - colby haden. - jessica pack. - kaylynn kessler. - kylie martin.
- gina dimitria kardoras. - samantha marcellus. - reanna kelm. - mallory milam. - ryan kass. - brian johnson. - adara alicia miranda bartlett. - sean harcz. - kyunhoon moon.
- natasha hutchins. - heather pritchard. - erica jennings. - amy peiper, with honors in biology. - brittany loutsch. - elizabeth petersen. - stacey gonzalez. - brian parish. - emily rachael jenkins.
- lauren motis. - haley hines. - jordan mccormick. - aulburee hawkins. - breanna mccleary. - scotty hendricks. - elizabeth payton. - chloe giffin. - john portone.
- shelsey monroy. - sarah nagengast. - adam jacobi. - caitlyn mckillid. - cody haugen. - meghan o'malley, with distinction. - natani gallagher. - nicole philbrick. - christopher haskell.
- jeffrey newland. - kaitlyn gulden. - troy ruffin. - joshua green. - olivia niederhauser, with distinction. - ethan lebeau. - catherine orr. - emma kollman. - treye rosenberger.
- rachel grager. - mayra elena martinez. - manoj kamalumpundi. - mary miller. - meredith hodges. - nicholas pritchard. - courtney johnson. - allison pestotnik, with distinction. - jeff lehman.
- ann menner, with distinction. - matthew hagen. - jessica runyan, with distinction. - charles j. green iv. - hanna ralson. - brittany kimzey. - alexandria pircer. - paula aramejo guezhara. - matthew montalbano.
- johnathan knuteson. - andra petre. - holly hoffman. - bethany peyton. - wooyin kim. - ryan mcgrew, with distinction. - taylor kaufman. - noamaleniu meade. - willard luzzo.
- william roberts. - christian hayes. - austin marshall. - caleb johnson. - jessica martinez. (horn blowing) - amanda lund, with honors in english. - connor perkins. - james laursen.
- nicholas malone. - reid playfair ingold. - brandon mays. - emily mcdougall. - joseph reynolds. - marshall koehn. - fang ni. - victoria holly. - claire remick.
- montayla holder. - andrea pyburn. - jeremy lemke. - erin renee rasmussen. - tawfig hagelamin. - zachary mullan. - steven hanson, with distinction. - joshua naber. - [voiceover] congratulations.
- renee houser. - matthew nugent. - jingze li. - matthew rosato. - cecilia hagen. - cole mennenoh. - miranda haes. - stephanie munoz. - andy hamer.
- kalyn mcmahon. - minshen guo. - bailey rupiper. - zhi shen. - chad norris. - wixin lan. - mikaela o'brien. - keyu long. - james proehl.
- laila brown. - korey o'day, with high distinction. - mia kuehn. - spencer mallonee. - anneli hollrah. - colin morgan. - peter kocontes. - ayla polton. - diana lee.
- abby mandell. - joan kim. - sara watro. - haewon hwang. - michelle pelechek. - kayla kerney. - brandy pizano. - laura juarez, no, howdo i pronounce that? - courtney patterson.
- jack lehmkuhl. - sarah reardon. - taylor kross. - anthony quinones. - ting-hsuan lu. - harrison pickett. - bo lay. - taylor mcelrath. - gina howe.
- mikael mulugeta. - sarah groeper. - anna hinata. - hannah heitz. - samantha moser. - ryan harris. - bo peng, with honors in biology. - peng cheng. - mallory price.
- jai yeon lee. - taylor riedemann. - magda lubieniecka. - bisola omoba, with university honors, with honors in biology. - sophia le. - sri panata. - ellie lam. - sanshan qiu.
- alex levine. - gerardo ramirez. - dequantae hill. - paul osgerby - leihao zhang. - ryan molander. - mike labadessa. - gina o'brien. - joseph lundel.
nicole larson. ziyuan liu. liao hu. dangmu luo. marcus mcfall. mark freie. nianna liu. - the turning of the tasselis the traditional gesture by which each student signifies passage
from degree candidate to graduate. now, as a final rite to markyour new status as graduates of the university of iowa,please move the tassel of your cap from theright side to the left. see all that hard work you guys have done, particularly the last twoweeks, paid off, didn't it? congratulations. now i know right now thatwhat you want most of all is to join your family and friends,
so i'll be brief in my closing remarks. it is a time for you to celebrate. as i said earlier, it's truly your day. but it's also time for you to think about how you want to meet thechallenges and make the most of the opportunitiesthat lie ahead of you. now i know that you'veworked some outstanding faculty members during yourtime at the university, many of whom are sitting withme up here on the platform.
i'd like to tell you quicklyabout another outstanding university of iowa professor named benjamin franklin shambaugh. professor shambaugh earned undergraduate and graduate degrees atthe university of iowa in the late 1800s and then came back and taught political scienceat iowa for over 40 years. you've probably been inshambaugh auditorium. if not, my guess is you've walked past it,
in the general vicinityof the main library. professor shambaugh wasone of those instructors students talked about yearsafter they left campus. it was said that professorshambaugh's greatness was based on the good things he did, the positive example he set for students, and the hope and inspirationhe gave other people. as a graduate of the university of iowa, you now have the opportunityto demonstrate your greatness
in the good you do for other people, the positive example you set, and the hope andinspiration you give others. now you can do this byputting the skills and talents you've been blessed with,along with your iowa education, into the service of your communities. seek out opportunitiesto engage with others to make the world a better place. you can and you will makea difference in what you do
and i can say that with great confidence because you have somethingthat is very special: you have a degree fromthe university of iowa. on behalf of the university of iowa, which is now your alma mater, i want you to know how very proud of each and every one of you. as you follow new pathsand achieve new goals, i know that you willcontinue to make us proud,
just as you will always be proud to have graduated fromthis great university. the university of iowa community joins me with wishing you the very best success. congratulations, graduates. and for the members of thefootball team out there, go win the rose bowl! - ladies and gentleman, will you now please be seated
for the recessional of the platform party and the graduates. (“allegro maestoso†by handel)