when nasa moves out into the solar system, when we explore deeper and deeper into space, we are going to need systems that don't require human tending. nasa is going to need autonomous operations deep in space. and so raven is perfecting the autonomous portion of it. our technology will be placedonto elc-1. the raven package will use its visible, infrared, and active laser system or lidar to find and then track the visiting vehicles.
there is no option today to extend the life of a satellite on orbit without servicing. at the end of this decade we are going to launch a mission called "restore." a two-armed robotic servicer will rendezvous with a decommissioned satellite and then connect a fueling hose and provide landsat 7 with fuel, having executed the world's first on-orbit refueling of a decommissioned satellite in orbit. nasa does not want to be in the business to refuel for a living. we want to go explore the solar system. but there are a lot of u.s. domestic companies that do want to use servicing technologies for a new servicing industry.
so there are many beneficial services that can be provided to a client satellite, but none of them are a possibility if you can't first have a safe, reliable autonomous rendezvous.