Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

asking alexandria uk tour

asking alexandria uk tour

good morrow, and welcome to judging by thecover. forsooth. where we'll be judging... defender of the crown. which i would like to confirm right away isnot a porn game. by the cover. now, i know what you're thinking. of course defender of the crown isn't a porngame, yahtzee croshaw. it's as everybody knows a landmark strategygame released for the commodore amiga in 1986.

well, listener, apparently that wasn't madeentirely clear to whoever designed the box. first of all, get a load of that lady drapedover the armoured bloke's horse, wearing the crown that presumably has gotten all thesedefenders in a tizzy. at first glance, i thought her eyes were glowingwhite pupils on a purple background because she's possessed by satan. then i zoomed closer and realised, oh, she'sjust got her eyes shut and is wearing two spadefuls of eyeshadow. making her eyelids officially the most dressedpart of her. one bump on the road and that outfit goesfrom "off the shoulder" to "off the clitoris".

the last time i saw a cleavage like that,i endeavoured to mine it for rare ore deposits. this is the pc version, and the interestingthing about the nes version is that it's exactly the same scene but entirely redrawn for noapparent reason unless the artist on the localisation team was trying to look busy for the managementconsultants. you'll note that princess helplesstits isa lot more engaged with her surroundings in this version, as she reacts with terror ather captor's upraised weapon. probably because of what's going on with theshaft, there. take off the axe part of the weapon and what'sleft looks like it's been designed for very suspect purposes indeed.

interestingly, while the human charactershave been redrawn to look respectively more human, more scary and less like an angry dadat his kid's football game, the horses have transitioned to the nes cover largely unchanged. the white one looking surprised and going"oh, howard, why are you wearing that tinfoil hat?" and the brown one going "gah western democracyis a sham open your eyes people!" that's all very well, yahtzee, but what wasall that about mistaking the game for porn? so far your only evidence is a knobbly shaftand a woman who looks like she just spent the whole afternoon making use of one.

well, i haven't shown you the back of thebox, yet. let's start with the blurb. "cinemaware is adult entertainment." that draws a pretty firm line under the matterfor me, but let's keep analysing. "a revolutionary new genre that pulls youemotionally into the story and characters." yeah, i'd like to get pulled emotionally intoher. wahey the lads. in keeping with the whole 'cinemaware' conceit,the back of the box is made to resemble a cinema facade, with the screenshots arrangedlike they're posters designed by someone with

no imagination whatsoever. the ones on the left depict firstly a hotlady and secondly the exact moment in the cinemax film when stock saxophone music startsplaying. the other set of screenshots are a littlemore abstract. firstly, some men blowing very very long horns. secondly, a metaphorical image of the redcoatsstorming the gates. now take a look at the bloke buying a ticket. what a fucking class act we've got here - singlet,shorts and flip-flops. i know visiting the cinema isn't the grandsocial occasion it was in the early 20th century

but at least put some proper shoes on, thosefloors ain't sticky for nowt. clearly this is a somewhat downmarket theatrethat exclusively shows content of a quite family unfriendly nature. i mean, the guy's already got an anticipatoryhard-on so pronounced it's pulling the fabric of his shorts straight up his bum crack. no wonder april o'neil has shown up to getthe undercover scoop on this den of vice. oh, incidentally, nice job trying to coverup the name of the film from the original photo. i certainly can't tell that it originallyread 'running scared', probably the 1986 billy

crystal vehicle. i've seen captchas that were harder to makeout than that. but speaking of making out, let's get backto the blurb. the second paragraph is mainly going on aboutcharging steel and clashing steeds and all that bollocks but it does remember to bookendthe text with references to lusty wenches and many a beautiful damsel. but then in the very first bullet point wetalk about rescuing our lady, singular, so either all that lusty wenches talk was misleadingus or we're a philandering bastard and that norman prison will seem quite rosy after shegets us home and looks inside our breeches.

also, note the promise of easy-to-use mouseor joystick controls with no typing required. we are literally advertising that this gamecan be played one-handed. and if you want one last piece of sizzlingeroticism from this cover, look no further than that gorgeous sex pot in the lower right. "hello ladies," growls master designer kellynbeeck. "you know what they say. once you go beeck, you'll be back. within the week."

asking alexandria uk tour 2016

asking alexandria uk tour 2016

human behaviour is fascinating, and it’saround this time of year – february 14 to be precise – that homo sapiens in many countriesengage in a curious ritual: the valentine’s day gift exchange. whether it be cards, chocolate, roses, plushtoys, a love fern or diamonds (if you’re fancy or serious); they appear to be tokensaimed at acknowledging you, wooing you, keeping you or just consumerist obligation. but homo sapiens aren’t alone in givinggifts to their partners – we’ve observed many animals act in the same way and bestowtokens of their affection to their bae. love gifts that are, arguably, better thanroses.

#betterthanroses. to the adelie penguin, pebbles are one oftheir most prized possessions. stones are in demand – the penguins usethem to build nests and they’re hard to find on the antarctic coast. the penguins often fight over them, and stealstones from each other’s nests. during courtship, a male penguin presentsfemale with a pebble as a gift. if she accepts his gift, they couple up andmate for life. from an evolutionary biology perspective,we can look at these nuptial gifts through the lens of parental investment theory – effortparents go to that will benefit their offspring.

the male is providing a gift to a female thatincreases her “reproductive output” – the gifts attract females and facilitate… someaction. and gifts are given elsewhere in the animalkingdom. in northern australia and papua new guinea,male bowerbirds build complex nests (or “bowers”) to try and woo females. the nest is made mainly of sticks and decoratedwith whatever bling the male can find – shells, flower petals and even bits of rubbish. they’re the ultimate hoarders who arrangetheir trinkets in a specific pattern to woo the female into the bower – so they cansee their swag before they reach the male

bird. research suggests the geometry of the boweris directly related to the mating success of the builder – if built to give the correctperspective, the nest makes the male bird appear bigger. and well, that leads to more reproductivesuccess. outside of the bird world, a species of southamerican spider gives love presents too. males offer female spiders an item of preythat’s wrapped in silk. and the larger the gift, the better theirchance of mating. aside from the size of the dead insect, chemicalsignals found within the layer of silk influenced

whether the female would accept the gift. kind of romantic? even after you’ve found a partner and areno longer dating, the gifts don’t have to stop. take seahorses for example. when courting, the male seahorses will fightfor female attention, but once they’ve found a mate is when the gift-giving really begins. the females give their eggs to the males,who then fertilize them and carry the young to term.

this means that the males, instead of thefemales like in most species, eventually give birth to anywhere from 5 to 2500 baby seahorses,depending on the subspecies. so you don’t necessarily have to get yourpartner something expensive. sometimes the best gift is just doing somethingnice for them. back in the realm of homo sapiens, economicresearch suggests that the materialistic tone of valentine’s day make it a holiday lovedand a holiday loathed. and psychology studies tracking couples throughoutthe year have found that relationships are more likely to break up in the weeks followingthe holiday. when all hope seems lost, thankfully, we havenature to turn to.

the giving and receiving of gifts is a ritualthat takes place in all societies and even the animal kingdom – just in different forms. this year, consider the unique gifts of nicepebbles, a dead insect, carefully curated rubbish or some shells; for a token of yourappreciation truly inspired by nature. it really is the thought that counts.

asking alexandria uk tour 2015

asking alexandria uk tour 2015

hello. my name is emma, and this is my friend gizmo, andtoday we are going to help you learn english. today's english isall about dogs. okay? so, let's ask some questions togizmo, and we can get some answers. our first question: do we callpets "he", "she", or "it"? what do you think, gizmo? usually for pets we liketo use "he" or "she". so you might ask somebody: "what's her name?"or "what's his name?" when you're talking

about a dog or a cat. we usually use "it" for wild animals, althoughsometimes we also use "he" and "she" if we want to personify them. so, majority of the time we use "he" or"she" when we're talking about pets. okay, question number two:what is pet hair called? do you know the answerto this one, gizmo? it is called fur. f-u-r, fur. as you can see, gizmohas a lot of fur.

we use the word "fur" when we're talkingabout cat hair, dog hair, hamster hair. it's what we call fur. okay, our next question:what are pet hands called? okay, let's show gizmo's off. so gizmo, what is this called? this is a paw. so, dogs and cats have paws. i'm just going to putgizmo down for a second. there you go.

okay, so his handsare called paws. okay, our next question:what does "canine" mean? "canine" is another way to say "dog", but"canine" is more scientific sounding. so if you're reading a science book or somethingthat's formal writing, you will probably see the word "canine". it's the science... scientific word for dog. we also have the word "puppy". what does the word "puppy" mean?

"puppy" means a baby dog. so, when a dog is very small and veryyoung, usually around, you know, two months to one year,we call it a puppy. for kittens, that's what wecall a baby cat, a kitten. okay, our next question is a verygood one: what sound does a dog make? sounds are very cultural. in different cultures, animalsmake different sounds. for dogs, in english, dogs can either bark,they can say: "woof woof", or they can say: "ruff ruff".

is this different than whatdogs say in your language? if you're wondering with cats or with, youknow, all sorts of other animals, you can actually check out ronnie's video which coversa lot of these different animal sounds if you're interested. okay, finally, our last question for vocabulary:what do you call a dog with no home? so a dog that livesin the streets. we call a dog with no home a straydog, or we can also say a street dog. so we would say: "that dog has no owner.he's without a family.

he's a stray dog." or: "he is a street dog." so now let's look at some grammar and pronunciation,and cultural tips about talking about dogs. okay, so our next question is a grammar question,and it's a very important grammar question. okay, so let me hold gizmo. okay. so, gizmo, you seethese two things? "i like dog", "i like dogs". do you know what the differencebetween these two sentences are?

no? okay, well, let me tell you. "i like dog" is very differentthan: "i like dogs". when you want to say you like dogs as in,you know, you think they're really cute and funny, and you enjoy them, yousay: "i like dogs" with an "s". this is different from:"i like dog" with no "s". if you say: "i like dog" it makesit sound like you like to eat dog. and this is true fora lot of animals. if we say: "i like chicken", itmeans i like to eat chicken.

this is very different from: "i like chickens",which means: "i think chickens are cute. i enjoy chickens, and i findthem very interesting." okay, so the next question is apronunciation question, and that is: what is the pronunciation differencebetween "dogs" and "ducks"? so a duck is an animal, you know, that says:"quack quack", at least in english it does, and a lot of students, when they say thesewords they pronounce them the same way. so people don't know if you'retalking about a dog or a duck. so, what is the differencein pronunciation? well, "dog" has a differentvowel sound than "duck".

"dog" is longer, we say: "dawg". compare this to: "duck", whichis very short and a bit sharp. this is an "aw" sound:"dog", versus "uh": "duck". okay? so you notice the vowel sound here isshort, whereas the vowel sound here is long. when we add and "s" to "dog" and an "s" to"duck", we also have a different sound. in "dog", because of the "g", the "s"becomes a "zz" sound, as in a "z". so we say: "dawgz". you might not hear it, but there's a littlebit of a "zz" sound at the end of that. "dogs".

now, this is different from "ducks",which has a "ss" sound or an "s" sound. so there is apronunciation difference. say this one short with a "ss" sound, andthis one is longer with a "zz" sound. okay, great. so now let's look at somecultural questions about dogs. okay, so our next question: whatdo north americans think of dogs? and a lot of people in england thinkabout dogs this way, and australia. and this isn't everybody, but this iswhat a lot of the population think. what is their opinion on dogs?

well, let's get gizmoto help me out. gizmo, come here. okay, i'm going to pick him up. ah, here we go. so, in north american culture, dogs likegizmo are often treated like family members. some people even treat them as if they are theirchildren, although this is not everybody, but they really do care about theirdogs and they treat them like family. all right. this is gizmo's first time on camera, so ifhe's a little nervous, he's never been on

camera before. all right, let's look at thenext question, small talk. so, dogs are actually areally, really good...? oh, you want down, buddy? okay, i'll put you down. sorry. okay, so dogs are actually reallygood topics for small talk. if you ever have a conversation with somebodyand you see they have a dog, talking about their dog is agreat thing to do.

so if you're in the elevator or at the parkand you just want to meet somebody, you can ask them about their dog. here are some greatquestions, you can ask them: "what's your dog's name?","what's his name?", "is your dog a boy or a girl?","is it a male or a female?", "how old is your dog?" "how long have youhad your dog for?" okay, so another really good questionis: "what kind of dog do you have?" so in this case we're askingabout the type or the breed.

so there are many differentbreeds or types of dogs. there are chihuahuas, there are germanshepherds, poodles, you know, dalmatians. there are tons ofdifferent types of dogs. gizmo, in case you're wondering,is a lhasa apso-papillion mix. beautiful breed. and so people do liketalking about this. you can ask themabout their breed. are they mix? are they are purebred?

which means they are only onekind of dog, like a poodle. and there is so many different questions youcan ask about dogs, but it's something people really love talking about. so i highly recommend if you see a personwho has a pet, it's something that's a good thing to talk about. okay, so like i said, our petsare like our family, here. oh, thank you, gizmo,for that kiss. so, one thing i wanted to say is that a lotof the times in north american culture you'll actually see thatdogs are indoor dogs.

they're not outside a lot. they're actually... they actually stayinside with us a lot. sometimes, you know, they sit on ourcouches, and for some people they even... like might share, like, the same bed or theymight sleep on the same bed that, you know, their owner has. one other cultural thing that you might noticeif you ever come to canada or north america is that a lot of dogsactually wear clothes here. and gizmo is also...

he wears clothes, too, especially in thewintertime because it does get very cold. so a lot of dogs have winterboots and winter jackets. so if you come here, don'tbe surprised to see that. sometimes people dress up their dogs for fun,other times it's a necessity because it is very cold during the winter. okay, so gizmo and i would liketo thank you for watching. you know, we've had agreat time today i think. isn't that right, gizmo? yeah, he's a bit sleepy now.

oh. okay. so he's just going to say bye. so we hope you subscribe to our channel, andwe have a lot of other resources there. and if you come check out engvid at www.engvid.com,you can actually take a quiz on everything we learned today. all right? so thank you, gizmo,for your help today. and i hope you'veenjoyed this video. until next time, take care.

asking alexandria twitter

asking alexandria twitter

well, first of all i want to apologize for not having posted anything last week, i recorded a video, but in time to edit the file was corrupted and i had no time to do it all again. i promise i'll make it somehow. today i will talk about "the black", new album asking alexandria finally came out after nearly 3 years of waiting. the album was released on march 25 (last friday), we had around 6 singles and was produced by joey sturgis. the album's first single was "i will not give in" which was released on may 26, 2015, almost one year ago and this single brand to enter the denis stoff in the band. it also marks the band's return after a "hiatus" comes the departure of danny and the entry of denis. the second single was "undivided" which was released on september 25, 2015, shortly after the release of this single the band toured around south america with blessthefall passing through brazil, they did two shows, one in sã£o paulo and another in rio de janeiro in december. the third single and the first official single was the title track of the album "the black", was launched on february 1, 2016 with an official video.

the fourth single was the track "let it sleep" which was released on march 4, 2016 also with an official video. the fifth single was "here i am" which was first played on bbc and was released on 11 march. the sixth and final single "send me home", he was played for the first time on bbc on march 20 and if i'm not mistaken, released 1 or 2 days later by sumerian records on youtube. well, one thing that marked me on this album beyond the entrance denis, was the "diversity" of the album styles. on this album you can hear from avenged sevenfold to lana del rey, each song has a different style from the other for example, "let it sleep" is a more aggressive song that closely resembles the album "reckless & relentless", but you can hear "gone" and remember enough of lana del rey by the way ben sings which makes the album is diverse with many different styles where you can hear songs that quite resemble the old albums of the band but additionally has music, that are showing that the band also this with one foot in the future and showing an evolution of the band such as the song "i will not give in" which is different from the previous work of the band. i liked the album, for me the album was good, but i feel something missing on this album, the band could have done more.

one thing that kind of broke my expectation and my anxiety for this album was the number of singles released, much material has been disclosed so when the album was officially released, it had little that you had not heard yet so, for me, the album was good, but still something missing. changing the subject a little, brutal kill will launch a new collection, the release date has not yet been released, will likely be in early april, but every day up to the launch, the brand launches spoilers of the new collection in social networks if you want to know more about the brand, links will be in the description, do not forget that every day at 7pm est they will post something about the new collection. well, if you enjoyned the video, subscribe the channel, share the video, like the video and until next time!

asking alexandria tumblr

asking alexandria tumblr

♪ (punk rock music) ♪ (ambient jungle noises) (gasps loudly) is this... (squealing and chuckling) yes! queen! oh, is this "anaconda"? i really hope this is the fart parody. (laughing) no, this is not happening. so this is happening. i'm censoring this for myself.

- ♪ unless you got buns, hon ♪- mm-mm. ♪ boy toy named troy ♪ my name is in this though--"a boy toy named troy." me and all my friends, when we saw this, we were just like, "whaaat?" ♪ ...palace, bought me alexander mcqueen ♪ i have no idea what to think about this. ♪ real, real, real ♪ bananas on a turntable,'cause that makes so much sense.

people always talk about this video. i've been trying to avoidwatching it for a reason. oh my god. i don't feel comfortablewatching this with anyone except myself. ♪ by the way, what he say? ♪ ♪ he can tell i ain't missing no meals ♪ ♪ come through and [bleep] 'emin my automobile ♪ ew, stop! why are you-- this is-- no! (sarcastically) wow, that was such subtle

advertisement placement. ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪ - (mouths along)- ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪ (sings along) ♪ my anacondadon't want none ♪ - ♪ unless you got buns, hon ♪- (school bell rings) mom, i'm censoring myself. - (mouths along)- ♪ look at her butt ♪ it's not her real butt.no one's butt can be that big. i never made it this farinto the video, so...

- (chuckles)- ♪ look at her butt ♪ - ♪ look at, look at, look at ♪- this song is great. ♪ this dude named michael ♪ yeah, this is totally how people work out. ♪ ...bigger than a tower,i ain't talking about eiffel's ♪ see, kids shouldn't be hearingthat one lyric right there. apparently i'm working out wrong,because apparently you're supposed to wearless clothes when you work out. ever since this video came out,the world has been changed.

like, this is all anyone talks about. ♪ look at her butt ♪ ♪ my anaconda don't... ♪it's so catchy though. - ♪ ...don't want none ♪- ew. wait, was that the guywho sang, "i like big butts"? this is different than kids react.i was watching frozen things. now i'm watching nicki minaj butt-naked. - ♪ yeah ♪- oh, drake. ♪ he love this fat ass ♪

(minaj laughs maniacally) what was that? - (imitates laughter)- ♪ this one is for my bitches ♪ ♪ with a fat ass in the [bleep] club ♪ i don't even know whythis part is even necessary. some people havethe rolling stones and the beatles. we have "anaconda" and nicki minaj. ♪ [bleep] you if youskinny bitches, what? kyuh! ♪ i'm a skinny bitch.

♪ i got a big fat ass (echoing) ♪ it's pretty well known, nicki.you don't need to tell us. i should have brought holy water today. (laughing) oh my god. ew, too much ass. stop. (chuckles) drake, have you no shame? i'm overwhelmed. i'm overwhelmed. that brought me a lot of joyright there, heh-heh-heh. was it absolutely necessary?you couldn't find anything else?

butts became so big this year. like, literally. (finebros) so what do you thinkof nicki minaj's new song - and music video?- i can't lie. it's very catchy. it's amazing... for obvious reasons. i will say i enjoyed it a little bit. it's a thing that most peoplemy age that are guys would like. there's only one word thatcan describe that video truly, and that is "booty."

so much booty. it's gross. like, it's all just ass. i think it's portraying womenin a really sexist way. it sounds like every otherpop song out there, except for sir mix-a-lot.i like him a lot. at least it goes with the song.it's not just something random. it actually correlates withwhat the song is about. - (finebros) what is this song about?- butts? an anaconda isn't a snake.(cracking up) that's all i know,

and i don't want to really say it. "my [bleep] don't want itunless you got a booty." no one's going to find yousexually appealing if you do not have a big butt. maybe it's a feminist songabout women being in power. (finebros) we have some lyricsthat we'd love for you - to read for us.- fantastic. let's do it. (gasps) "this dude named michaelused to ride motorcycles."

(laughing) this next line. "[bleep] bigger than a tower..."i highly doubt that. "i ain't talkin' about eiffel's." "real country..." blank, blank. "real country ass--" i'm not gonna-- i don't feel comfortable saying that word. "...let me play with his rifle."(laughs) oh my god. "now that bang bang bang. i let him hit it 'cause he slang cocaine."

always a great life choice when the reason you're sleeping with someoneis because they're a drug dealer. "he toss my salad like his name romaine." (bursts out laughing) (cracking up) "he toss my saladlike his name is romaine." that's disgusting! that one's clever, okay?i will give nicki minaj or whoever her writers are that one. it'd be nice if they were this cleverwith a positive message.

my church isn't gonna behappy about this. (cracks up) (finebros) a lot of womenand younger girls not only like her music butalso are inspired by her story, because she's this famous femalerapper who came from nothing. is it okay for her to make a video like this when she has that kindof influence on people? yes. just because people look up to you doesn't mean that you shouldhave to censor yourself

to be what people thinkthat you need to be. she's always been like that, so why would you"controversial" about that now? from coming from nothingto being this big-- like, she's one of the biggestrappers in the world, and she's a girl. showing herself as this character, i don't think it'd be goodin the long run. it's not an okay song to put on the radio,

'cause she's talking aboutreally explicit things. even though they might blur things out, kids are still gonnawatch the music video. what are girls gonna thinkwhen they see this if they want to aspire to bea rapper in the industry? that they have to be naked and make songs just abouttwerking to be successful? (finebros) what do you thinkit does to society when so many female celebritiesdo things like this,

when males are rarely portrayed that way? yeah. it's-- oh. ooh. ouch, that hit a nerve. it kinda bothers in a sense to think, why haven't i thought about this? for me, it's normal now, which also says somethingabout our society, that it is normal for a 14-year-old girlto see nicki minaj do that and be like, "oh, that's normal."

it just makes it even more okayfor everybody else to bring in girls anddo that kind of stuff. i can't even think of a woman who has ever not taken off her clothesto become more famous. magazine covers,you see women in their bikinis. and then you see menin suits, fully clothed. and it's-- what is going on here? how many boobs do you see in movies? but how many [bleep]do you see? like, none.

the only time you seea penis on game of thrones is when they're about to die,and you see boobs all the time. is that fair? no. is it preferred? maybe. there are glimmers of hope here and there where they have a strongfemale protagonist. and it's really interesting. i don't know if you guysheard of the legend of korra. it's, like, a great show.

(finebros) the flip-sideto some of this controversy is people claim that this videois a form of feminism. what? (finebros) it's empowerment. they're flaunting 'cause they want to, and they can do what they want.what is your thoughts on that? it makes sense. like,i can't say that that's wrong. i just don't think that waywas the right way to show that. from a guy's perspective,

it just looks like you'retrying to get attention. it's a yes-and-no question. she's putting herself out there in ways to expose herself the way she wants to, and she's expressing herself.but at the same time she's not, because she's oversexualizedand she's objectified. it's empowering,but it's objectifying. pick one. (finebros) the term"rape culture" has been used to describe our society,saying that we don't even realize

that we're surrounded withthe objectification of women across society, including the media, which some say leads tothe mistreatment of women. it's so true. like, i hate it. i've done some researchabout ads and media oversexualizing women,and it's all very subconscious. we do have thosepreconceptions about women, because it's what we getas an influence when we're young. men think it's just normal to have sex.

how about you teach young men and boys to learn how to respect women? i almost feel like it isbecause of these music videos and culture that shows howthese women have no clothes on. and it just makes men feel likethey're entitled to that body, because they see it all the time. the guys in my grade are, like-- a lot of the times whenthey have a relationship, they always, like, be like, "send nudes.

send nudes 'cause you have to,'cause i'm your boyfriend." when they see something like that, they're probably gonna be like,"oh, if drake can do that, then i can ask for some girl to do it too, because i'm just like drake." we allow it to be mainstreambecause we tend to like it so much, i mean, especially when itcomes to this close-to-nudity. we're allowing it to the extentthat it makes it so okay, when it shouldn't be as okay as it is.

(finebros) so back to the video itself, some people think all thiscontroversy is a big overreaction, because the video is just fun - and it's supposed to be a funny song.- it makes sense. i'll be honest, the first time i heard it, i was hysterically laughing. i feel like people justoverreact over nothing. i guess, but i think there are better ways she could've maybe gone about it.

i feel like if she didn'tgive the lap dance, it would be kind of that sort of idea. all the other times,there was no guys, right? in the music video, it was all girls? they're just thinking,"oh, this is fun. i'm getting views. this is becoming more popular. awesome." but they're not really realizing that guys are stilltreating women as objects. (finebros) so finally,all this being said, yes or no--

is this video appropriate or notfor nicki minaj to have made? no. i think it was appropriate. (chuckling) no. for her, yeah, why not? - no.- no. i don't think that it wouldbe correct to tell her not to make stuff like that. no, she shouldn't have.

yeah, because it's nicki minaj. she's always been like that. please, nicki, (chortles) change.don't let vaatu in. no, it's not okay, just becausei feel like it's just too much. as much as i enjoyed it,it's just too much. thanks for watchingthis episode of teens react. if you want to watch bonusfootage from this episode, make sure to check it outon the react channel. my anaconda don't want none,unless you got a personality.


Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

asking alexandria tričko

asking alexandria tričko

-book eleventh.chapter i - part 1. the little shoe. la esmeralda was sleeping at the momentwhen the outcasts assailed the church. soon the ever-increasing uproar around theedifice, and the uneasy bleating of her goat which had been awakened, had rousedher from her slumbers. she had sat up, she had listened, she hadlooked; then, terrified by the light and noise, she had rushed from her cell to see. the aspect of the place, the vision whichwas moving in it, the disorder of that nocturnal assault, that hideous crowd,leaping like a cloud of frogs, half seen in

the gloom, the croaking of that hoarse multitude, those few red torches runningand crossing each other in the darkness like the meteors which streak the mistysurfaces of marshes, this whole scene produced upon her the effect of a mysterious battle between the phantoms ofthe witches' sabbath and the stone monsters of the church. imbued from her very infancy with thesuperstitions of the bohemian tribe, her first thought was that she had caught thestrange beings peculiar to the night, in their deeds of witchcraft.

then she ran in terror to cower in hercell, asking of her pallet some less terrible nightmare. but little by little the first vapors ofterror had been dissipated; from the constantly increasing noise, and from manyother signs of reality, she felt herself besieged not by spectres, but by humanbeings. then her fear, though it did not increase,changed its character. she had dreamed of the possibility of apopular mutiny to tear her from her asylum. the idea of once more recovering life,hope, phoebus, who was ever present in her future, the extreme helplessness of hercondition, flight cut off, no support, her

abandonment, her isolation,--these thoughtsand a thousand others overwhelmed her. she fell upon her knees, with her head onher bed, her hands clasped over her head, full of anxiety and tremors, and, althougha gypsy, an idolater, and a pagan, she began to entreat with sobs, mercy from the good christian god, and to pray to ourlady, her hostess. for even if one believes in nothing, thereare moments in life when one is always of the religion of the temple which is nearestat hand. she remained thus prostrate for a very longtime, trembling in truth, more than praying, chilled by the ever-closer breathof that furious multitude, understanding

nothing of this outburst, ignorant of what was being plotted, what was being done,what they wanted, but foreseeing a terrible issue.in the midst of this anguish, she heard some one walking near her. she turned round.two men, one of whom carried a lantern, had just entered her cell.she uttered a feeble cry. "fear nothing," said a voice which was notunknown to her, "it is i." "who are you?" she asked."pierre gringoire." this name reassured her.

she raised her eyes once more, andrecognized the poet in very fact. but there stood beside him a black figureveiled from head to foot, which struck her by its silence. "oh!" continued gringoire in a tone ofreproach, "djali recognized me before you!" the little goat had not, in fact, waitedfor gringoire to announce his name. no sooner had he entered than it rubbeditself gently against his knees, covering the poet with caresses and with whitehairs, for it was shedding its hair. gringoire returned the caresses. "who is this with you?" said the gypsy, ina low voice.

"be at ease," replied gringoire."'tis one of my friends." then the philosopher setting his lantern onthe ground, crouched upon the stones, and exclaimed enthusiastically, as he presseddjali in his arms,-- "oh! 'tis a graceful beast, moreconsiderable no doubt, for it's neatness than for its size, but ingenious, subtle,and lettered as a grammarian! let us see, my djali, hast thou forgottenany of thy pretty tricks? how does master jacques charmolue?..."the man in black did not allow him to finish. he approached gringoire and shook himroughly by the shoulder.

gringoire rose."'tis true," said he: "i forgot that we are in haste. but that is no reason master, for gettingfurious with people in this manner. my dear and lovely child, your life is indanger, and djali's also. they want to hang you again. we are your friends, and we have come tosave you. follow us.""is it true?" she exclaimed in dismay. "yes, perfectly true. come quickly!""i am willing," she stammered.

"but why does not your friend speak?" "ah!" said gringoire, "'tis because hisfather and mother were fantastic people who made him of a taciturn temperament."she was obliged to content herself with this explanation. gringoire took her by the hand; hiscompanion picked up the lantern and walked on in front.fear stunned the young girl. she allowed herself to be led away. the goat followed them, frisking, so joyousat seeing gringoire again that it made him stumble every moment by thrusting its hornsbetween his legs.

"such is life," said the philosopher, everytime that he came near falling down; "'tis often our best friends who cause us to beoverthrown." they rapidly descended the staircase of thetowers, crossed the church, full of shadows and solitude, and all reverberating withuproar, which formed a frightful contrast, and emerged into the courtyard of thecloister by the red door. the cloister was deserted; the canons hadfled to the bishop's palace in order to pray together; the courtyard was empty, afew frightened lackeys were crouching in dark corners. they directed their steps towards the doorwhich opened from this court upon the

terrain.the man in black opened it with a key which he had about him. our readers are aware that the terrain wasa tongue of land enclosed by walls on the side of the city and belonging to thechapter of notre-dame, which terminated the island on the east, behind the church. they found this enclosure perfectlydeserted. there was here less tumult in the air.the roar of the outcasts' assault reached them more confusedly and less clamorously. the fresh breeze which follows the currentof a stream, rustled the leaves of the only

tree planted on the point of the terrain,with a noise that was already perceptible. but they were still very close to danger. the nearest edifices to them were thebishop's palace and the church. it was plainly evident that there was greatinternal commotion in the bishop's palace. its shadowy mass was all furrowed withlights which flitted from window to window; as, when one has just burned paper, thereremains a sombre edifice of ashes in which bright sparks run a thousand eccentriccourses. beside them, the enormous towers of notre-dame, thus viewed from behind, with the long nave above which they rise cut out inblack against the red and vast light which

filled the parvis, resembled two giganticandirons of some cyclopean fire-grate. what was to be seen of paris on all sideswavered before the eye in a gloom mingled with light. rembrandt has such backgrounds to hispictures. the man with the lantern walked straight tothe point of the terrain. there, at the very brink of the water,stood the wormeaten remains of a fence of posts latticed with laths, whereon a lowvine spread out a few thin branches like the fingers of an outspread hand. behind, in the shadow cast by this trellis,a little boat lay concealed.

the man made a sign to gringoire and hiscompanion to enter. the goat followed them. the man was the last to step in. then he cut the boat's moorings, pushed itfrom the shore with a long boat-hook, and, seizing two oars, seated himself in thebow, rowing with all his might towards midstream. the seine is very rapid at this point, andhe had a good deal of trouble in leaving the point of the island.gringoire's first care on entering the boat was to place the goat on his knees.

he took a position in the stern; and theyoung girl, whom the stranger inspired with an indefinable uneasiness, seated herselfclose to the poet. when our philosopher felt the boat sway, heclapped his hands and kissed djali between the horns."oh!" said he, "now we are safe, all four of us." he added with the air of a profoundthinker, "one is indebted sometimes to fortune, sometimes to ruse, for the happyissue of great enterprises." the boat made its way slowly towards theright shore. the young girl watched the unknown man withsecret terror.

he had carefully turned off the light ofhis dark lantern. a glimpse could be caught of him in theobscurity, in the bow of the boat, like a spectre. his cowl, which was still lowered, formed asort of mask; and every time that he spread his arms, upon which hung large blacksleeves, as he rowed, one would have said they were two huge bat's wings. moreover, he had not yet uttered a word orbreathed a syllable. no other noise was heard in the boat thanthe splashing of the oars, mingled with the rippling of the water along her sides.

"on my soul!" exclaimed gringoire suddenly,"we are as cheerful and joyous as young owls!we preserve the silence of pythagoreans or fishes! pasque-dieu! my friends, i should greatlylike to have some one speak to me. the human voice is music to the human ear.'tis not i who say that, but didymus of alexandria, and they are illustrious words. assuredly, didymus of alexandria is nomediocre philosopher.--one word, my lovely child! say but one word to me, i entreatyou. by the way, you had a droll and peculiarlittle pout; do you still make it?

do you know, my dear, that parliament hathfull jurisdiction over all places of asylum, and that you were running a greatrisk in your little chamber at notre-dame? alas! the little bird trochylus maketh itsnest in the jaws of the crocodile.--master, here is the moon re-appearing.if only they do not perceive us. we are doing a laudable thing in savingmademoiselle, and yet we should be hung by order of the king if we were caught.alas! human actions are taken by two handles. that is branded with disgrace in one whichis crowned in another. he admires cicero who blames catiline.is it not so, master?

what say you to this philosophy? i possess philosophy by instinct, bynature, ut apes geometriam.--come! no one answers me.what unpleasant moods you two are in! i must do all the talking alone. that is what we call a monologue intragedy.--pasque-dieu! i must inform you that i have just seen theking, louis xi., and that i have caught this oath from him,--pasque-dieu! they are still making a hearty howl in thecity.--'tis a villanous, malicious old king.he is all swathed in furs.

he still owes me the money for myepithalamium, and he came within a nick of hanging me this evening, which would havebeen very inconvenient to me.--he is niggardly towards men of merit. he ought to read the four books of salvienof cologne, adversits avaritiam. in truth! 'tis a paltry king in his ways with men ofletters, and one who commits very barbarous cruelties.he is a sponge, to soak money raised from the people. his saving is like the spleen whichswelleth with the leanness of all the other

members. hence complaints against the hardness ofthe times become murmurs against the prince. under this gentle and pious sire, thegallows crack with the hung, the blocks rot with blood, the prisons burst like overfull bellies. this king hath one hand which grasps, andone which hangs. he is the procurator of dame tax andmonsieur gibbet. the great are despoiled of their dignities,and the little incessantly overwhelmed with fresh oppressions.he is an exorbitant prince.

i love not this monarch. and you, master?"the man in black let the garrulous poet chatter on. he continued to struggle against theviolent and narrow current, which separates the prow of the city and the stem of theisland of notre-dame, which we call to-day the isle st. louis. "by the way, master!" continued gringoiresuddenly. "at the moment when we arrived on theparvis, through the enraged outcasts, did your reverence observe that poor littledevil whose skull your deaf man was just

cracking on the railing of the gallery ofthe kings? i am near sighted and i could not recognizehim. do you know who he could be?" the stranger answered not a word.but he suddenly ceased rowing, his arms fell as though broken, his head sank on hisbreast, and la esmeralda heard him sigh convulsively. she shuddered.she had heard such sighs before. the boat, abandoned to itself, floated forseveral minutes with the stream. but the man in black finally recoveredhimself, seized the oars once more and

began to row against the current. he doubled the point of the isle of notredame, and made for the landing-place of the port an foin. "ah!" said gringoire, "yonder is thebarbeau mansion.--stay, master, look: that group of black roofs which make suchsingular angles yonder, above that heap of black, fibrous grimy, dirty clouds, where the moon is completely crushed and spreadout like the yolk of an egg whose shell is broken.--'tis a fine mansion.there is a chapel crowned with a small vault full of very well carved enrichments.

above, you can see the bell tower, verydelicately pierced. there is also a pleasant garden, whichconsists of a pond, an aviary, an echo, a mall, a labyrinth, a house for wild beasts,and a quantity of leafy alleys very agreeable to venus. there is also a rascal of a tree which iscalled 'the lewd,' because it favored the pleasures of a famous princess and aconstable of france, who was a gallant and a wit.--alas! we poor philosophers are to a constable as a plot of cabbages or a radishbed to the garden of the louvre. what matters it, after all? human life, forthe great as well as for us, is a mixture

of good and evil. pain is always by the side of joy, thespondee by the dactyl.--master, i must relate to you the history of the barbeaumansion. it ends in tragic fashion. it was in 1319, in the reign of philippev., the longest reign of the kings of france. the moral of the story is that thetemptations of the flesh are pernicious and malignant. let us not rest our glance too long on ourneighbor's wife, however gratified our

senses may be by her beauty.fornication is a very libertine thought. adultery is a prying into the pleasures ofothers--ohe! the noise yonder is redoubling!"the tumult around notre-dame was, in fact, increasing. they listened.cries of victory were heard with tolerable distinctness. all at once, a hundred torches, the lightof which glittered upon the helmets of men at arms, spread over the church at allheights, on the towers, on the galleries, on the flying buttresses.

these torches seemed to be in search ofsomething; and soon distant clamors reached the fugitives distinctly:--"the gypsy! thesorceress! death to the gypsy!" the unhappy girl dropped her head upon herhands, and the unknown began to row furiously towards the shore.meanwhile our philosopher reflected. he clasped the goat in his arms, and gentlydrew away from the gypsy, who pressed closer and closer to him, as though to theonly asylum which remained to her. it is certain that gringoire was enduringcruel perplexity. he was thinking that the goat also,"according to existing law," would be hung if recaptured; which would be a great pity,poor djali! that he had thus two condemned

creatures attached to him; that his companion asked no better than to takecharge of the gypsy. a violent combat began between histhoughts, in which, like the jupiter of the iliad, he weighed in turn the gypsy and thegoat; and he looked at them alternately with eyes moist with tears, saying betweenhis teeth: "but i cannot save you both!"a shock informed them that the boat had reached the land at last. the uproar still filled the city.the unknown rose, approached the gypsy, and endeavored to take her arm to assist her toalight.

she repulsed him and clung to the sleeve ofgringoire, who, in his turn, absorbed in the goat, almost repulsed her.then she sprang alone from the boat. she was so troubled that she did not knowwhat she did or whither she was going. thus she remained for a moment, stunned,watching the water flow past; when she gradually returned to her senses, she foundherself alone on the wharf with the unknown. it appears that gringoire had takenadvantage of the moment of debarcation to slip away with the goat into the block ofhouses of the rue grenier-sur-l'eau. the poor gypsy shivered when she beheldherself alone with this man.

she tried to speak, to cry out, to callgringoire; her tongue was dumb in her mouth, and no sound left her lips. all at once she felt the stranger's hand onhers. it was a strong, cold hand.her teeth chattered, she turned paler than the ray of moonlight which illuminated her. the man spoke not a word.he began to ascend towards the place de greve, holding her by the hand.at that moment, she had a vague feeling that destiny is an irresistible force. she had no more resistance left in her, sheallowed herself to be dragged along,

running while he walked.at this spot the quay ascended. but it seemed to her as though she weredescending a slope. she gazed about her on all sides.not a single passer-by. the quay was absolutely deserted. she heard no sound, she felt no peoplemoving save in the tumultuous and glowing city, from which she was separated only byan arm of the seine, and whence her name reached her, mingled with cries of "death!" the rest of paris was spread around her ingreat blocks of shadows. meanwhile, the stranger continued to dragher along with the same silence and the

same rapidity. she had no recollection of any of theplaces where she was walking. as she passed before a lighted window, shemade an effort, drew up suddenly, and cried out, "help!" the bourgeois who was standing at thewindow opened it, appeared there in his shirt with his lamp, stared at the quaywith a stupid air, uttered some words which she did not understand, and closed hisshutter again. it was her last gleam of hope extinguished. the man in black did not utter a syllable;he held her firmly, and set out again at a

quicker pace.she no longer resisted, but followed him, completely broken. from time to time she called together alittle strength, and said, in a voice broken by the unevenness of the pavementand the breathlessness of their flight, "who are you? who are you?"he made no reply. they arrived thus, still keeping along thequay, at a tolerably spacious square. it was the greve. in the middle, a sort of black, erect crosswas visible; it was the gallows.

she recognized all this, and saw where shewas. the man halted, turned towards her andraised his cowl. "oh!" she stammered, almost petrified, "iknew well that it was he again!" it was the priest. he looked like the ghost of himself; thatis an effect of the moonlight, it seems as though one beheld only the spectres ofthings in that light. "listen!" he said to her; and she shudderedat the sound of that fatal voice which she had not heard for a long time. he continued speaking with those brief andpanting jerks, which betoken deep internal

convulsions."listen! we are here. i am going to speak to you. this is the greve.this is an extreme point. destiny gives us to one another.i am going to decide as to your life; you will decide as to my soul. here is a place, here is a night beyondwhich one sees nothing. then listen to me.i am going to tell you...in the first place, speak not to me of your phoebus. (as he spoke thus he paced to and fro, likea man who cannot remain in one place, and

dragged her after him.)do not speak to me of him. do you see? if you utter that name, i know not what ishall do, but it will be terrible." then, like a body which recovers its centreof gravity, he became motionless once more, but his words betrayed no less agitation. his voice grew lower and lower."do not turn your head aside thus. listen to me.it is a serious matter. in the first place, here is what hashappened.--all this will not be laughed at. i swear it to you.--what was i saying?remind me!

oh!--there is a decree of parliament whichgives you back to the scaffold. i have just rescued you from their hands.but they are pursuing you. look!" he extended his arm toward the city.the search seemed, in fact, to be still in progress there. the uproar drew nearer; the tower of thelieutenant's house, situated opposite the greve, was full of clamors and light, andsoldiers could be seen running on the opposite quay with torches and these cries,"the gypsy! where is the gypsy!death!

death!" "you see that they are in pursuit of you,and that i am not lying to you. i love you.--do not open your mouth;refrain from speaking to me rather, if it be only to tell me that you hate me. i have made up my mind not to hear thatagain.--i have just saved you.--let me finish first.i can save you wholly. i have prepared everything. it is yours at will.if you wish, i can do it." he broke off violently."no, that is not what i should say!"

as he went with hurried step and made herhurry also, for he did not release her, he walked straight to the gallows, and pointedto it with his finger,-- "choose between us two," he said, coldly. she tore herself from his hands and fell atthe foot of the gibbet, embracing that funereal support, then she half turned herbeautiful head, and looked at the priest over her shoulder. one would have said that she was a holyvirgin at the foot of the cross. the priest remained motionless, his fingerstill raised toward the gibbet, preserving his attitude like a statue.

at length the gypsy said to him,--"it causes me less horror than you do." then he allowed his arm to sink slowly, andgazed at the pavement in profound dejection. "if these stones could speak," he murmured,"yes, they would say that a very unhappy man stands here."he went on. the young girl, kneeling before thegallows, enveloped in her long flowing hair, let him speak on withoutinterruption. he now had a gentle and plaintive accentwhich contrasted sadly with the haughty harshness of his features."i love you.

oh! how true that is! so nothing comes of that fire which burnsmy heart! alas! young girl, night and day--yes, nightand day i tell you,--it is torture. oh! i suffer too much, my poor child. 'tis a thing deserving of compassion, iassure you. you see that i speak gently to you. i really wish that you should no longercherish this horror of me.--after all, if a man loves a woman, 'tis not his fault!--oh,my god!--what! so you will never pardon me?

you will always hate me?all is over then. it is that which renders me evil, do yousee? and horrible to myself.--you will not even look at me! you are thinking of something else,perchance, while i stand here and talk to you, shuddering on the brink of eternityfor both of us! above all things, do not speak to me of theofficer!--i would cast myself at your knees, i would kiss not your feet, but theearth which is under your feet; i would sob like a child, i would tear from my breast not words, but my very heart and vitals, totell you that i love you;--all would be

useless, all!--and yet you have nothing inyour heart but what is tender and merciful. you are radiant with the most beautifulmildness; you are wholly sweet, good, pitiful, and charming.alas! you cherish no ill will for any one but mealone! oh! what a fatality!"he hid his face in his hands. the young girl heard him weeping. it was for the first time.thus erect and shaken by sobs, he was more miserable and more suppliant than when onhis knees. he wept thus for a considerable time.

"come!" he said, these first tears passed,"i have no more words. i had, however, thought well as to what youwould say. now i tremble and shiver and break down atthe decisive moment, i feel conscious of something supreme enveloping us, and istammer. oh! i shall fall upon the pavement if youdo not take pity on me, pity on yourself. do not condemn us both.if you only knew how much i love you! what a heart is mine! oh! what desertion of all virtue!what desperate abandonment of myself! a doctor, i mock at science; a gentleman,i tarnish my own name; a priest, i make of

the missal a pillow of sensuality, i spitin the face of my god! all this for thee, enchantress! to be more worthy of thy hell! and you will not have the apostate!oh! let me tell you all! more still, something more horrible, oh!yet more horrible!...." as he uttered these last words, his airbecame utterly distracted. he was silent for a moment, and resumed, asthough speaking to himself, and in a strong voice,-- "cain, what hast thou done with thybrother?" there was another silence, and he went on--"what have i done with him, lord?

i received him, i reared him, i nourishedhim, i loved him, i idolized him, and i have slain him! yes, lord, they have just dashed his headbefore my eyes on the stone of thine house, and it is because of me, because of thiswoman, because of her." his eye was wild. his voice grew ever weaker; he repeatedmany times, yet, mechanically, at tolerably long intervals, like a bell prolonging itslast vibration: "because of her.--because of her." then his tongue no longer articulated anyperceptible sound; but his lips still

moved. all at once he sank together, likesomething crumbling, and lay motionless on the earth, with his head on his knees. a touch from the young girl, as she drewher foot from under him, brought him to himself. he passed his hand slowly over his hollowcheeks, and gazed for several moments at his fingers, which were wet, "what!" hemurmured, "i have wept!" and turning suddenly to the gypsy withunspeakable anguish,-- "alas! you have looked coldly on at mytears!

child, do you know that those tears are oflava? is it indeed true?nothing touches when it comes from the man whom one does not love. if you were to see me die, you would laugh.oh! i do not wish to see you die! one word!a single word of pardon! say not that you love me, say only that youwill do it; that will suffice; i will save you.if not--oh! the hour is passing. i entreat you by all that is sacred, do notwait until i shall have turned to stone again, like that gibbet which also claimsyou!

reflect that i hold the destinies of bothof us in my hand, that i am mad,--it is terrible,--that i may let all go todestruction, and that there is beneath us a bottomless abyss, unhappy girl, whither myfall will follow yours to all eternity! one word of kindness!say one word! only one word!" she opened her mouth to answer him. he flung himself on his knees to receivewith adoration the word, possibly a tender one, which was on the point of issuing fromher lips. she said to him, "you are an assassin!" the priest clasped her in his arms withfury, and began to laugh with an abominable

laugh."well, yes, an assassin!" he said, "and i will have you. you will not have me for your slave, youshall have me for your master. i will have you!i have a den, whither i will drag you. you will follow me, you will be obliged tofollow me, or i will deliver you up! you must die, my beauty, or be mine! belongto the priest! belong to the apostate! belong to the assassin! this very night, doyou hear? come! joy; kiss me, mad girl! the tomb or my bed!"his eyes sparkled with impurity and rage.

his lewd lips reddened the young girl'sneck. she struggled in his arms. he covered her with furious kisses."do not bite me, monster!" she cried. "oh! the foul, odious monk! leave me!i will tear out thy ugly gray hair and fling it in thy face by the handful!" he reddened, turned pale, then released herand gazed at her with a gloomy air. she thought herself victorious, andcontinued,-- "i tell you that i belong to my phoebus,that 'tis phoebus whom i love, that 'tis phoebus who is handsome! you are old,priest! you are ugly!

begone!" he gave vent to a horrible cry, like thewretch to whom a hot iron is applied. "die, then!" he said, gnashing his teeth.she saw his terrible look and tried to fly. he caught her once more, he shook her, heflung her on the ground, and walked with rapid strides towards the corner of thetour-roland, dragging her after him along the pavement by her beautiful hands. on arriving there, he turned to her,--"for the last time, will you be mine?" she replied with emphasis,--"no!" then he cried in a loud voice,--

"gudule!gudule! here is the gypsy! take your vengeance!"the young girl felt herself seized suddenly by the elbow. she looked.a fleshless arm was stretched from an opening in the wall, and held her like ahand of iron. "hold her well," said the priest; "'tis thegypsy escaped. release her not.i will go in search of the sergeants. you shall see her hanged."

asking alexandria trix

asking alexandria trix

>> eyal: uhh. umm.>> joey: um! >> josh: and never, never use b8's.[laughing] >> eyal: oh, god. those are so bad.>> joey: yeah. b8's are terrible. >> eyal: shit. [music] >> joey: hey, guys. welcome to another episode of "keys to the castle". today you're going to be swimming with eyal levi and special guest josh newell. joel wanasek is not here he's sick today. however, we're still going to bring you some good information. today we're talking about cymbal mixing tips. and i think we're gonna start

with you, eyal. what's your first tip? >> eyal: well, the first thing that you should keep in mind about cymbals is that even though where you hear them in this mix is up in the high end and in the upper mids, you've got to realize that they are actually a broadband instrument. when you're miking cymbals a lot of noises get into the microphone that aren't even the cymbal, like the stand moving. all kinds of low-end vibration. so you definitely need to be very, very aware of where to high pass them and get rid of all the stuff that doesn't belong and then make some pretty surgical cuts to resonant nasty frequencies in the upper mid-range and the high-end. there's going to be a lot of that.

>> josh: i think one of the things to keep in mind when cymbal mixing is that volume automation is really going to be your friend. especially poorly recorded cymbals. even if you're compressing down on your cymbals a bit, you'll find that any kind of cymbals way off will disappear so just be ready to do a lot of rides. i'll ride up any crashes going into a chorus or a bridge. i've found most drummers hit their hi-hats way too hard. they'll just lay into it because it's comfortable. so, if it's a hi-hat beat i'll ride the automation down and then bring it back up when they change to a cymbal. it's a little time consuming, but i think in the long run it really helps even things out. >> joey: yeah, and i find my cymbal sound doesn't really come alive until i start to use

a compressor. you're going to treat real cymbals the same way as you would fake cymbals, because the thing that will make the cymbals glue together and connect with the rest of the song and the kit is the compressor. however, you'll notice on real drums that you can't really control the amount of bleed that the snare has as it pokes in from the overheads. so one way to combat that is to use an l2 which allows you to sort of cut the snare off at a certainpeak value so that it doesn't interact with the compressors threshold and it allows you to only focus on the compression of the cymbals rather than compressing the snare and the cymbals, and having this weird

awkward imbalance of volume reduction.>> eyal: another method to pull the snare out of the cymbals, which works equally well in my opinion, would be to throw a compressor on the cymbal tracks and sidechain it to the snare so that every single time the snare hits it ducks out of the cymbal tracks. whichever way you choose to skin the cat doesn't matter. what matters is that you're pulling the snare out of the overheads so that when they then get compressed you don't get weirdness. >> josh: i think another thing that kind of helps the cymbal mixing, i'm going to name-drop real quick, this is something i picked up from working with josh wilbur and andy wallace a little bit. they don't pan their cymbals a hundred percent out. i know a lot of people will do just hard left and right on the overheads. and those guys will

pan anywhere from just twenty-five to seventy-five. and by putting the cymbals in a slightly different place in the stereo field width wise, they're getting more room. they're cutting back on how much the cymbals are fighting with the guitars for top-end in that 3k to 5k range which can get a little crowded. so honestly, anything in your mix, you need to think about panning left and right and not just doing hard panning. something i've been doing recently is just bringing the cymbals in a little bit and it seems to give it more space.>> joey: yeah. and i guess the other thing to do is obviously you want to eq your cymbals. but there's some interesting ways that youcan eq cymbals that might not be immediately apparent. one of the things i find myself doing is using

a tape simulator or a saturator where i can balance off the warmth versus the top-end. you can sort of make the top-end more brittle, or more spacey, and more ambient. you can also, if you've eq'd or filtered out some of the low-end, get some more warmth back in there as well by using similiar techniques, or using some sort of distortion, or maybe even a tube simulator of some sort. i've found that those work really well. as well as multi-band compression. >> eyal: the one thing that you can do to fix cymbals that are just a little too short for whatever reason. like, sometimes for instance on a china cymbal, the miking job will be weird, or the drummer hits it at a weird angle, and then you just get the initial hit of the

cymbal, and then it quickly dies off. not much sustain to that. you can throw a transient designer and turn the sustain up on that.it's useful. it will lengthen the cymbals out and not just make a sound like "sch-" done.>> joey: just to bounce off of that real quick, and i know this is a shameless plug, but transify is actually really useful for that because you have four different sustain knobs over four eq ranges and you can control exactly where you want that extra ambience or that extra ambience or that extra sustain. it's perfect for cymbals. perfect for drum mixing. and try it on a load of different things as well, but especially cymbals. it really shines. >> josh: i think the magic solution for any mix problem is parallel compression, or parallel

processing. if i have cymbals that aren't sustaining quite as much as i want i'll have my main set of overheads and maybe i'll do a second set where i'm really squashing them with the slow release and kind of some choice eq and just blend that it in, and it can bring out sustain in cymbals. i've done it with room mikes too. i've even used, if it's a small enough room and you eq and compress it right, you can have your main set of rooms and then you can have another set that are really just there to bring out sustain in your cymbals, or even add a little top-end sheen without it getting really harsh. because room mikes being back, sometimes it gives you the ability to add more top end without having to worry about it getting harsh because they're not directly over the cymbals.

>> eyal: another thing to keep in mind, back to my earlier point about cymbals being broadband instruments. they're going to be stepping all over everything. guitars and vocals primarily. so, a good thing to do is to find what ranges your lead instruments like to live and just make some gradual gentle wide q cuts in the cymbals and the rooms right there to leave some space for the vocals because they will be stepping on them. >> announcer: if you learned something from this video, be sure to leave us a like. for more stuff like this, please share and subscribe. and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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asking alexandria tour

asking alexandria tour

a day to remember pulls a random person from the crowd

asking alexandria tour uk

asking alexandria tour uk

the first evidence of john titor’s existence appeared on an online forum for the time travel institute on november 2, 2000. each post was accompanied by this symbol, which was later revealed to be a military designation from the future. under the name timetravel_0, the individual introduced himself by describing the “six parts” of a working time machine... ...including the use of dual micro singularities and an electron injection manifold to control their mass and gravity. timetravel_0’s name, john titor, was not revealed until january 2001, when his posts began appearing on the art bell bbs forums. he explained he was an american soldier from 2036 who was on a secret mission triggered by an impending technological apocalypse. these still undeciphered scans of the manual for his "c204 time displacement unit" were offered as proof of his claims. according to titor, he was on his way back to 1975 to retrieve an ibm 5100 machine needed to debug the unix 2038 error... ...a coding limitation that could cause computers to fail on a scale beyond the worst predictions for the y2k bug.

among titor’s eerie predictions was cern’s discovery of mini black holes in 2001 that were to become the basis for his travels... ...although others, such as warning of a us civil war after an election, appeared to be incorrect or part of an alternative future. titor mentioned that the many-worlds theory of quantum mechanics had been validated, suggesting many timelines were possible. he also claimed that while still unsolved in the future, it was suspected that ufos and aliens were more advanced time travelers. the john titor posts ended in march 2001 without explanation, and his identity has neither been confirmed nor disproven... sometime in 1943, it is alleged that the us navy destroyer escort uss eldridge participated in project rainbow... ...a top-secret experiment to test new “cloaking” technology that would render the ship invisible to detection. also known as the “philadelphia experiment,” the tests centered on albert einstein’s unified field theory... ...and supposedly manipulated the forces of electromagnetism and gravity to make the uss eldridge temporarily disappear.

details of the experiment’s shocking results were allegedly leaked by a sailor on the support ship ss andrew furuseth. using the alias “carlos miguel allende”, carl meredith allen claimed that the uss eldridge momentarily vanished into thin air. it is speculated that a powerful magnetic field generator aboard the eldridge bent not only radar and light as intended... ...but also inadvertently warped gravity to create a dilation of time and sent the ship and crew back several seconds in the past. when the eldridge reappeared, it is said that sailors ended up on different decks or were embedded in the ship’s metal hull. rumors suggest that the navy was never able to control or calibrate the phenomenon at the time to make it survivable... to this day, navy officials maintain that no such experiment was ever conducted and that no such technology exists... eduard albert meier is a swiss citizen born in 1937 who claims to have first been visited by extraterrestrials in 1942. he alleges that his initial contact was with an elderly humanoid named sfath who was of a race known as the plejaren.

according to meier, the plejaren appear similar to humans and are from an earth-like world called erra. they are said to exist in an alternate dimension that is shifted a fraction of a second away from our own. meier suggests that extraterrestrials are able to visit earth by manipulating the flow of a time unit known as a chronon... ...and he claims that two alternate timeline races, the plejaren and the timarians, have the ability to travel through time. meier himself has also claimed to time travel along earth’s timeline and has presented a number of photos as evidence... ...appearing to show ufos in the present, prehistoric scenes in the past, and devastated scenes of earth’s future. it is said that meier has collected approximately 1,380 photos from his travels through space and time. much of his work remains unverified, but he has attracted a devoted cult-like following known as figu... ...the free community of interests for fringe and spiritual sciences and ufology that closely guards his secrets...

as a young child, andrew basiago claims that from 1968 to 1972 he participated in a darpa project code-named pegasus... ...a program in which the us military supposedly perfected time travel technology based on secret research by nikola tesla. over 100 children were allegedly recruited for the “chrononaut” program and chosen for their young and flexible brain placisity. it was believed that they would be best equipped to survive the “mental strain of moving between past, present and future.” according to basiago, he and other children were information couriers who delivered future intelligence to us presidents... ...and he claims that he accidentally appeared in this photo from lincoln’s gettysburg address during one of his trips. based on his experience, basiago came to believe that not all of his time travel missions were in the same earth timeline... ...an “alternative dimension” hypothesis of time travel that could explain his wildest claims of meeting aliens on mars. basiago has since made it his duty to expose the us government’s secret time travel program for the greater good of humanity...

...and he is thought to be one of the two "planetary-level whistle blowers" predicted by the mysterious web bot project... as an accidental time traveler, the simplicity of sir victor goddard’s story perhaps makes it one of the most believable... ...and it is enhanced by his high-ranking status as a british air marshall who was knighted for his outstanding service. in 1935, goddard was allegedly piloting a hawker hart biplane when he encountered a storm over the abandoned drem airfield. the turbulent and bizarre brown cloud was unlike any weather he had ever entered before and it sent him into a tailspin. barely recovering from an almost certain crash, goddard suddenly found himself back over the abandoned airfield... ...except it appeared to him to be fully operational with yellow monoplanes and raf engineers in brown, not blue overalls. at the time, goddard could not make sense of what he saw, and his friends could barely believe him when he described the scene. no such planes existed in the raf in 1935 and the uniform colors that he saw were not worn by any raf mechanics.

it would not be until the start of world war ii in 1939 that goddard realized he may have experienced a slip in time... ...when the drem airfield was reopened for war, the yellow magister fighter was built, and raf overalls were changed to brown...

asking alexandria tour uk 2016

asking alexandria tour uk 2016

human behaviour is fascinating, and it’saround this time of year – february 14 to be precise – that homo sapiens in many countriesengage in a curious ritual: the valentine’s day gift exchange. whether it be cards, chocolate, roses, plushtoys, a love fern or diamonds (if you’re fancy or serious); they appear to be tokensaimed at acknowledging you, wooing you, keeping you or just consumerist obligation. but homo sapiens aren’t alone in givinggifts to their partners – we’ve observed many animals act in the same way and bestowtokens of their affection to their bae. love gifts that are, arguably, better thanroses.

#betterthanroses. to the adelie penguin, pebbles are one oftheir most prized possessions. stones are in demand – the penguins usethem to build nests and they’re hard to find on the antarctic coast. the penguins often fight over them, and stealstones from each other’s nests. during courtship, a male penguin presentsfemale with a pebble as a gift. if she accepts his gift, they couple up andmate for life. from an evolutionary biology perspective,we can look at these nuptial gifts through the lens of parental investment theory – effortparents go to that will benefit their offspring.

the male is providing a gift to a female thatincreases her “reproductive output” – the gifts attract females and facilitate… someaction. and gifts are given elsewhere in the animalkingdom. in northern australia and papua new guinea,male bowerbirds build complex nests (or “bowers”) to try and woo females. the nest is made mainly of sticks and decoratedwith whatever bling the male can find – shells, flower petals and even bits of rubbish. they’re the ultimate hoarders who arrangetheir trinkets in a specific pattern to woo the female into the bower – so they cansee their swag before they reach the male

bird. research suggests the geometry of the boweris directly related to the mating success of the builder – if built to give the correctperspective, the nest makes the male bird appear bigger. and well, that leads to more reproductivesuccess. outside of the bird world, a species of southamerican spider gives love presents too. males offer female spiders an item of preythat’s wrapped in silk. and the larger the gift, the better theirchance of mating. aside from the size of the dead insect, chemicalsignals found within the layer of silk influenced

whether the female would accept the gift. kind of romantic? even after you’ve found a partner and areno longer dating, the gifts don’t have to stop. take seahorses for example. when courting, the male seahorses will fightfor female attention, but once they’ve found a mate is when the gift-giving really begins. the females give their eggs to the males,who then fertilize them and carry the young to term.

this means that the males, instead of thefemales like in most species, eventually give birth to anywhere from 5 to 2500 baby seahorses,depending on the subspecies. so you don’t necessarily have to get yourpartner something expensive. sometimes the best gift is just doing somethingnice for them. back in the realm of homo sapiens, economicresearch suggests that the materialistic tone of valentine’s day make it a holiday lovedand a holiday loathed. and psychology studies tracking couples throughoutthe year have found that relationships are more likely to break up in the weeks followingthe holiday. when all hope seems lost, thankfully, we havenature to turn to.

the giving and receiving of gifts is a ritualthat takes place in all societies and even the animal kingdom – just in different forms. this year, consider the unique gifts of nicepebbles, a dead insect, carefully curated rubbish or some shells; for a token of yourappreciation truly inspired by nature. it really is the thought that counts.

Senin, 29 Mei 2017

asking alexandria tour tickets

asking alexandria tour tickets

ww-w.. what? what is that? are you shooting me, yes? as usually... look... :) one. ("ass somersault!")... two. three! there is.. there... hmm.. i just can't always talk exactly :) shoot my ass on video! shoot my ass! listen up, friends! by three put your hands up in the air! three. two. one!

asking alexandria tour deutschland

asking alexandria tour deutschland

hello. my name is emma, and this is my friend gizmo, andtoday we are going to help you learn english. today's english isall about dogs. okay? so, let's ask some questions togizmo, and we can get some answers. our first question: do we callpets "he", "she", or "it"? what do you think, gizmo? usually for pets we liketo use "he" or "she". so you might ask somebody: "what's her name?"or "what's his name?" when you're talking

about a dog or a cat. we usually use "it" for wild animals, althoughsometimes we also use "he" and "she" if we want to personify them. so, majority of the time we use "he" or"she" when we're talking about pets. okay, question number two:what is pet hair called? do you know the answerto this one, gizmo? it is called fur. f-u-r, fur. as you can see, gizmohas a lot of fur.

we use the word "fur" when we're talkingabout cat hair, dog hair, hamster hair. it's what we call fur. okay, our next question:what are pet hands called? okay, let's show gizmo's off. so gizmo, what is this called? this is a paw. so, dogs and cats have paws. i'm just going to putgizmo down for a second. there you go.

okay, so his handsare called paws. okay, our next question:what does "canine" mean? "canine" is another way to say "dog", but"canine" is more scientific sounding. so if you're reading a science book or somethingthat's formal writing, you will probably see the word "canine". it's the science... scientific word for dog. we also have the word "puppy". what does the word "puppy" mean?

"puppy" means a baby dog. so, when a dog is very small and veryyoung, usually around, you know, two months to one year,we call it a puppy. for kittens, that's what wecall a baby cat, a kitten. okay, our next question is a verygood one: what sound does a dog make? sounds are very cultural. in different cultures, animalsmake different sounds. for dogs, in english, dogs can either bark,they can say: "woof woof", or they can say: "ruff ruff".

is this different than whatdogs say in your language? if you're wondering with cats or with, youknow, all sorts of other animals, you can actually check out ronnie's video which coversa lot of these different animal sounds if you're interested. okay, finally, our last question for vocabulary:what do you call a dog with no home? so a dog that livesin the streets. we call a dog with no home a straydog, or we can also say a street dog. so we would say: "that dog has no owner.he's without a family.

he's a stray dog." or: "he is a street dog." so now let's look at some grammar and pronunciation,and cultural tips about talking about dogs. okay, so our next question is a grammar question,and it's a very important grammar question. okay, so let me hold gizmo. okay. so, gizmo, you seethese two things? "i like dog", "i like dogs". do you know what the differencebetween these two sentences are?

no? okay, well, let me tell you. "i like dog" is very differentthan: "i like dogs". when you want to say you like dogs as in,you know, you think they're really cute and funny, and you enjoy them, yousay: "i like dogs" with an "s". this is different from:"i like dog" with no "s". if you say: "i like dog" it makesit sound like you like to eat dog. and this is true fora lot of animals. if we say: "i like chicken", itmeans i like to eat chicken.

this is very different from: "i like chickens",which means: "i think chickens are cute. i enjoy chickens, and i findthem very interesting." okay, so the next question is apronunciation question, and that is: what is the pronunciation differencebetween "dogs" and "ducks"? so a duck is an animal, you know, that says:"quack quack", at least in english it does, and a lot of students, when they say thesewords they pronounce them the same way. so people don't know if you'retalking about a dog or a duck. so, what is the differencein pronunciation? well, "dog" has a differentvowel sound than "duck".

"dog" is longer, we say: "dawg". compare this to: "duck", whichis very short and a bit sharp. this is an "aw" sound:"dog", versus "uh": "duck". okay? so you notice the vowel sound here isshort, whereas the vowel sound here is long. when we add and "s" to "dog" and an "s" to"duck", we also have a different sound. in "dog", because of the "g", the "s"becomes a "zz" sound, as in a "z". so we say: "dawgz". you might not hear it, but there's a littlebit of a "zz" sound at the end of that. "dogs".

now, this is different from "ducks",which has a "ss" sound or an "s" sound. so there is apronunciation difference. say this one short with a "ss" sound, andthis one is longer with a "zz" sound. okay, great. so now let's look at somecultural questions about dogs. okay, so our next question: whatdo north americans think of dogs? and a lot of people in england thinkabout dogs this way, and australia. and this isn't everybody, but this iswhat a lot of the population think. what is their opinion on dogs?

well, let's get gizmoto help me out. gizmo, come here. okay, i'm going to pick him up. ah, here we go. so, in north american culture, dogs likegizmo are often treated like family members. some people even treat them as if they are theirchildren, although this is not everybody, but they really do care about theirdogs and they treat them like family. all right. this is gizmo's first time on camera, so ifhe's a little nervous, he's never been on

camera before. all right, let's look at thenext question, small talk. so, dogs are actually areally, really good...? oh, you want down, buddy? okay, i'll put you down. sorry. okay, so dogs are actually reallygood topics for small talk. if you ever have a conversation with somebodyand you see they have a dog, talking about their dog is agreat thing to do.

so if you're in the elevator or at the parkand you just want to meet somebody, you can ask them about their dog. here are some greatquestions, you can ask them: "what's your dog's name?","what's his name?", "is your dog a boy or a girl?","is it a male or a female?", "how old is your dog?" "how long have youhad your dog for?" okay, so another really good questionis: "what kind of dog do you have?" so in this case we're askingabout the type or the breed.

so there are many differentbreeds or types of dogs. there are chihuahuas, there are germanshepherds, poodles, you know, dalmatians. there are tons ofdifferent types of dogs. gizmo, in case you're wondering,is a lhasa apso-papillion mix. beautiful breed. and so people do liketalking about this. you can ask themabout their breed. are they mix? are they are purebred?

which means they are only onekind of dog, like a poodle. and there is so many different questions youcan ask about dogs, but it's something people really love talking about. so i highly recommend if you see a personwho has a pet, it's something that's a good thing to talk about. okay, so like i said, our petsare like our family, here. oh, thank you, gizmo,for that kiss. so, one thing i wanted to say is that a lotof the times in north american culture you'll actually see thatdogs are indoor dogs.

they're not outside a lot. they're actually... they actually stayinside with us a lot. sometimes, you know, they sit on ourcouches, and for some people they even... like might share, like, the same bed or theymight sleep on the same bed that, you know, their owner has. one other cultural thing that you might noticeif you ever come to canada or north america is that a lot of dogsactually wear clothes here. and gizmo is also...

he wears clothes, too, especially in thewintertime because it does get very cold. so a lot of dogs have winterboots and winter jackets. so if you come here, don'tbe surprised to see that. sometimes people dress up their dogs for fun,other times it's a necessity because it is very cold during the winter. okay, so gizmo and i would liketo thank you for watching. you know, we've had agreat time today i think. isn't that right, gizmo? yeah, he's a bit sleepy now.

oh. okay. so he's just going to say bye. so we hope you subscribe to our channel, andwe have a lot of other resources there. and if you come check out engvid at www.engvid.com,you can actually take a quiz on everything we learned today. all right? so thank you, gizmo,for your help today. and i hope you'veenjoyed this video. until next time, take care.

asking alexandria tour dates 2016

asking alexandria tour dates 2016

this isn't over, baby, don't believe a word they said! but then, but then,she takes a moment to ponder, to wonder what could've been given another chance! to find a light in the darkness and a way out of this! if only she could see what i could see! she takes a moment to stumble to her feet. if only i was there to hold her hand. if only she saw what i saw,

she'd get out of this one! she'd get out of here! what burns the most is that you lied right to my face! and, still, i hold your hand to set you free! (to set you free) with eyes closed, her heart breaks after it all, she brought this on herself,

on herself. for me, for you, the fallen. save her! for us, for them, for good, save her! she falls!

she falls before me! she falls! she falls! (save her) she falls! she falls! (she falls) she brought this on herself! (she falls) (this song's for you) and through it all,

asking alexandria tour 2016

asking alexandria tour 2016

- [voiceover] millions ofamericans hit the polls today to figure out who they wantto be the next president. but for some,reaching a decision after 17 months of nonstopcampaigning, debating, and awkward dancinghasn't been easy. i sat down for a groupof undecided voters, just before theyheaded to the polls. let's have it! who you guys voting for?

- i don't know. - i won't know untili get into the booth. i really won't. it's going to be a boltof lightning striking me, and telling mewhich lever to pull. - your voting strategyis to walk into the booth and wait for lightningto strike you? - yes. - i am fuckingsick of this shit.

you look at the twopeople and you figure out which one you like more, and that's it, boom! (snaps) - that's like choosing betweencancer and heart disease. - he's a bigot, he's a racist... - she's a lying,cheating, bitch. - just pick the one you like... (all speaking) - [christian] both,they're horrible.

- i wanna punch bothof them in the face. - [voiceover] and it'snot just these idiots, more people hateclinton and trump than like either one of them. but maybe i could use their hate to get them to makeup their damn minds. decide who you hate more, and then hate voteagainst that person. who do you hate more?

- he's a piece of shit. but he's less a piece ofshit than the other one. - so he's like asmaller piece of shit... - he's like achihuahua piece of shit compared to a granddame piece of shit. - so therefore, youshould vote for? - no idea. - that's hard, it'snot a cut and dry. - [voiceover] yes it is.

they just neededto do what everyone that hates a politician does. compare them to hitler. i want you to takethis hitler mustache, and stick it onto thecandidate who you hate more. okay, let's see who you guysthink is more like hitler. (signs rustle) that's it, we got it! trump is hitler, 4 to 1.

so we hate trump more. - [all] no. - you literally thinkone of them is hitler, and you still can't decide? - that's correct. - [christian] i wishi had two mustaches. - it doesn't definitivelyinfluence me to make a choice. - answer the question alan! hillary or trump?

- undecided. - [christian] same. - maybe these guys just needed to warm up on makinghate decisions. what do you hatemore, dogs or cats? - [all] cats. - armageddon or deep impact? - [all] armageddon. - armageddon.

- bill cosby or thewashington redskins? - [all] bill cosby - i would say the redskins. - you hate the redskins morethan you hate bill cosby? - i'm a giants fan, soyeah i'll go redskins. - he drugged andraped 50 people. - it's alleged. - alleged. - [voiceover] thesepeople are even undecided

about bill cosby. this is going nowhere. what would it takefor you people to make a fucking decision? (sigh)- i honestly don't know. - i'm kind of hoping oneof them is gonna get killed and the choice willbe made for me. - when the curtain closes,i will make up my mind. until that moment, i shallremain decidedly undecided.

- okay, we aren'tleaving this room until we figure this out. - [voiceover] it was time to make these undecidedsactually vote. so i got two ballots here. you've got the sexist cheezit. or you got the lyingrobot pantsuit. you can't vote for a cheezit, a cheezit is not a human being.

it's an inanimate object. - yes, alan, it wasa metaphor, okay? - that wasn't properlyexplained to us. - how many instructions doyou need for this exercise? - i don't think acheezit, a robot possibly, but not a cheezit. 'cause a robotcould be an android. - that's okay, alan,no one asked you. - okay.

- i want you totake your ballot, and put it into this ballot box. and we're gonna figure out whoyou mother fucking undecideds are gonna vote for, alright? but even a mock votewouldn't come easy. three of you voted for hillary, and two of you voted for trump. early on, four of you decided that trump was more like hitler,

so what that means, isthat one of you decided that trump was more like hitler and you still voted for trump. and i wanna knowwho that person is. - it was me, i got confused. i thought i was votingfor hillary, but itwas really trump. this is too much. - oh my god, we are fucked. - [voiceover] i couldn't letthis happen, so this afternoon,

i decided to stick withone of these idiots all the way to the polls tomake sure he made a decision. (intense music) who did you vote for? - i did not vote for anyone. - are you fucking serious?! fuck! (music fades)

asking alexandria tour 2015

asking alexandria tour 2015

a day to remember pulls a random person from the crowd