december 15, 2016 regularmeeting of the fairfax county school board will come to order.we will now have the pledge of allegiance, moment of silenceand a performance of the national anthem by the lanier mswind ensemble charlie burts, director.[national anthem] [ applause ]thank you very much lanier middle school and thank youparents for sharing your childrens' talents with ustonight. in order to comply with section2.2-3712 d of the code of
virginia, it is necessary forthe board to certify that since the fairfax county school boardconvened a closed meeting on december 15, 2016, to the bestof each member's knowledge only public business matters lawfullyexempted from opening meeting requirements and only suchpublic business matters as were identified in the motionconvening the closed meeting were heard, discussed orconsidered by the board during the closed i have a motion. moved by mrs. schultz.seconded by ms. hynes.
all those in favor raise yourhand. hynes, palchik, hough, schultz,strauss, evans, moon, derenak kaufax, mcelveen.all those opposed. all wilson abstains and that motion passes.a few announcements before we begin.if you would like to review a copy of the agenda or any agendaitem being discussed that information is on the table bythe entrance. go to school board on the fcpshome page and selecting board
docs understood upcoming schoolboard meetings. the meeting is being streamedlive online. select school board from thefull menu and select watch school board mclaughlin and mrs. corbett sanders will be the new year the national mentors month, this among longoutreach program focuses attention on the need formentors and each of us, individuals, businesses,government, agencies, school, safe communities and nonprofitscan work together to increase
the number of mentors and assurebrighter futures for our young people.positive relationships between mentors and mentees haveincreased living up to their full potential.the theme is mentoring in real life encouraging citizens tomentor. that is order of business is citizen participation.speakers are requested to not more than three minutes.the school board will not hear issues for public hearings,complaints should be directed to
the appropriate schoolprincipal. speakers should refeign fromusing personally identifiable information in connection with astudent. speakers are expected to delivertheir comments with the decor rum and respect appropriate tothe conduct of the public's business.please be mindful we often have young children in the audienceas well as sometimes watching at home, so please make yourcomments appropriate for all ages.thank you for your cooperation
and all of those who came out tospeak to us. tonight there are 10 citizens toaddress the board. helen graf, to be followed byeric davenport and bethany ms. graf here? okay.if those of you would please move down when i call your nameso you can be ready. mr. davenport and ms. kozma.oh, you are ms. graf. i see.would you state your name and after you finish let the clerkknow your name.
this is adam graf, mydaughter and son. i wanted to thank you for givingus the opportunity to speak tonight.the decision of my family and i to move to fairfax countyseveral years ago was influenced by the level of public educationavailable here. searching online fairfax countyhad a good reputation. as a parent of three children,two of which are school age and one that will be in a few years,you know, a robust school program was a must for we are very thankful to the
school district, the schoolboard, definitely, for the hard work and dedication in helpingour students achieve their full potential.student success is, after all, the first goal of the igniteplan and that is what i'm here to speak to you tonight about.first two overarching strategies, the firstoverarching strategy talks about instruction alpractices will beenhanced to support students in achieving their full is an honorable strategy but recent actions by the schoolboard i feel don't align with
that strategy.specifically i'm talking about including gender identity intothe nondiscrimination policy 1450.this decision was underresearched and it was arash action to fulfill a political agenda and not thestudent body's full potential in mind.not enough research has been done on what the full impact ofteaching and exposing young children, impressionablechildren to question their gender identity.long-term effect foster
life-long confuse.statistics show a lot of transgender participants aftertheir procedures start to regret their decision.additionally, physical facts like your biological gender atbirth become questionable what about nonphysical aspects,mental aspects such as morals and ethics.they are even more questionable than physical aspects.what further complicates this is the graphic verbal and visualdescriptions used in f.l.e. in fact, today they taughtf.l.e. in my son's school and
obviously we opted out on that,but afterwards all the kids were very much abuzz with what wasgoing on in the classroom during f.l.e.some of their words were disgusting, torture, unbearable.i plan to�-- pretty interesting�-- wow.pretty interesting that material that is suitable for a classroomshown in a movie theater would be rated r.thank you for this time unfortunately i didn't get to myother points. thank you very much.thank you for bringing your davenport to be followed by bethany kozma and hope wojcech.hello. my name is eric dampb port.this looks like the u.n. i'm a private violin teacher inreston. i would like to talk about twosubjects which pertain to student success.i have a student in the ork tra program at langston hughesmiddle and heard nothing but positive feedback about histeacher, his experience and his experience in orchestra.i congratulate fairfax county
for offering orchestra to ourchildren and i hope you continue the orchestra program.i don't have to tell you that music and orchestra and band isa real marker of student success in schools.i have concerns, however, about the subject of sex and sexualitybeing taught in fairfax county. the family life program and thehealth programs being offered at all levels in fairfax areteaching inappropriate and even unethical topics to ourchildren. contraception, homosexuality,gender identity are being
introduced in seventh grade.i guess it was fourth grade. i don't know what this man wasalluding to. this is not only inappropriate,but it is psychologically abusive.our children should be kept innocent of these topics asmarriage is the only ethical outlet for sexuality.the explosive, complicated and emotional topic of sexuality anddeviant sexuality should not be taught in schools.these topics are in the parents' jurisdiction the family life program
sexuality as a spectrum is beingintroduced in eighth grade. not only is this a radicalfringe view of sexuality, but it has no place in school.teaching this at school gives legitimacy to this fringe viewof sexuality that it does not friends, this amounts to psychological abuse.if i have misunderstood the family life and health programsof fairfax county schools, please forgive me.if i am accurate about them, then i beg you rethink yourcurriculum to not only align
itself with ethics and commondecency but reality. thank you very much.[ applause ] thank you.bethany kozma and hope wojciech and meg kilgannon.bethany kozma here? good evening.i'm john murray, speaking on behalf of parent and child .org.parents whose children attend or graduated fairfax countyschools. we published the results of asurvey on our website. i'm speaking to you because thecurrent f.l.e. program creates
obstacles to student success.a revised family life program could make tremendous stridetowards creating student success.what are the problems in the f.l.e. curriculum.some are scientifically inaccurate or seriouslyincomplete. some f.l.e. lessons encouragebehaviors that can result in serious emotional, psychologicalor physical consequences. a revised f.l.e. curriculum byitself would be a student success strategy by givingstudents scientifically correct
and complete information anddiscouraging behaviors with adverse physical and emotionalconsequences. is there a better studentsuccess strategy than providing accurate information andpromoting healthy behavior? what are�-- where are theproblems in the f.l.e. curriculum?please take a look at the website,select view clickable site and click a chart to give you abrief review of the lesson and the reason it was graded, green,yellow or red.
i hope you will take a fewminutes sometime this week and see what we have to say.i hope parents of fairfax county students will do the same.the most basic student success strategy is to provide studentsaccurate information. and to encourage healthybehaviors and discourage unhealthy the current f.l.e. program entirely without merit?no. there are some good and accuratelessons in the f.l.e. program. you will find our chartacknowledges suchless sons.
i hope the f.l.e. program can bechanged to promote student success strategies by providingscientifically correct and complete information andencourage healthy behaviors while discouraging unhealthyones. thank you.[ applause ] hope kojciech, meg kilgannonand kathleen gillette-lal lard. i'm hope wojciech, i'm agraduate of oakton high school and mother of three amazingboys. i would like to address theagenda item related to student
success strategies.i would suggest an extremely important if not the mostimportant element of student academic success is theengagement, involvement and support of parents.however, during my years as a parent of fcps students i haverepeatedly felt the school system and in particular thisboard does not want parents involved in the education of ourchildren or to hear our opinions, especially opinionsthat differ from your own. for example, you permit 10speakers at your business
meetings allowing them threeminutes to share their thoughts on topics of your choosing.i have written many e-mails sharing my thoughts on importantmatters to me and my family. at best they are met with anauto reply, most go unacknowledged entirely.i have witnessed board meetings and our superintendent tellingoutright lies to parents as well as lying by one circumstance fcps was able to accomplish both in onesingle e-mail. on may 18, 2015, fcps sent outan e-mail from the
superintendent to all parentsrelated to recommended changes in the family life educationcurriculum. this e-mail told parents "manyof the instructional objectives meet the virginia department ofeducation general standard of learning and no longer have anopt out option. this statement is not true.a friend of mine chose not to take the superintendent at herword and spent her precious free time comparing fairfax county'sf.l.e. curriculum andvirginia's.
the two are comparable.fairfax f.l.e. goes above and kwloond is required by thestate. 85% of the f.l.e. objectivesthis board moved from f.l.e. to health aligns better withvirginia's f.l.e. curriculum than virginia's healthcurriculum, yet superintendent garza and this board toldparents otherwise. subsequently eliminating theability of parents to opt their children out of discussions onthese topics. required reading for fcps highschool students includes
sexually explicit material andobscene language. fcps feels no need to notify theparents to allow the parents to decide if it is appropriate fortheir child. these are a few recent examplesof how fcps has disregarded and disrespected parents as theprimary educators and decision makers for their children.if you desire to have successful students you must have parentsengaged with your schools. ignoring, undermining and lyingto parents while pushing your political agendas on theirfamilies is a foolish way to
accomplish your goals.thank you. [ applause ]meg kilgannon. good name is meg kilgannon. i'm here to represent concernedparents and educators of fairfax county.we are a diverse group of parents who came together afterwitnessing the shocking disregard for parents by some onthis school board during the passage of policy 1450.people of good will can disagree on policy issues and i'm suresome of you do believe you are
helping children with policieslike 1450. our membership stronglydisagrees with that. we believe in scientificevidence that policies like 1450 are dangerous to all students--you do know you signed up to discuss the midyear budgetreview. i'm getting to that.1450 is-- i came here to talk about the budget.parents are taking a closer look at everything the school boardis doing. we are seeing more things andliking less and less.
your $2.8 billion budget, it ishard to fathom the amount of money that is.the first $1 billion will circle the earth four times, the second$1 billion will make a stack 68 miles high, and the remaining$800 million would cover three square miles of fairfax can understand how unbecoming it is to voters, yourconstant poor mouthing. we all had our taxes raised yetyou spent all fall telling us why we needed to pass a mealstax because the $2.8 billion is not enough.the democratic nominee won
fairfax county with 63% of thevote, your meals tax failed 55-45%.a resounds defeat. the free wheeling spending muststop. let's return excellence ineducation to fairfax county. do we need to write our own k-12family life education program, for example.what if we taught sex education using the virginia s.o.q.s, thatwould cost less money and staff time and leave more time forstudy in core subjects. our current f.l.e. program usesphrases like sex assigned at
birth and includes abstainingfrom and sex. we would probably be better offwith the s.o.q.s. do we really need to produce ourown survey? how many staffers are working onthat? never mind the additionalspending you dream up based on the results of the it really necessary to do that?we could do without it five to 10 years and reassess.parents want higher teacher salaries for our hard workingeducators.
we want smaller class sizes, weelected you to make that happen not to let boys in the girlslocker room. be wise with the $2.8 billionyou so generously have. kathleen gilette-mallard, omarabdelrahim and kevin hickerson. is ms. gilette-mallard here.all right. omar.abdelrehim. how close did i get.that was very close. usually most people don't getthat close. so thank you.thank you so much for giving me
this opportunity.i'm omar abdelrehim, a muslim, a disabled veteran and threechildren attending fairfax county public schools.i wanted to address student success an effort to put my kids in an environment to give them thebest opportunity for success i wanted to come here and givesome insight and some feedback. i attended my kids sixth gradeceremony, my twin, i have twins. i realized there was twice theamount of time spent and twice amount of awards for music thanthere was academics.
i kept on asking myself what isthe message. this is a school that is ana.a.p. school that boasts high academic standards and i wanted to understand and also wants to have the boardevaluate and take a look at that and say is music take precedenceover academics. i understand that music and artcan be important, may be important for nurturing studentdevelopment and creating well rounded people, but not at theexpense of obtaining a basic level of fundamental educationused to survive, thrive,
compete, succeed in an everincreasing globally competitive this why our kids are having a hard time competing withinternational students from third world countries?why can't we use best practices and learn?in my meeting with a dean at uc berkeley, it came out double theacademic scholarships are going to international educatedstudents private school students or students with a internationalbackground. we are discussing anotherwrinkle in our student success
with a very distracting policyfurther distancing our students. policy 1450 creates a hostileenvironment for islamic followers and students arethinking about things they never had to think about before, suchas going to the bathroom. this policy would violate thenatural rights of females and increased attention to theschool system to maintain a safe learning environment which wouldincrease costs, which now we are talking about budget and takeaway from what makes our students successful.if the aim is to decrease
discrimination, let's handle alarger majority of muslim students.5% of the county is muslim, there are 10,000 muslim studentsin fairfax county schools. it is there is a publicdiscrimination from muslims. i have heard from my kidsteachers about my kids being verbally abused due to religion.i have spoken to many youths and the majority of them werediscriminated against in their schools.if discrimination is a concern, why aren't we talking aboutthis.
thank you so much.thank you. kevin hickerson to be followedby rachel baxter and paul mcclemens.good evening. i'm kevin hickerson, presidentof the fairfax education association and here to speakabout the midyear budget review. we are happy the district wasable to find savings and trust those will be allocatedresponsibility in the upcoming months.when it comes to saifs particularly health care anysavings from the employee side
should keep health care costslow, used the help the employees rather than returned to thegeneral budget. differentiating pay, fea wouldexpect to be consulted as the school board looks into thisoption. one time bonuses are a band-aidfix for a long-term compensation problem.we have a recruitment issue caused by the best and mostexperience staff move to neighboring jurisdictions withbetter compensation packages. we particularly worried aboutthe concept of creating a tiered
work force if differentiated paywent beyond hiring bonuses. many discussions could create atiered work force where employees are treateddifferently and have different compensation or retirementmodels based ontd what year they were fired.fea stands opposed to anything that would weaken our retirementbut open to options that would create disparities between fcpsstaff. fea is grateful to be includedin the task force and continue to find budget savings to createthe least harm to our students
and employees.with that, i give you a gift of another minute of time.happy holidays to you all. thank you.rachel baxter. good evening.from my kindergarten classroom at hunt valley elementaryschool, all the way to the choir room at west springfield highschool, i was born, bred, and educated in fairfax county.saying i was from fairfax county was a badge of honor that iproudly wore. i was always told fairfax countypublic schools had a reputation
for excellence and people i metoutside the county reiterated this belief when they learnedthat is where i was from. my mom worked at my high schoolwhen i was a student and this offered me a unique opportunityto get to know the staff, not just as educators and rolemodels but family friends. i built relationships elsewherein the county. mrs. strauss, you may notremember me but i had a picture of you and several o of myfriends taking at the kennedy center cappies gala when i was14.
cappies was great.i'm grateful for you. in the 11th grade i sang thenational anthem at a school board meeting with the westspringfield magicals and remember being introduced by youmr. moon. you all may not remember me buti feel like we go way back. once i wanted to go intoeducation i could not think of a better school district than onethat left such a boztive, lasting impression on me.i did research and was disheartened to learn pay forfairfax county is much lower
than other districts in theregion. how could this be so with all iknew about fcps being the best of the best?still i substituted with fairfax county and decided it could be ahome for me as a teacher. the thing i kept hearing was,yeah, it is pretty disappointing that teachers in arlington makeso much more money, but at least the benefits are great,especially the retirement. it is my first year as a teacherand while i have loved every second in the classroom, i'mdisheartened of what i'm hearing
outside of the classroom.these great retirement benefits are in risk of being phased outfor newer, nonvested teachers like myself and eliminatedentirely for new teachers in the is the people and specifically the teachers whoare the backbone of the system. they are the ones who made myeducation memorable and continue to enrich my life as trustedfriends and experienced do you expect to recruit new, young, top-tier teacherswhen they have every reason to
go elsewhere?how can fairfax county maintain its reputation of excellencewhen there is no incentive for the best teachers to come workfor fairfax county? these teachers that fcps need torecruit don't want a signing bonus, they want good retirementbenefits and competitive pay. the school board must considerthe long lasting ramifications of these makes we wonder if the same caliber of educators whoseclassrooms i had the prif privilege of being in the theschool board doesn't pay them
what they are worth and investin their retirement. thank you.thank you. mr. mcclemens.superintendent lockhard, chairman evans, ms. chu.i'm paul mcclemens and president of the fairfax county federationof teachers. i represent educators who cameto fairfax county public schools because this is the best schoolsystem in the country. i'm here to address the midyearbudget review. two concerns my members continueto pose.
fcft understands the decisionhas not been made by the school board but fcps employees areconcerned. the cost to continue thisprogram at the current rate can't continue.however, it is the hope of fcft you will reconsider choices andcuts to erfc. many may not understand theimpact of those proposed changes, they will when the timegets closer to retirement and that money is no longer there.if the school board follows the trend that private sectorbusinesses went to in defined
contributions we will lose thegreatest benefits that attracts our teachers, erfc.fcft urges the school board to stop looking at what everyoneelse is doing and what fcps is doing right and keep erfc as is.changing the interest rating from 5% to 4% for all employeesis a change that would mean savings for fcps, but huge cutto livelihood over life span in fcps.a 1% change may not seem like a lot on paper.but that percentage adds up over time for fcps employees.time fcps employees have given
to the system and time theydeserve accredited to them if full when they retire from fcps.the second concern i am addressing is substitute pay.fcft continues to hear our teachers and administrators arehaving a hard time filling substitute positions.fcft understands there are sbc teuts going through orientationright now and will be available soon but are those the samequality substitutes we relied upon to make sure our lessonswere followed. when they set up their ownsubstitute, that substitute
cancels the job and no shows orpulls to fill a classroom teacher's absence.many teachers are not taking time off to recover from illnessbecause they can't find a substitute.fcps looked at other surrounding jurisdictions to cut substitutepay instead of looking what fcps does best, provide qualitysubstitute teachers working for the best school system in thecountry. we encourage the school board torestore the pay for substitute teachers, who are read a lessonplan, follow a daily schedule
set up by the classroom teacher.thank you. thank you.we now go to item 3.02, fy 2018-2022 capital improvementprogram. and i call on dr. lockhard.thank you, madam chair. good evening, it is my pleasureto introduce jeff platenberg, who will share the capitalimprovement program with us. the c.i.p. provides a look infive years student enrollment projections.certain enrollment in certain areas of the county is outpacingcapacity.
mr. platenberg will talk to youabout this. welcome jeff platenberg and histeam, i'm sure we will reference them for the presentation of thec.i.p. thank you dr. lockhard, iwould like to recognize mr. kevin snead without which thecapital improvement program wouldn't exist without the kpenshe does. he does an outstanding job.the capital improvement program is one of a cadre of elementsserving as the blueprint of success in fairfax county publicschools.
this coupled with portrait of agraduate, fcps strategic plan, ignite, and four strategic goalsincluding goal one presented this evening regards studentsuccess. that with the budget, thecomprehensive plan as amended serve as a strong foundation forthe direction in which we are headed.since 2008-2009, fairfax county has grown by 2400 students eachyear, on average, sometimes more, sometimes less, toldmembership growth of 21,000 students.arlington county public schools
25,278 students in their 2015published documents and city of alexandria, september, 2016,shows 15,506 enrollment. simply put, it is amazing therapid growth we have. i have about 10 slides i'm goingto go through and then i will be open to any questions you mayhave. the student enrollment for2016-2017. we have increased enrollmentdurr that period of time, 1,368 will see last year our increase was 240 some studentsbut a moderate to slight
decrease in centers andalternative programs. our total enrollment is 187,000students. we have a large school system.birth decreased compared to prior years.15,649. 15, a decrease of 279 less. the birth to kindergarten ratiomeaning the birth of students and five years later those thatattend fcps, our ratio increased by approximately 2% compared tolast year, from 82% to 84%. this continues to add a degreeof difficulty for us in
demographers estimatekindergarten in the volatility. we have a positive net migrationin all grade levels except 12th grade.students in migration are entering fcps for the firsttime. the out migration are those thatexit fcps, but contrast. last year it was an increase of430. this year we had an increase of1,425. our largest grade level cohortswere the ninth, 10th and 11th grades.let's move on to student
enrollment projections.our four-year�-- actually in our five-year projection we haveshown a moderate growth rate. elementary enrollment isprojected to decline. we had a slight increase, we areanticipating our enrollment to continue to decline and showthat in the c.i.p. document. the future growth is expected atmiddle and high school levels as the cohorts matriculate throughthe grades. our enrollment growth isexpected to occur where surface ka pas si �-- capacity may notbe available.
marshall, mclean, madison andoakton are some examples. the capacity pressure in middleand high schools. as many of you are aware, ourfunding sources really haven't changed all that much.we have been working real hard collectively with yourcolleagues as the board of supervisors to increase our bondfunding. currently we have a cap of $155million for capital projects a year.we have operating expenses in the operating budget for minorcapacity enhancements for 2 hnt
3 million and routinemaintenance of $10 million. the fairfax county board ofsupervisors and facility infrastructure managementcommittee identified where savings are available at yearend for $13.1 million of major maintenance so it would allow usan increase of anlt to perform work in the bond program.they acknowledged that doesn't seem enough given the rate ofgrowth and so forth. those conversations we talkedabout, as you may recall, $25 million potential and due to thefiscal forecast i don't know
where that stands but it is notlooking pretty. project summary. of the funds projects the routeone project, approximately $22 million in the fy 13 bondreferendum. unfunded projects, northwestcounty elementary school. we have the funding for theplanning in that project, but the construction is unfunded.that is a project in the mcnair area.fairfax oakton elementary school is unfunded.and the future western high
school continues to be unfundedin the hutchison and along the silver line project summary of capacity enhancement we have, wehave funded projects at south lakes high school, an additionunder construction currently. modular relocations formarshall, woodson and had discussions about otherlocations that have yet to be unfolded.unfunded projects, a modular addition relocation, westpotomac addition in the c.i.p., a stuart high school additionand madison high school
addition.the cash flow summary for the total five-year requirement is$8.24 million. a funded portion of $385,1299and unfunded $438,707. 10 year requirement total $1.6million, funded is $385, 521, unfunded $1.2 is quite an extensive program.the capital project summary, under construction we have 14renovations that are listed there and three new schoolsunder construction. in planning we have 10renovations that are ongoing.
we have three middle schoolrenovations. we have frost middle school thatis in planning and under construction we have highschools, we have four additions and three high schoolrenovations. in planning in the november 17thbond referendum is falls church high school renovation.we have had a lot of discussions about project summary, renovations that are completingcurrently, thorough middle skoond and thomas jefferson, andwe have keen mill, north
springfield and spring feetestates elementary school. in the ongoing requests by theschool board members we made enhancements to identifyrecommended solutions organized by pyramid, enhanced visualformat you will find in the document, new resources in theappendices to enhance this document to make it moretransparent and more readable. we incorporated recommendationsfrom this governing body as well as facility planning advisorycouncil, i need to give them credit as well for helping usand giving us assistance and
comments on this steps, we had planning meeting that we had on monday,december 5 of 2016. we had a work session.tonight's presentation is for information only to give you anupdate as to what is in the c.i.p. document and what thetrends are. i know you'll have a lot ofquestions. this is always an exciting timeof the year for me because of inclimate weather and the c.i.p.we have a work session monday january 23 and hopefully actionby the school board thursday
january 26.with that, i would like to recognize amy�-- of the planningoffice and her staff. she is not with us this evening.oh, she is here. the door and in flew in. good to see you.amy and her planning staff really do an outstanding job ofmaking all the modifications in a short time frame from when weactually get the enrollment data certified and cleansed and is really all hands on deck.
i want to commend kevin sneadand amy and their staff for the work they do.with that, ready to answer any questions you may have.i know you are a full agenda. this is an information item.i know many questions will be following if you don't have anyright now. thank you mr. you just put up on the screen there for the public, we doprovide a little more time on this document because it is sucha massive and important document.the speakers list for the
hearing i believe is alreadyopen, madam clerk. is that correct?the speakers list is open from now until january 9 for thejanuary 10th hearing. anyone who would like to speakat the january 10th public hearing, please do go online orcall the school board office and you may sign up then.we have a couple of people who would like to ask questions.we will have a work session on this on january 23rd as moon. thank you, madam platenberg, you sounded down are usually been�-- i'm trying to build up fordr. duran when he gets here. he has a great presentation.i was wondering whether you were down because of themagnitude of unfunded needs is so great.i don't want to make situation any worse.but i still need to make a couple of comments and ask acouple of questions if you doint mind.$13.1 million additional capital funding we received from boardof supervisors last year, that
was out of their year endsurplus, correct? yes.that is my understanding. is that your expectation forthat to continue on a yearly basis or since a county justlike us�-- both parties are faced with a dire financialsituation they may not continue. you make a good point mr.moon. the commitment was as long asfunding was available they could provide that.they have made a strong commitment and showing that willprovide that for us.
again, it was as funds areavailable at year end. i defer to finance.i'm going to make a clarifying statement, the $13.1million initially was from their year end surplus.since then it is built into the baseline transfer to the schoolsystem. it is not part of thetransfer. it is a separate part where theyset aside $13.1 million. correct.but it is in their baseline. baseline.correct.
that's good.the $155 million of capital transferred to us, how long hasthe amount stayed, remained at that level?off the top of my head, i don't is like 10, 12 years? has been over 12 years mr. moon.i made the mistake of not recognizing susan quinn.our chief operating officer. i think people know who sheis. it has been over 10 years mr.moon.
it has been a long time.i think the school board and board of supervisors have to sitdown and talk about that. we can't have that amount remainat that level for the forseeable future.having said that, i need to go back to my favorite veryunpleasure seant topic of the number of trailers we are usingin fairfax county. yes, sir.on page 104, we have included that because we know that is oneof your areas. 1,100.that has not come down the last
several yearsthe number of trailers has come down, but the cost toremove them, we make a conscientious point to removetrailers as we finish renovations.we have been eliminating cost savings measures to eliminatetrailers. but we have a report that beginson page four that talks to your concerns.we will have some time on january 23rd to talk about if wehave a concrete plan to the board and the board ofsupervisors and community on how
to eliminate all of thosetrailers. how many students do we educatein those 1,100 trailers? i bet it is more than 20,000students. all your information about sizeof arlington school system being 25,000, 26,000 and city ofalexandria only about 15,000. so we educate a number ofstudents which exceeds the entire city of alexandria intrailers. and i don't find thatacceptable. in my eight years of service onthe board the number has grown.
i understand, i mean, none of uswanted that to happen, but i think that has to be carefullypresented to the funding authority and to the order for us to do that we have to have a concrete plan.this has to happen. this is the best way to tackle.i want us to have that opportunity to have thatdiscussion. we have been asking for hough. thank you.i think our best meetings are when we sit down with maps thatare bigger than the table.
i'm going to ask a question iwould expect to see at a work session, not to be answeredtonight. but you mentioned a new school,elementary school off of route one, which i know that is notbrand new. i feel bad asking you while ms.corbett sanders isn't there, but for public and my understanding,can you explain a little bit in the work session while there areso many elementary schools around that area that are undercapacity. i know a couple are overcapacity.
but how do we go about thatdecision that we are not looking at boundaries but adding aschool. that is a good discussion tohave and discuss new construction, renovation andboundary changes. absolutely.there has been a lot of shift in region three.we can talk about that in work derenak kaufax has been in the discussions with us as well.this is actually a follow-on to mr. moon.are there any trailers at
schools that are under capacity?not that i'm aware of. i can bring that to the worksession. i would like to know theanswer. if there are, there areprograms for reasons we haven't moved them.not including those under renovation.right. okay.thank you. mrs. strauss.first thank you very much for the entire document and i verymuch appreciate the additional
information and various newcharts. very, very helpful.i want to thank you for one of the previous work sessions wherewe had a presentation on planned growth throughout the countywhere the board of supervisors is�-- has actively changed thecomprehensive plan and looking at more residential andcommercial development. and again, i would be remiss ifi didn't represent that i have some constituents who bordertysons and are concerned how that growth is going to beaccommodated.
mr. snead came to a meeting inoctober with spring hill parent s i think their concern is somuch of tysons is in the school�-- there will be a newschool when it is appropriate. there is concern as this growthcomes how will it be accommodated.they don't want the entire growth in their elementaryschool with 400 or 500 children eventually served by thatelementary school. i think now the c.i.p. is out weneed to have a conversation with the schools surrounding tysonsto help them understand the
timeline and how that gradualgrowth will be accommodated and, no, there is not the expectationthat one elementary school would absorb the entire growth until anew elementary school is built sometime into the thank you very much. you're wilson. thank you, madam platenberg, the questions i have are in the nature ofclarifying and mostly for public.i probably dig in, maybe we can find these answers but maybe youcan provide some quick
understanding for one of the bullets on student enrollment projections, talksabout enrollment growth expected in areas where we may not havecapacity. can you talk about thedemographic analysis you use, how do we get that informationso that we can actually have that sort of vision as to wherewe expect the growth to be? yeah.that is a real good question mr. wilson.we have been implementing this new demographic program where wegeo code student low education
and look at where studentsattend, their residing schools. we look at individual programsthey may participation in, advantages they take advantageof and where that actual location where they actuallyattend school. we are able to see shifts notonly with that structure but transfers that go on within theschool division. we can break down in a bunch ofdifferent data elements. we have a dash board there is alink on our website that has all of this data rolled into is very user friendly.
we have had groups,organizations that have begun to look into it and raise questionsabout trends they are seeing within that dashboard.on the website, then, a citizen could go and see aparticular area and drill down why the projections are that wayfor that school? yes, sir.that is great. that is part of our growthand development of this initiative.and also, you also mentioned the three largest grade cohortswere nine, 10, 11.
what are the three smallestcohorts, off hand? we are still working on that.we can take as that as a follow on at a work session.when we present on december 5 we showed some trends there andsome of your colleagues asked questions about and you may haveas well specifically in the 12th grade.we are still looking into providing answers and responsesto what that may have been an indicator of to give you a moreexacting response. then your slide six, on thewebsite, is there a way to
unpack these numbers with thecash flow summary to sort of get into the�--yes, sir. and those are found within yourc.i.p. document. i know we just got into itpretty much at the last minute and you look over 131 pagesincluding glossary of terms it is not something you can look atovernight. it identified the cash flow,articulate the renovation queue. there are pages that coverlong-term and the out years in the c.i.p. document postedonline.
on the website, though, is iteasy for someone to find if they wanted to�-- or do they have togo into meetings and agenda? i'm sorry if i wasn't this document it does provide that.i believe they can look at what was posted on line for thisevening's presentation. the c.i.p. document has a tableof contents that does identify where that information fact, when i was looking for�-- page 41 last year was thesummary page, the to-do list of the planning team.dr. hough in her wisdom put it
on page 41 again this year.that is by chance given the changes to a c.i.p. document.that shows really all of the boundary or what staff'srecommendation is at the relook. if you look at page 29, page 30,page 31, page 32 and so forth of the c.i.p. document, it doestalk to and that is where the cash flow is identified and ithas the list of individual projects on that page and itshows in the matrix and the grid of when that is going to begin.i have already had questions about that.and when some of the projects do
occur.the rankings are on the pages before that.the last question i have and maybe i'm misunderstanding theslides, slide four you list fairfax oakton area elementaryschool unfunded and on the summary table it is listed asone of the ones that is under construction.on is summary page on slide seven.on page seven. i don't see the one you arespeaking of. at the bottom of the firstcome lum, it says fairfax-oakton
elementary school and it isunder construction. and unfunded, it is listed in anunfunded project. so we can probably answerthat up here. kevin is coming to themicrophone. because within the five years weanticipate that it will go on the bond referendum in 2017 soit will be under construction within the five years.but kevin can provide a little bit more informationthat is correct. the listing of the projects isbased upon the five-year window.
so for our anticipation is thatthe fairfax-oakton elementary school would be listed in the2017 bond for planning in the 2019 for construction.therefore, it would occur within that is a good point. we need a footnote of thedifference of what we have in the window and what is fundedand unfunded. on the prior slide we do saywhat is funded and not funded. on slide four, are all of theunfunded projects going to be captured in the expected futurebond?
yes.but it may be the 17 and beyond depending on where these thingsfall out. for example, the future westernhigh school. we don't have the growth that isneeding or demanding that high school.we are showing increasing in membership, we may have to forthat purpose, but further out than say for example theelementary school you just mentioned, the oakton elementaryschool. okay.these kind of questions we
can go into much more detail atthe work session. thank you for pointing that out.that is how we have gotten a lot of the improves we have.when you make something that doesn't seem intuitive, thoughwe may from a staff perspective because we work with it, byfootnoting that we can make it more transparent for the public.i appreciate that. mrs. schultz.i want to thank mr. moon for bringing up one of my perennialtopics. trailers.trailers and sac.
trailers and the movement andcost of trailers to the overall system and where that relates tospacing. i know dr. lipp is not with ustonight, but in particular, i struggle in the springfielddistrict for special program placement.for children with special needs, for special programs andchildren travel further distances because there simplyisn't the room and facilities. i'm wondering if there is a wayin a future work session to tie together the work session wherewe had the long-term development
and areas of growth those slideswith the c.i.p. information in that that wasvery salient, frankly, to the is as if there are portions of that we need to merge alongwith the work you and mr. snead are doing with the geo coding ofthe students. i'm very pleased to see that butalso in the out years, the other presentation is going to affect.the work that is existing here and things like, well, we don'thave the downstream population. it is interesting you note, yousaid the ninth, 10th and 11th
are the greatest cohort ages.i don't know what was happening from 1999 to 2002.but it is going to be a cold winter so we better startplanning for whatever. 16 years out.really five years out. my question comes and it sals ona perennial is what do we do to finally proactively talk aboutintegrating sac classroom space with existing brick and mortarclassrooms. so that we can recapture themajority of those because anything that is reserved thatis not used as a regular
classroom, i don't mean taking atest or having a meeting in a sac room, but fully integratingthe resources the county has co-located, if you will, in ourfacilities that is not used during the day in the elementaryschool buildings as an academic space when we are at a dearthfor seats in so many places. i think it is becomingparamount. mr. moon, you are exactly right.the time has come, you know, i mean, i know i'm sort of abroken record on some of these's because i'm pushing a rock.
i'm going to keep pushing therock on some of these things because we need those seatsback. having a comprehensiveconversation with the board of supervisors, it is all the samemoney. we may have it divided and itmay not be enough, but at the end, you know, working togetherto really start to form and, you know, dr. lock dlrks�-- lockard,you are the man with the plan. we have to have thiscomprehensive conversation. if we need to do something toput it on a special joint
session with the board ofsupervisors, if we need to have an emboldened conversation withthem, but we need to have the information going parted�--going forward, saying, look, i'm going from a cupful of yearsago, 6,000 seats, if you layer all the classroom, they are notall 25 to 28, there are a lot of seats to be recaptured.maximizing the way the resources that we have available to us iscritical, would you not agree? yeah.and the ones you mentioned, ms. schultz, predominantly at theelementary school level for the
sac program.again, looking at the location of where they are, where we needseats and capacity. i know we had a lengthydiscussion because it is a passion of yours you doarticulate quite well. i was looking to see if there isa document in here. it does relate to is an important partnership. our school-age child careprogram. so both the overall capacityof where we need seats and that is sort of like the generaleducation seats where we just
kind of need physical seats, butit is almost as if we need in the c.i.p. and this is work withdr. lipp and potentially others, also like a heat map of whereyou need program type seats. like where there is�--i hear you. i think because we havetalked about mono poles on a completely different note.i went to a monopole map, there are whole areas of the countythat are black with an absence of monopole coverage and otherareas where they practically overlapped each is a little bit the same
concept there are places wherewe are missing physical seats for particular things and a needfor seats there and it is sort of, you know, it is layeringover the old, i forget what the flip films were in the overheadprojector, but i'm seeing layering one on top of anotheron top of another. where do we need seatsgenerally. where do we need seats forspecial education needs, autism needs.right. et cetera.and then lastly, you know, this
is also my time to bring up as apart of that presentation where we had growth, there was a lotof growth that was presented along the fairfaxcounty-braddock corridor that was frankly surprising to strauss, you brought up the tysons of the concentrations. route one was the other.i was surprised to see that. i wasn't necessarilyanticipating it because i haven't seen it on proffers.just beyond that. i've got in a seven mile radiusovercrowded schools and one
school that remains wastedtaxpayer resources, unutilized and children being educated intrailers because we are not, frankly, being good stewards ofthe public ice money and the public's resources.i think it is time we have that conversation as well.i look forward to those, not necessarily expecting you toanswer those, but those are top level things where it talksabout stewardship and fiduciary responsibility with the public'sresources. ms. hynes.thank you.
so just briefly and this issomething we can come back to in work sessions and conversations,but from the hunter mill perspective, i'm glad to seethat hunter mill, reston, vienna, that pard of herndoncontinues to get good attention in spite of much development and change and growth in that part of thecounty yet we have seen additions and renovations andchanges in programs and boundaries, you know, that havebeen getting good attention. i appreciate that.a couple of town of vienna
issues i thought i would bringup and can continue talking about.louise archer, that is great, we want to get that modular, whichi taught in and it is a nice building.the town is not happy. we want to do the brick andmortar. i had a conversation with themayor of vienna. they recognize it is a historicbuilding, it goes back more than a half was the vienna colored school before schools weredesegregated.
the town is interested inhelping us to recognize that history as we go through therenovations. and then the other question fromthe town is madison high school. i see we are talking aboutadding on to madison in here. the concern is that an effort tocatch some of the tysons corner growth.they are worried about the stretch of tysons corner andmadison at the other end of vienna.that is manager we�-- something we want to address and thinkabout.
thank you.okay. let's see.not seeing anyone else with questions, i will ask a few ofmy own and make a couple of comments.thank you for mentioning falls church high is going to get on the bond. on behalf of the public i wouldlike you to reiterate falls church is on the 2017 bond?it is, madam chair. absolutely.we were looking at that and there was a sense ofconversation in work sessions in
years past, near and dear toyour heart as well as other members of the body.the 155 cap and the type of projects we have and the outyears and we talk about growth and when things are going tocome in and when we can execute utilization of this facility orthat. it really is a balancing act.that is why it is so crucial we advance and increase our abilityto have a larger cap, as mr. moon mentioned, over 10 yearsbecause projects like falls church end up getting, it is asimple mathematical equation,
$155 million a year that arehigh schools and middle schools that are important is in the 2017 bond there a list of projects on the 17 bond in this document?no. but i think that is a good idea.along with some of the comments mr. wilson suggested about thefootnoting and we will look at enhancing and what we mayanticipate in future bond referendums.okay. it ties in the cash flow soit is a logical evolution.
i will have more detailedquestions about the cash flow as we go along.we have talked about in the past to understand for the communitywhen they can actually expect to see action on far as�-- a couple of other mentioned bonding. i will follow up on what mr.moon said. i do think we had sot hearteningnews last year when mr. long seemed to be saying he wantedthe bond cap to be increased. he thought it was time.i certainly would support our
board urging the board ofsupervisors to raise that cap. i know they have other issuesthey have to deal with. that is probably something weshould think about as a board as to how we can go aboutencouraging them to do that. i do think that is important forboth our renovations, our additions, new construction.we don't want to get farther and farther behind.i would welcome a conversation with my colleagues about what wecan do to encourage the board of supervisors to raise that cap.i did have a question with�-- i
haven't gone through in as muchdetail as i will before we have our work session, glasgow islisted significantly under capacity.i assume we are putting a modular in that correct? yes, it fact, that is one of the recommendations of the modularswe have. we can go into more detail andtalk at length what the plans are.inside the c.i.p. document when you get a chance to read it,under the schools you will see
the articulation of where thosethings will happen. i know we ask you to bring usthe breakdown of core capacity and modular and trailers.modular is in the core capacity. that can be misleading.the cafeteria and gymnasium and we have added classrooms.i will find that in the document?you should. if you have any issues give us acall. all right.i do think it is important for the public to understand in theglasgow situation, that is
beyond capacity now.we have more students in. i don't remember the exactnumber, but they are overcapacity even though theywere built to be a very large middle school and now we arelooking at needing to add capacity when someone looks at that in the future and says, oh, well itis under capacity, it is not really.we are beyond the capacity, but we are going to add there so wecan accommodate the students. i guess another piece of that isif this were being dealt with
with trailers, then it wouldn'tshow up that way, is that correct?for example, if we added trailers at glasgow to take careof their problems, they would still be showing over capacity,correct? correct.on page 52 is the region 2 that speaks to 54, it articulates in the school years, in each of thoseyears and the capacity of each of the schools within thepyramid. that is very helpful.going back to the trailer issue.
i do see region two has the mosttrailers in it, about 1/3 of the trailers, i'm counting around300 of the nearly, well, it is listing 900 trailers here.i'm seeing that there are some schools that are listed as beingunder capacity yet we have trailers.that is question that was raised.why that is the case. with that, thank you so much forall your work. thank you.i think this document gets better and better every year.we get a wealth of data from it.
so thank you for everyone whoparticipated. absolutely.thank you very much. we move on to item 3.03,strategic plan, goal one, strategies one and two, studentsuccess. i call on dr. lockard for anintroduction. it gives me great pleasure tointroduce our incredible team to introduce ignite goal one,student success. this presentation represents thecore mission of our school system and tonight we willpresent the first two
overarching strategies whichread in part to ensure all students receive an education ina dynamic environment and achieve potential throughassessment data systems. the other two overarching goalsof goal one will be presented at a later date.we have opportunity in school board work sessions to dive intothese first two two overarching strategies.we have much good news to report.we also have areas where we need more work.we continue to focus on the
achievement will see throughout the report that fcps remainscommitted to continuous improvement.before we introduce the team, we have a short video segment thatwe believe will highlight, we are very proud of this capturingof some of the successes we have portrayed with much of the workthat started with our strategic plan.i think you will enjoy that. i think it is an appropriate wayto kick off some of the work we want to share with you thisevening.
with that, we go to the's classroom is based on an assembly line model withchildren sitting neatly in columns and rows.they receive each predetermined subject and drilled todemonstrate knowledge, rote goal is to become a career firefighter and, you know,hopefully be someone in the business.but even if i'm not going into that, communication, respect,confidence, working together as part of a team, all of those arehuge things they will get out of
this course.the students are solving authentic problems, globalchallenges and integrating three years of science, three years ofmathematics and technology and engineering.we have kids with all kinds of levels of experience and theyare thinking and doing. it sin credible.a cybersecurity classes, what i like about them is theinformation i learn is often coupled with the real-lifesituations and a lot of hands on information we do in class.this helps because you have
to know how to work with peopleyou are not used to working with.that helps with your communication we are doing a project of all kind of different issuesaround the world. my group in particular is doingcorruption around the world. it is a lot of working togetherand whoever you get with you have to make it work.i think one application of student portfolio is that itincreases student engagement with the material and you cansee their growth and in these
content areas they select to doa project in. i think it helps us stayconnected as a class because we have google classroom and ithelps us with warmups and stuff. so it helps students stayengaged. you have a lot of people whohave different ideas but different mindsets working tomake one project. aside from the technicalknowledge you gain, you gain the ability to learn how to work ina group and accomplish one goal. geometry and physics.learn practical skills.
do expect them to try andfail and try again. the best teachers clerngtingto the outside world. -- the best teachers connectlearning to the outside world. who is not fired up for goal one?i would like to thank our team for putting that together andour teachers and students and staff who are making thosethings happen. it is fantastic.i now introduce dr. our chief academic officer, he has a teamof outstanding people with him.
i will let him introduce we turn it over to dr. is a pleasure to be back. a year ago it was 11:00 atnight. i thank you for letting me comeup eearlier this evening. with me is a great team who areresponsible for making sure that all of this work happens.dr. presidio from instructional services, dr. oliver, office ofstudent testing, and rich polio from esol as well.we are pleased to have them with me as we are able to share withyou some updates and highlight
areas we are continuing to workon. as dr. lockard said, we arepresenting only part one and two of goal one tonight and thethree and four we will present later on and we will certain iwill be able to engage with you in our work session on january23. i would like to begin withoverarching strategy one. one second.okay. overarching strategy one, speaksto enhances instructional practices to ensure all of ourstudents reach their full this end, as you can see, there are five desired outcomesi'm going to my �-- highlight. there is so much moreinformation we provided in the narrative uploaded to boarddocs. we encourage citizens and theboard members to take a look at the narrative.respecting time. as you can see there is avariety of monitoring metrics. tonight in the interest of timewe will focus on key metrics and will answer any questions at theboard work session on january 23
and all of the information forevery metric is included in the narrative.the first outcome tonight that we would like to talk about isrelated to work happening in the portrait of a graduate.since 2014, we have been committed to the portrait of agraduate as the defining piece of our work.a great articulation of all the work we like to see and learningwe like to see. we saw it in the video just afew moments ago. it provides our direction incurriculum instruction and
assessment.when we introduced portrait of a graduate to our schools therewas excitement about the new direction the framework wastaking us in, teaching and learning.however, there were a lot of questions of what this lookedlike and how teachers and schools can make this happen intheir buildings. so, of course, we knew that wewould need to provide them with more than just the outcomes andmore than what the portrait of the graduate was.guidance and a framework for
what that would look like.this year instructional services team working with our divisionleadership developed what you see on this slide, the fcpslearning model, comprised f of four domains and three beliefstatements. the three belief statementsrepresent our ongoing collective commitment to collaboration andequity. the four domains you see on thisslide represent the teaching and learning practices that willhelp us to ultimately reach those portrait of a graduateoutcomes.
the first domain you see on thetop left is learner centered environment.this supports students in taking an active role in theirlearning. you will see on the top right isthe concept based curriculum domain.this is the rigorous curriculum to larger essential learningsand understandings. such curriculum helps provide usto students and teachers to move beyond facts as students moveacross disciplines and the world around them.the third domain on the bottom
right is meaningful learningexperiences. this helps provide students withthe learning opportunities to construct their own knowledgeand also in our learning model, this emphasizes the practicethat allows students to make meaningful information throughinquiry, discovery, focusing on higher level thinking and ratherthan just rote learning and saw that in the video in the examples where students weremaking those connections. the last domain is purposefulassessments.
this area we are working topromote a use of a wide variety of assessment methods to makesure we are measuring student learning of content and skillsneeded to support students' ability to monitor their owngrowth. this model was launched thispast summer and received a positive response there ourschools. i.s.d. is currently designingcurriculum and resources to support this model andprofessional development and staff to use these innovativepractices.
next the planning and pacingguides are the core vehicle for supporting teachers are thedelivery of a concept based curriculum.the documents you will see here and reference on our webpageprovide comprehensive support for teachers for building theircontent and pedagogical knowledge and highlightsinstruction and assessment resources allowing for increaseddifferentiation. each study is a line to enduringunderstandings and essential questions that promote a deeperunderstanding of the content.
the quote on this slide as yousee from an elementary school teacher captured after a recentprofessional development on the new social studies planning andbasing guide captures the quality of the document and theappreciation for the resource. the teacher said, "curriculumhas been adjusted for a whole child approach to learning.knowledge is wonderful, but application and process basedunderstanding is even better." the commonality and layoutacross the disciplines has allowed teachers to implementthe resources more efficiently
and effectively.we have recently heard from a principal that her teachers arereporting that the new math signing and pacing guide is easyto use and helped them to save time with useful links and makesit appropriate to help them provide enrichment.we are in full implement takes with mathematics and socialstudies, piloting language arts and beginning the development ofscience planning and pacing guides.the content of all these documents will continue toevolve as innovation and blended
resources are added.recently one of our language arts pilot teachers wrote, iwill quote, i'm excited to see the impact that planning andpacing guides will have on developing teacher knowledge andpractice and bring cohesiveness to instruction across the countyin the next couple of years. the planning and pacing guideshave been a great tool to give teachers as a resource that willultimately help connect the learning we are looking for interms of content matched with those skills of portrait of agraduate.
literacy is our number onedivision wide strategy for reaching our portrait of agraduate. would the ability to read,write, students will struggle to reach their potential.we believe that developing the literacy skills of all studentsis critical and therefore we have prioritized the investmentof time and money in the resources and professionaldevelopment across the division in this area.several actions have been taken tos ensure we have a consistentapproach to literacy zrux and
teachers have the necessaryresources to evaluate and make instructional decisions for allstudents. first, we have updated ourliteracy curriculum to ensure all students are instructed onfoundational literacy skills like phonics.on this slide you will see one of the literacy progressioncharts that has been created. these charts span kindergartenthrough sixth grade and help extend teachers' understandingsof word learning and developmental spelling forgrades k-6.
so they can effectivelyintroduce, support and reinforce literacy behaviors, includingthe identification of potential dyslexia relation to dyslexia, a lot of work has been done.our online fcps dyslexia handbook will be soon availablein january. this resource will articulate aconsistent fcps approach for identification, intervention andaccommodations for students with dyslexia and provide internaland external audiences clarity moving addition, i know the board is
aware of our pilot of auniversal screener currently under way.this tool assesses foundational skills in reading and plays animportant role of identifying learning needs to be addressedfor intervention of all students, but certainly thosewith dyslexia. more information about this toolwill be shared later in this both the elementary school and second dare level, schoolliteracy teams have been created to cultivate schoolwidecommitments to literacy progress
across all grade levels and alldisciplines. these teams supported byresources and professional development from instructionalservices lead the literacy work in their buildings, ensuring theapproach to authentic learning and their school context in thearea of literacy is happening on a daily support the work of these teams, frameworks at each levelhave been created. the elementary literacyframework which i think the board was aware of last year,provides guidance on effective
reading and writings as well asimplementing best practices in the classroom.teachers can now access this framework to deepen theirunderstanding about literacy instruction and gain ideas onsetting up effective literacy learning environments, how tomaximize instructional time and implement appropriate assessmentstrategies. recently added to thisframework, there are literacy look-fors.which can be used by teachers for self-reflection and goalsetting and by instructional
leaders to support teachers inproviding feedback on literacy. exciting literacy work is alsohappening at the middle and high school levels.we believe strongly that the literacy work at the secondarylevel must extend beyond english classrooms.rather, we must consistently make sure we provide studentsthe opportunities to read, write, think and discuss in allsubject areas. the cross curriculum approachrequires new learning for many of our middle and high schoolreaders.
the second dare literacyframework is working to support this significant change.this framework is serving as a blueprint for the significantactions that schools and teams and teachers are taking tosupport that growth of literacy of all their students.this resource provides specific examples of what these actionsactually look like within each of the academic disciplines.and it is also a comprehensive bank of resources to supportliteracy in each content area. finally, our commitment toliteracy is evident through the
intentional dedication ofprofessional development that we have given to this topic.the focus of all of our county principal meetings is onliteracy, for the second year in a row.and we are reinforcing that literacy is our number onestrategy for meeting portrait of a graduate outcomes for allstudents. in addition, as you can see,many other professional development events have takenplace. this past summer was the secondyear that fcps offered the
elementary literacy symposiumwhere we provided an opportunity for elementary school teams tocollaborate and learn about literacy fact, over 1,300 participants from 141 schools attended thesesessions to deepen their understanding of effectivewriting instruction and they worked together during this timeto plan for the upcoming school year.this event continued to receive high praise, second year ithappened, 95% of the participants stating theyintended to apply the skills and
knowledge they learned lastsummer into this school year. in addition, we have revised thegreat beginnings program for our new teachers to focus onliteracy instruction to make sure we are aligning theirunderstandings with the expectations of the division.this past summer was very exciting in that we also markedthe first second dare literacy symposium.this event provided an opportunity for each of ourmiddle and high school teams to establish a literacy focus andpreparation for being able to
lead that work in theirbuilding. so we brought together teamsfrom all middle and high school schools to help them buildcommon understandings and expectations around reading,writing, student engagement and gave them an opportunity tobegin to plan for the school high school principal shared these comments with a team, we deepened our commitments to the urgency ofsupporting literacy across the disciplines and left with a planfor the new year on how to
implement best practicessurrounding literacy in all curricula areas.three follow-up sessions are taking place this school yeargiving teams at all of our secondary schools to continuetheir learning and being given a forum to share their progress,ask questions and problem solve the challenges they are is comprehensive and multifaceted.we are committed to making sure this continued focus is takingplace so we can ensure all of our students are prepared toreach their full potential and
at the same time acquire theportrait of a graduate attributes we are committed to.another key strategy for developing those portrait of agraduate outcomes is the use of project based saw some kpampts �-- examples of the students engagedin learning experiences. project based learning is ateaching method where students are gaining knowledge and skillsby working an, tended period of time to investigate or respondto an authentic, engaging and complex question, problem orchallenge.
there are many advantages we areseeing to project-based learning.first we are seeing that students become more engaged inlearning when they have a chance to dig into those complex andchallenging sometimes messy problems you saw on the video.those problems are related closely to what is happening inreal life or what will happen in their real life not simplylearning facts and taking tests to state we received thosefacts. student in project-basedlearning settings are required
to become active learners whomust use critical thinking skills to solve those problems.again, one of our portrait of a graduate can help students have a deeper understand of the subjectat hand and develop real interests in diving into thatsubject and gaining more knowledge rather than just beinggiven facts. additionally, a growing body ofacademic research supports the use of project-based learning inschool to engage our students, to also reduce absenteeism andboast those critical and
creative thinking skills we knoware necessary in this ever changing world.we believe project based learning is truly an efficientinstructional strategy for teaching content and skillswhile also supporting students to develop the portrait of agraduate skills. as you can see from this slidewe have trained many teachers in project-based learning.1,100 teachers have been trained and working on increasingcapacity to meet the growing number of requests from schools.i think it is important to point
out our project-based learningwork has been a grassroots type of implementation.there have been no mandates or requirements associated withthis strategy. instead the division hasprovided only opportunities and support to schools.of course, as we consider ensuring all of our students arebeing provided those opportunities to engage in thistype of learning we need to deepen our understanding of howto best implement this across the that end we have begun to
form a pilot, a cohort ofschools, kindergarten through 12th grades, elementary, middleand high with a focus on project-based learninginnovation. isd is working closely with theschools listed on this slide to create a culture where teacherscan implement those project-based learning model andenhance the portrait of a graduate skills.this cohort of schools is helping us to see how thesuccesses and challenges that are taking place can informeffective, systemic change for
us to be able to scale this workacross the division. the picture you see on thisslide illustrates the importance of this we see an esol student at herndon middle school whodesigned a vehicle that could explore a special location.she created a few blueprint of the vehicle, made a model ofthat one section showing how the parts of that vehicle wouldmove. it included how the forcesaffected their vehicle's movement, the importance ofmeasurement and simple and
complex machines.all of this learning was technology using jason.orgmodules and she presented to an audience of over 60 people.this is the type of learning we are aimed and focused on helpingstudents to connect, get excited and apply those skills in ameaningful way. the second desired outcome instrategy one focused on working to close the achievement we all know, there is no one silver bullet for closing theachievement gap. there are numerous factorsassociated with gaps in
achievement across all of ourstudent groups. as a result the support andresources necessary to close those gaps are many.fcps has created a research-based plan foraddressing the acheeflt gap. which serves as a resource forall of our schools. this plan, as you can see, iscomposed of strategies related to the drivers on this screen,on this slide of academic support, relationships, collegeand career readiness, school and family, access to rigor andready to learn.
since 2014, all of our schoolshave closing achievement gap goals and strategies in schoolimprovement and innovation plans.while a lot of exceptional work has been done in our schools thegaps in student achievement do continue to persist in our areaof focus for us. given the realities of ourexists resources, we've had to take a very intentional approachto supporting our schools and their closing achievement gapefforts. so what we have done to that endis to focus on supporting a
select number of pilot projectsin each of the drivers you see on this slide each year.our intention is to learn more on how we can best maximize oursupport for this work centrally to help schools identify bestpractices and strategies they can scale up and use across thedivision and certainly across the very successful gap closing achievement strategy we havescaled across the division is the new high school esolprogramming. in 2015-2016 school year wepiloted this new esol
programming to provide englishlearners with the ablgt to accelerate their englishdevelopment and put them on a true path towards graduation.what happened to this program? students received shelteredinstruction for the content courses for standard graduationcredit. the courses they take areenriched with english language development, tarlgting, reading,writing, listening and speaking. students new to the u.s. receivecomprehensive support to have a warm, welcoming and safeenvironment to learn.
some students come to us nothaving ever been in school ever in their life and they may be inmiddle or high school. the pilot program that we didsaw great successes at lee and stuart high school.564 english language level one, two, and three studentsreceiving an english credit towards graduation.228 level one and two students receiving a social studiescredit for government and 91 students receiving an algebraone after a double block of mathematics.why is that so important?
why is that a success?because in comparison, our esol level one and two students atall of our other high schools last year did not take thoseclasses and as a result could not earn standard creditstowards graduation. as a result of the success wesaw last year at lee and stuart, we have scaled that new esolhigh school program to all of our high schools this schoolyear. and we are working with theoffice of program evaluation, which is providing us withfurther analysis of the outcomes
of this new, again, this is one example of a resource and a strategy anda variety of best practices that we are putting in place in apilot and ultimately being able to scale division wide.clearly much more needs to be done when we look at the datafor our english language learners and students that arenot yet meeting proficiency. we are taking steps to supportthe 35,000 english learners in our school.teachers need additional knowledge and skills to workeffectively with our english
learners and the 2015-2016 school year the office of esol servicesintroduced e.l. innovation, a development series where schoolteams gain an understanding of those instructional strategiesto help e.l. students and help develop skills to implementenglish language development standards and programming forthe needs of those students. school teams who participateexamine their needs and create an innovation plan thatincorporates these strategies to impact teaching and learning forenglish learners.
to date over 40 of our schoolshave participated in e.l. innovation and have createdplans toward helping support those english learners.additionally, in 2017-2018, the office of esol services will beintroducing esol program standards for all of ourelementary and middle schools. the standard that will be rolledout will provide all school administrators in every schooland all teachers with a specific components, tools, strategiesand structures that are needed to create an effective programfor our english learners.
another way that we areaddressing closing the achievement gap is responsiveinstruction. responsive instruction for students with individual insidesto match those to the necessary academic in some cases,behavior, or student wellness in order to ensure that student hassufblg. our schools that areimplementing responsive instruction, they use acollaborative problem-solving approach to build a continuum ofstrategies to think about what
interventions are needs, whatsupports are needed and how do we address the needs of theparticular student at their is looked at individually and some of them are looked at thewhole group. we continue to expand r.i.implementation through professional developmentopportunities and working to make sure we provide individualschool support on topics such as problem solving, goal setting,progress monitoring and resource mapping.the r.i. process is data driven,
that is a major area of focus toclose the achievement gap, we have to look at the data.the r.i. team in collaboration with our i.t. department,instructional services, have developed and expandedfunctionality in edsl, the divisions data management systemto support schools and teachers with meeting the individualneeds of their students. this tool supports schools asthey analyze that data, whether it is academic or behavioral andthen helps them to facilitate a problem solving approach to havethose conversations that are
needed to then provide thesupport and interventions that students need while at the sametime monitor their progress. at the start of this school yearit has been expanded for a secondary view and numerousenhancements to support core instruction and intervention.this fall a new tool called foresight was launched fortransition and end of year planning for schools.those are a couple of the strategies we are doing divisionwide to help close the achievement gap.we know much more needs to be
done.the next outcome in strategy one is related to the use oftechnology. over the past several months youhave heard much about our fcps on initiative.the next several slides will highlight some of the importantwork happening in this area. technology used in education isno longer a luxury. we saw in the video thedifferences between what schooling looked like then andwhat it looks like now. it is really, truly arequirement for us to reach our
division's portrait of agraduate goals and help students prepare them for a future, afuture we don't know will look like.all though today's students are digital natives and many useiphones and other tools for social networking, researchclearly indicates the majority of students are not capitalizingon the ability to use technology to enhance learning to applycomplex technology skills to everyday challenges.classrooms that prepare students with 21st century skillsseamlessly integrate technology,
not replace, but integrate in away that enhances and deepens students learning.the quote on this slide is marc edwards, a nationally recognizedleader in technology innovation. students today must have digitallearning environments that facilitate relevant,personalized collaborative and can'ted learning experiencesthat drive student engagement which in turn will drive studentachievement. this will ultimately supportinstruction. technology is so critical withthe fcps on as our pilot this is
helping us look at how we canlook at students, 15, in the pilot and ultimately expandeddivision wide. on this slide you can see theexcite of the third graders who are getting ready to takelaptops home for the first time in october.prior to their inclusion to fcps on, 140 students reported nothaving any technology or internet access outside ofschool. however, we want to stress thatfcps on is not just about giving a laptop, not just about havinginternet, it is making sure we
use that technology to providestudents with dynamic learning experiences that help preparethem for portrait of a graduate in the future.of course, we know this will require a multiyear commitmentto support our schools in the implement takes of the actualdevices. we are committed to looking atthe learning and the instruction that needs to take place to makethat happen. we have established benchmarksfor success and learning about the positive impact of one toone technology in our public
schools.moreover, we are working with john hopkins university to studythe benefits and challenges of this type of work.johns hopkins will come to a work session in the spring toprovide you with an update. to highlight the importance ofincreased ak ses, we have two stories we would like to share.first day leary, an english teacher at falls church highschool tells the impact of giving the gift of technologyaccess has on our students. you can see on this slide whatshe had to say about a child
who, quote, about this time onekid called me over to say he had logged on and wasn't sure ofnext steps. i told him what i told otherkids all afternoon. great.put it in the bag. take it home.he paused and asked, really? i get to take it home?really? are you sure?and then i get to do school work on it?really? i answered yes each time smilingand trying not to get tears in
my eyes.he put the laptop in his bag hugging it to his chest as if itwas his most important treasure. when students have access totechnology it is to engage in learning any time and anywhere.looking at the student tweet on this slide, we see a strongexample of how technology can changes the time, place and pathof student learning as a chantilly high school studenttweets about using face time and google docs in the airportduring thanksgiving travel. here is the story according toher teacher at chan tillie high history students were working in groups about theeffects of the printing press. students who were absent wouldhave to complete the assignment intd�-- student asked to face time with her classmates while at theairport. she contributed to her classdiscussion and group assignment even though she was in tarpttraveling for thanksgiving. giving our students one to oneaccess is critically important for our school division andmaking sure that learning is
connected to the use oftechnology. this is another area we believeif we ns in will help close the achievement gap.we are just in our first year. we are seeing examples of thepositive impact of this work in helping our students developthose portrait of a graduate skills.for example, classroom environments have beentransformed into student-centered learningspaces. technology is being used toconnect fcps students with
professional experts andstudents around the world. again, that global citizenship.helping to support those collaborative learningenvironments and helping them develop communication skillsthrough technology not simply with the person next to you.middle and high school students have been given opportunities totake leadership roles to be student tech aides to supportstudents. again, developing collaboration.the student tech aides work hand in hand with t-specs and ourteachers.
one example of a teacher usingtechnology comes from mary kay downs an english teacher atchantilly high school who says we use the laptops daily.we have totally eliminated paper in my is easier to give students immediate feedback.i have been teaching since 1965, i can bear age has nothing to dowith instructional learning. we came together for a day ofprofessional development. teachers and instructionalleaders were asked to share top successes and challenges intheir school.
here are just a few i would liketo share with you. franklin middle school, teachersview themselves as life-long learners.students are afforded choice in how they access and demonstratelearning. technology provides studentswith opportunities of learning, problem solving particularlywith research. again, what we are seeing in ourfcps on is a very powerful connection with learning and notwhat is happening from the other districts who have simply givenout devices for students and
teachers to technology becomes ubiquitous, it is imperative weprovide students, teachers and staffs to be instructive andresponsible digital students. that is our fourth desiredoutcome. our digital citizenship planemphasizes school and home partnerships.we believe that providing a sustained effort to educateschool, staff and parents will result in our studentsdeveloping more responsible online behaviors and a positivedigital identity.
to this end we have taken anumber of actions including the following i would like to sharewith you. we have sponsored digitalcitizenship week for an opportunity for increasedawareness and education, shared a variety of resources includinglesson plans and also social media posted were provides toschools and 67.6% of our schools planned activities that week forschools, staff, parents and others to help them become awareof digital citizenship skills. many are reporting activitiesplanned for this year.
digital citizenship informationwas provided to 100 parents that stopped by the booth at therecent mental health conference. parents could talk with staffand ask questions as well as pick up sample device contractsand family media agreements in their native addition, each year we see more and more schools andpyramids hosting events to provide awareness and strategyfor family engagement. nine new teacher trainingmodules are now available in the area of digital citizenship.since the release of these
materials in october of thisyear, 1,500 modules have been completed by teachers.these modules are helping to train staff on how they canbetter support digital citizenship.while this training is currently optional for our teachers, itwill be required next year by all of our instructional online course for parents around children is planned forthe 2017-2018 school year to help them better understanddigital citizenship. our last desired outcome instrategy one is related to
providing centralized supportfor schools based on student achievement needs.this is an area you have heard much about, project momentum, akey strategy for providing centralized support to ourschools and i know you had a work session where we talkedabout project momentum. we have seen significantincreases in student achievement in project momentum schools.15-18 met english state targets and 16-18 met math statetargets. as you can see, there are manyassociated metrics for strategy
one.many of these represent data we have looked at over time so youhave some familiarity as we looked at it in some of our worksessions and others are new. however, we will have more timeat our january work session to dig into the data, but i willprovide a few high level overview graphs of the keymetrics, not every one on this slide so we can move forward andget into the deeper conversation about the work session.the first one i would like to highlight is the graph gradethree reading s.o.l. data by
ethnicity.the overall pass rate remained constant, as you can see, passrate for hispanic students has increased by 4% with slightchanges experienced by our black and white students.when looking at grade three reading data by subgroup, eachgroup showed some improvement, english learners by 1%,economically disadvantaged students 2%, students withdisabilities 5%. these changes are improvements,but they are slight progress and we want to continue to make surewe are investing our time and
resources in some of the thingsi previous i will talked about so we are not seeing just slightimprovement. we want to see dramaticimprovement and actually close that gap.all of the subgroups as you can see on this slide have increasedtheir percent passing in reading over the past four can also see on this slide that performance gaps continueto exist. we must continue to address theneeds as you can see on this slide of our black and hispanicstudents through our literacy,
responsive instruction effortsand some of the other things that were outlined earlier in mypresentation. the algebra, the percentage ofstudents completing algebra one by eighth grade has shown aslight decrease. it is an area we need to payattention to. in addition, as you can see, thepercentage of economically disadvantaged and englishlanguage lerner students completing algebra one by eighthgrade has shown a slight decrease while students withdisabilities remain flat.
clearly, much work needs to bedone in this area to close that gap.all subgroups as you can see on this slide have increasedpercent passing in math over the past five years, performancegaps continue to exist and once again here you see that we mustcontinue to address the needs of our black and hispanic studentsthrough our mathematics and instruction efforts.and again, these are areas where we saw some success but notwhere we need to be and certainly have not closed thatgap.
in the area of our englishlanguage learners you can see some success and also somechallenges. access for the ell is theannually required proficiency assessment gimpb.what it measures is the student's ability to read,write, listen and speak in english.vdoe will establish new progress targets to align with the newtests and essa regulations in 2017.on the chart above you see a percentage who met 2010 progresstargets on two consecutive wida
exams.vdoe is using improvement in scale scores that vary dependingon the student's proficiency of english level nortd for us tomeasure progress. it should be noted vdoe hasn'tused it since 2015 because of the changes with no child leftbehind and what we will be waiting to see with 2014 and you are well aware through previous conversations,a higher percentage of newcomer students have enrolled in ourhigh schools with significant academic and social-emotionalneeds.
these students are requiringmore time and attention to make progress.that is why we have implemented the high school innovation atthe high school level that we talked about previously in mypresentation. in addition, the wida access foreol assessment has undergone content and administrationchanges since 2015 including moving from paper and pencil toan online format. another metric i would like tohighlight in strategy one is the percentage of students whopassed at least one a.p., i.b.
or dual enrollment you can see on this slide our data remains fairly consistentwith a slight change for asian students but relatively constantfor the last three years. for our next area, looking atthe percent of graduates passing one industry credential test.since 2014, there has been a significant increase in thepercentage of students we see passing at least one test.our current seniors who entered ninth grade in 2013-2014, arethe first class that is required to earn an industry credentialfor a standard diploma.
approximately 3/4 of ourgraduates earn an advanced studies diploma not required toearn a credential for that diploma, more than 75% are doingthat even though they are not required.the largest number of industry certifications we see are inwork place readiness, wise financial literacy and a widevariety of certifications students are taking, statelicensing in health and medical sciences and cosmetology.we are looking forward to the changes happening at the statelevel with regards to the high
school sol requirements becausehopefully we can incorporate some of those as replacementsand looking forward to those changes.but while we see positive stuff here, we are continuing to foiafocus on making sure we give students the opportunity toprepare and pass for industry credentials related to theircourse content and hopefully for future career.the next metric is looking at the area of on-time graduation.the on-time graduation rates for fcps continue to be well abovethe virginia average and
national average, it is criticalto continue to focus on the graduation rate for subgroupsand not the whole number. for the class of 2016, you cansee, there was a 3% increase for black students, a 1.3% increasefor asian and 2.5% decrease for hispanic students with the restof our subgroups remaining consistent.this slide and the following slides indicate there continueto be the most significant gaps for our hispanic students andenglish learners compared to any other subgroup in our division.again that is why i highlighted
the work taking place and justbegun that piloted at lee and stuart to go divisionwide.for the class of 2016, you see, there was more than a 3%increase in on-time graduation for students identified aseconomically disadvantaged and approximately 1% decrease forthose english language learners while students with disabilitiesremained relatively consistent. again, the enhanced second dareesol programming are specific efforts aimed to increasesupport for our students toward on-time graduation rates andpreparation for post high
school, college or career andyou saw just from the numbers i shared with you from stuart andlee, what can happen division wide once we implement acrossthe division. we now move to strategy two.we are almost through. this strategy is focused on therole of assessments and there are three desired outcomes,including the need for a balanced assessment system, datatools to allow school staff to meet individual needs and ourapproaches to grading and homework which i know has been adiscussion at the board table
and will continue to be.the first outcome we will look at is related to balanceassessment. when we talk about a system thatis balanced, what do we mean by that?we are balancing the measurement of what and how students arelearning. for example, we want to see thebalance of if measurement of content and those skillacquisition we are expecting of students and we want to use thebalance assessment a variety of forms from multiple choice toperformanced bases assessment
tasks.that is in line with what the state is looking at.state level moving in this direction, to add additionalselection types to allow students for their depth ofunderstanding and depth of skills and not the ability toanswer a multi-choice tests. and on the validity ofmulti-choice tests play a role, and you see that on the farside. sat's and act's do matterhowever not the only type of
assessments that we use formeasuring of student learning. for example, we believe thatperformance-based measures that are project or tasked and yousaw that in the video, and i highlighted some of that earlierin the previous strategies, those types of measures requirestudents to use higher-level thinking to either perform, tocreate or produce something similar to the middle schoolstudent from herndon, and actually apply that in anauthentic or real-world way. we believe
these types ofassessments are taking place in our classrooms.the use of performance based assessments is an area ofemphasis for instruction of emphasis and working withteachers how to better use these.the final box on the diagram represents the authenticexamples of student work we would like to see.we hope this is captured through kapstone projects in grades 3-5,10-12 in the future. currently we are piloting inthis school year, and further we
believe having this type ofvariety of evidence of learning will lend itself to creation ofstudent portfolios, you saw an example of that on the video.and for us to provide a more comprehensive view of theachievement of student over time and not one point during theyear as they take multiple-choice assessment.ultimately a random sampling of portfolios across the divisionwill allow us to look at data and understand the completepicture of student achievement in fcps.what i want to reiterate the
rumor that it's not replacingsol's or multiple choice but making a comprehensive choice.a lot of rumors happening in this the implementation of the assessments increase, ourportrait of a graduate is a rubric that is used widely byteachers in fcps. you see on this slide, rubricsare another important instrument to help perform the studentdevelopment of each might look over time.these rubrics you see are broken down by each portrait of agraduate at grade band and allow
to select the criteria for thatassessment. but most important that thesehave changed the process, and this slide articulates theimpact of giving students the opportunity to self-reflect.this teacher said, students were able to reflect in a way, mystudents understood what behaviors and actions to strivefor and able to set goals to continue behaviors in thefuture. that's what we ultimately wantfor the students, to earn their own understanding and make goalsof progress to be successful.
and currently our assessment,they mentioned earlier, is not to require rubrics but offerthem as resources to embed teachers for portrait of agraduate in assessments, not a mandate but a resource.and the second strategy focuses on need to provide teachers andadministrators with the tools necessary to monitor studentlearning. this year in an effort to moreefficiently respond to our school's data needs, we formed anew departmental team, that we call dcct, division datacollaboration team.
this has information from officeof student testing and information services andinformation technology and instruction services.this team is providing our schools need for data andprovide comprehensive training on data literacy and alreadyassisted 60 schools with setting up new more data monitoringsystems. and this school has helpedschools set up dashboards to monitor.and since its creation providing 100 schools with new analyticsand esol-skills for students.
and this team has trained 149schools on the new responsive instruction functionality that imentioned in the last strategy. when we discuss the need toprovide tools to monitor student learning perhaps nothing is moreimportant than the early identification of our studentsat risk with difficulties in reading and meet this need efficiently and effectively, as the board isaware, we have selected a universal screening tool called,iready, and to provide data and progress monitor andintervention resources that are
connected to that data to ourelementary and middle school students.currently in 50 elementary schools.early feedback from these schools is consistent with thedata and yet continuing to monitor this pilot to see howthat information will be useful and valuable for planninginstruction, intervention and helping with teacher workload inthis area. teachers have expressedappreciation for aligning resources to meet theindividuals needs.
and as we have gone to visit theschools and see and i have talked to students and they arevery excited about this program. data from the pilot year will beused to help determine impact on achievement and help us toperform our division-wide plan to see how we might scale thisacross for all elementary and middle schools next school year.the final outcome and strategy too is related to the evaluationof student learning and focusing on division grading and homeworkpractices. and an area that the board isinvolved in and we will continue
to discuss moving forward.i don't know what happened to this -- can you bring the slideback. as you are aware we made changesthis year to middle and high school grading this year.after much consideration and involvement of our stakeholdergroups changes were made to increase consistency among ourschools and to be sure that grades reflected studentlearning. and overarching theme was topromote learning environments where students had opportunityto demonstrate efficiency and
motivated to make continuousefforts to improve. in the area of work habits andachievement, you see the emphasis on grades based onstudents' behavior and record only grades that provideevidence of learning. these changes included updatesin regulation such as class participation, and homework andlate work. another major change in thisarea was to the requirement for students to be able to have asecond chance to demonstrate efficiency on a majorassessment.
if they did not meet the scoreof 80% or higher on the first attempt.this has been the most challenging change for teachersto implement. and we are continuing to supportthem and they are continuing to work on this in collaborativeteams to refine this in implementation.finally the updated regulation supports the effort of limitingthe use of zero in 100 point scale.for example, to implement a late-work policy and encouragingno grade lower than 50%, will
likely result in less zeros tobe given. we realize this is an area thatwe have less consistency in our schools.and though we agree that we made strides in this area but an areato look at. significant work has been doneat the school level to ensure that teachers continue to besupported with these new changes.and we are continuing at a division level to monitor theimplementation of this and work with leadership teams and schoolboard to determine next steps in
this area.we know it's one of a lot of order to grading there is much happening behind the scenesin the area of effective homework practices.principals and teacher leader groups are engaged in examiningcurrent regulations and information on division wideinformation in this area. the consensus is to begin thisprocess at the school level and therefore resources to work withschool staff and provide them the needed opportunities toreflect in conversations and
examine their own currentpractice with the intent then to ensure that homework ispurposeful, and that consideration is being given toschool and life balance. i can say this is just thebeginning of this work, and we recognize the need for increaseddivision expectation moving forward in the area of the work there i have outlined and quite a long timein talking to you. just a little bit of what ishappening in strategies 1 and 2. it's very important part of ourstrategic plan, probably the
majority of our strategic planhappens in goal 1. and you only heard about twoparts tonight. but division wide i want to letthe board know that we are continue to align our work tosupport these outcomes and the actions of our portrait of agraduate in our constant daily conversations in what we aredoing. and while there is more work tobe done and we have areas in the achievement gap, there is muchto celebrate and much to be proud of in the innovation andthe approach to learning that is
taking us from the then, to thenow that you saw in this video. goal 1 in this strategic planare ensuring we do the following.we must reach. we must challenge, and we mustprepare everyone of our students not just to pass a test.but to be successful in college, career or simply in life.and that's what we are all about in fcps, and what is happeningin this area of our strategic plan is how we use our blueprintfor making that a reality for all of our students.thank you.
thank you, dr. duran.i have a few questions and we will have a work session on thisin january. first we go to mrs. i am going to -- very hard to synthesize that amount ofinformation. but a couple of things i want toidentify. when you were talking about theonline dyslexia handbook. that something that is a tool for just the educators?or is that educators and parents?and how does that compare to --
is that intended to be ahandbook for parents of students who are already have beenidentified as dyslexic or expect their children are dyslexic?yes, it's intended to support teachers and parents.and it will be comprehensive so it has elements for parents andstudents and teachers of students that have beenidentified and also for parents who may not be aware or is it going to be a reference guide, if you areexperiencing or if your student is exhibiting these -- i mean,just top-level things?
it will be more holistic, itwill have some top-level but also some specific areas.i am confused, i mean it's unusual for us to have a kind ofreference that is both intended for educators and parents.usually the information that we provide to parents is differentthan a developmental tool meant to's not meant to be a developmental tool or guide ortrain, but meant to help teachers and parents to look forwhat students might have. it's all right, i will sayit, when we have our work
session i probably will havemore questions about that. and what is the status of thescreener? the universal screener isbeing piloted in 15 schools, what we must do after the end ofthe pilot. with the state, send that dataand show that what we are seeing correlates to our dra, and weshould have that done and scale it up division wide next schoolyear. do you know the 15 schoolsare? yes, i believe we -- i cansend that to you.
but three in each region andchosen by interests of the we asked schools to apply. okay, that sounds familiar.we wanted to have comprehensive.we have some large and small and higher performing.and make sure that schools were interested because they had bothdra [inaudible] and asked schools interested.and on the instruction piece on strategy 1.yes. this is something -- i don'tknow if it's just vernacular
issue, but we talk a lot aboutliteracy and switching to middle school and high school and as ifthe focus of literacy was middle school and high school.i was confused where sort of that third, you know, thebenchmark of reading by third grade and the flip of learningto read instead of reading to learn.and where is the emphasis is on writing.and it's a consistent question that is actually with a greaterdegree of velocity picking up from parents tremendouslyconcerned about the fact that
students not writing.and not just not writing comprehensively but just writingon a regular basis. that we are still very heavywork-sheet driven. and the acquisition of writingskills both in handwriting, i still don't know where we are onhandwriting. on handwriting and theapplication of handwriting and what that does to fine motorskill development and the ability to write know, it sort of just kind of gets faded to the back whenwe say literacy.
where are we on writing?the area of writing is definitely an area of focus.and the literacy focus this summer that was the focus.and on the teams that came, and looking at writing in scienceand music and writing is an area that we have seen as a need toprovide more emphasis. and that was the focus thissummer in literacy symposium. the reading and writing andspeaking and writing was an noted just as an there deeply embedded.
i mentioned symposium thatwas one professional development avenue we used.and certainly as we looked at language arts and that embeddedin the writing references. and it's an area and theresources that we provide. whether they are tangibleresources and the type of professional development we areproviding has to match that as well.what i was highlighting was the professional development we haddone. is that being -- i don't knowabout, so there's one thing for
instructional services toprovide curriculum materials or --resources. it's another thing to talkabout fidelity. and is there -- i don't know,maybe this is for dr. lockard. if i can add a few clarifyingcomments really about the strategy we are using for thiswork. so the frameworks we referenceon the powerpoint slide are the resources to focus the practicein the classrooms. but we are really taking a jobembedded professional approach,
especially at the secondarylevel, that each principal select a team from their schoolthat is the leaders of this work and we provide resources andprofessional resources to provide to their colleague.and we will bring them back several months in the spring andcontinue to do that work with them in the summer again.and the focus is to get them the resources to work with theircolleagues in the crt where it's closest with the work.and the writing that you said, it's the focus of the work.literacy that includes not just
reading but writing.and we want our students to write particularly at thesecondary level. that was of the answer i waslooking for. that's been a focus for quite awhile. where are we on the handwriting?because that's the question i get.and the fidelity of that [inaudible] is really thequestion. really it's kind of almost likean educator's shrug at this point, they don't need to learnto write, as long as they learn
to type is all that matters.there is a significant angst growing in parent populationssaying that my child can't read a birthday card from me, becausethey are not learning to write they don't even recognize letters in cursive not only the fine motor development but the fundamentalskill of being able to write. i know this is sort of like abasic writing-reading-arithmetic question but it's reallyimperative. i would say that it continuesto be an area, that we can
discuss obviously as acommunity. handwriting is not required bythe state and we have chosen not to require it in fcps.and we have tools but not requiring them and not beingused consistently across the school.if we want to require it, it's exceeding so 2.yeah. we do that in a lot otherareas but maybe less do we approach that as a board?am i forced to take that to a
forum or can we have thatdiscussion in a work session? or how do we have that morein-depth conversation? i think we can follow up moreand can talk more in the work session in january.and talk more individually with board members, that canobviously be an on-going conversation.i would like that noted for the record.and i have one last thing, on the new comer school.can you bring up the slide, i apologize, i couldn't see slidenumbers but the slide that had
the graduation was the chart with the unfortunate down-hill slope.yeah, that one. so --i will tell you, of everything here that was one of the mostsurprising ones to me. notably because typicallydisabilities is actually at the bottom in terms of the fact that we have students with disabilities thatare usually at the bottom of achievement but far exceedingeconomically disadvantaged and super-far exceeding englishlanguage learners.
i am surprised by that.i am also surprised by the down-turn slope in the newcomers-- or the english language learners.and wonder if that's the reason because we have significantincrease of newcomers in fairfax county.does that reflect the downturn? and we don't get released andstill have four years to graduate someone?no, with english learners it may take longer than four years.and part of what you are seeing, we have not yet seen all thechanges we put in place with
esol programming in high school.we will see for a couple of years this type of data. becauseagain when students prior to us putting these changes in.a student in ninth grade was taking e-sol-class that was notable to obtain at the same rate as peers of algebra andgovernment. that explains the gap betweenthe lines above it but doesn't explain the down-turn.and again when you get english learners and it's notthe same group or the same population you have for fouryears.
and you get a lot of studentsthat come in junior and senior and that population isdifferent. is passing the weta a part ofthe graduation rate? no.because there is a disparity of the students that pass sol,and weta. correct.i would remind us as we look at that chart that the stateincreased graduation requirements and we had adifferent set of graduation
requirements for each graduatingclass. part of what you are seeing interms of the decline, the disproportionate impact andalong with the trends that you mentioned mrs. schultz in termsof some of our students come in the system at english level 1and 2. analytically speaking iappreciate that but that's an is. it's an assumption.i would like to see the data behind the assumption that thestudents aren't graduating
because [inaudible].i think probably your assertion that is a different set ofstudents is probably more likely.okay, that's it. thank you.mrs. strauss. first of all thank you, thisis a very rich and comprehensive report.tremendous amount of information.just a couple of things that struck me that i found valuable.the secondary literacy framework, again acknowledgingand often see the concentration
of k-3 and k-4 and we have tomake sure that literacy skills, reading and writing and thewhole bit are all the way through high school and theframework broken out in that way it was a welcomed piece.universal screening, interested to see how that works out.i do have schools in the pilot. and thank you for including aquote from mary kay dowen. and one of our wonderful seniorteachers doing great with her writing and class in chantillyand her total adoption of mary kay.and based learning
and kapstone.i have one question in appendix, you included the 2014 wetaprogram and what is part of that.yes, we are still part of pesa and our high school hasfinished taking that and should have the results from the mostrecent in august. wonderful.this coming august we will have the results.they took them two weeks ago. okay, again it's astatistical sampling. right.not everybody.
right.15 year olds. is that again through a grantopportunity? no, not through a grantopportunity we do pay for that. it's not every's not every year. every other year.this will be a two -- yeah, every two years.right and we just completed this year's.2016 and will have the results for that.look forward to that and interesting to see how we stackup.
thank you.mrs. hynes. thank you, this is a lot ofgreat information, thank you. and i appreciate the time thatyou took, i know it's not easy. but you know, this is the mostimportant report, type of report that i think we get on behalf ofthe community, what is happening in the classroom.that and the learning environments themselves.i think we have had two really important conversations tonight.and as you said, many times we will continue to talk aboutachievement gaps and continue to
work on those.i want to ask one question tonight on the slide show.slide 40, which is the continuum of assessment one.this is to me really exciting. when i look at that, that doeson one slide kind of pull together what the goal is.balancing assessments and pulling it together in studentportfolios and makes sense and that bottom line, randomassessments of student port -- portfolio.and my question of participating on the sol.yeah, i'm a member of that.
do you see virginia as a wayto do accountability at the state level?yes, we had meeting today and for high school and socialstudies and science we are considering an assessment to beperformance-based assessment and there is conversations of how welook at student work and other means.whether it's locally driven or state driven.but yes, we are discussing at the motivation level and i thinkwe will see some of this happening there.if there is anything, i would
follow up.this came up the other night in our legislative session.right. and you saw that we had astate board member there who pushed back.and said, we do need to have you know he was just one member and it was not a fullconversation. but do you anticipate push backon this sort of thing? because virginia and differentfrom one end of the state to the other.the state board of ed in
november meeting has moved itforward, that they were supportive.i don't know if it was unanimous but i know they have moved itforward in the state board of ed and the committee will be votingon it in january. but we had consensus on thephone today in support and there is legislators on this one inthe committee as well. thank you very much.mrs. derenak-kaufax. thank you, dr. graham forthis excellent presentation. there is a lot as my colleaguesare saying to take in and glad
to have a work session on this.i have a couple of hopefully quick questions mentioned the math planning and pacing guides and being wellreceived. are now all of our elementaryschools offering whatever we are calling it now, advanced orcompacted math curriculum? are they all offeringadvanced math? well, we are currently workingon that, and they are offering it in some ways.what we are doing at the division level we are looking tosee how our schools are offering
it and what grades and to bringconsistency. and the planning doesn't speakto advanced math, and the question you are asking.and it's something that we begin to look at last year andidentify what each school at the elementary level is doing andbring consistency with guidance on advanced math.and we know that schools have different resources and thesmall numbers of school to take advanced math makes it difficultas well. those are variables that go intoit.
and currently every one divisionwide is doing it the same way but we are working towards that,yes. okay, thank you.i really enjoyed seeing the whole area where you are talkingabout increasing project-based learning.that is so very, very important. and i know that we do it prettywell in elementary school. are we continuing to do it as wego up the chain from middle school that high school?are we working on that. because as a parent i sawfall-off on that as far as with
both of my's that parent perspective. it seems something that we dopretty well in elementary school years and then not asconsistent. well, it's definitely an areaof focus, and i mentioned k-12 and the amount of teacherstrained are k-12. and you are right and elementaryschool is more natural to have the students all day.and the teachers teach all the content to the students.and at the middle and high school level a way to providefor the teachers to infuse.
and at the division level we arepushing k-12 and you will see more as teachers access thattraining. good, i think that's veryimportant. the esol-training program.that was one of my -- i felt there was a real need in mycommunity. and so glad that we moved itquickly across the pilot stage to the high school curriculum.and you know, i know that we are evaluating that and i appreciatemrs. schultz's comments on the needs of the students and how weaddress them.
and the curriculum will go along way as we modify and adjust and take it full scale.and of course as we take it full scale, my next concern anddesire and want that we look at a middle school program forthis. i am definitely seeing a need inmany of my schools to have that type of programming.and i know you are saying we are just there.i know when we went and did our first-look see at schools intexas. which was the first cohort ofschools that we looked at.
and i know that staff went wellbeyond that for the next year to look at best practices acrossthe country for unique e-sol-programming to what weoriginally had to advance our programming.and that cohort of schools in texas, they had it from fourthgrade on. and we were looking at it atthat time for the kids coming new to our area.between the ages of say 14-18. but now we are seeing additionalcohorts i think who might benefit from this is middleschool.
do we have any plan?may i say, certainly we have i mentioned e [inaudible]immigration and standards, and what was unique about the highschool programs that we singled out was the credits.and looking at this differently. but did not mean that we areneglecting middle school and elementary school in terms ofproviding instructional support of strategies.and help adults. and in some cases not havinglanguage learners, not large numbers but we are working withthem and will continue to work
with them on instructionalsupport and as well as social and emotional support throughcounselors and training and social workers and psychologistlook at students coming into this school and never been in aclassroom by seventh grade. that brings challenges.we are definitely looking at that.and high school was specific because of the type of creditfor students to get and change that to get the english creditfor graduation. not be off track so we don't seethose same numbers.
i have more questions andcomments about that but i will save that for the work session,thank you. mrs. palchik.thank you, and thank you for the videos and to protect thekids for the community and those of us here and what ishappening. i hope you continue to findother innovative ways and we have an excellent team that areable to bring to life these numbers and statistics.the items are not just items but people, and i appreciate that.and also the rubrics, i think
one of my original concernscoming in and seeing a portrait of a graduate and who fills therubric. it's a lot on their plate.i appreciate the work on creating that and able to focuson working with the kids. and finally and i think this isone of my new found loves of our school system, a known gem isour family literacy program. and i you have that you have itin as an initiative. i know that families i havevisited and families i see at school, come up and say, pleasegive us more to expand the
hours.and i had one mom come up and say, my daughter was ineligiblefor head start and i was worried but when started kindergartenand had gone through the family-early lit and was ontrack and did not need additional intervention.and your team with work on this, if anything to do to expandthat. i know there are a lot ofprograms even in the d.c. area, and casa is doing work andflamboyant foundation works in d.c. and puerto rico.and another project flames has
been doing this for a long time.and having worked as a community health promoter, that seems oneof the models they are starting to use, community promotors,people that are trained and paid in the community to work withthe families. when we have these initiativeswe are doing a lot in the classroom talking aboutliteracy. but i think to be able to engagein power and create leaders in the community, that has shown tohave a huge impact, right. and some of these negativetrends we are seeing in our
latino community.can we find other ways, you know, to support some of theseprograms? whether we partner with adibothat does some programming or help us expand that.i would love to see that more. because i think it will have ahuge impact. especially in our youngerstudents and elementary school and middle school before theyget into some comprehensive i really hope you can look at that and find ways to expandthat.
but thank you very much.all right, i had a couple of comments and questions myself.i appreciate the focus on english language's clear we are doing a great deal and i look forward to moredata you bring us. but as that program getsfurtherer down the road and it's heartening to see the number ofcredits that the students earned in their first year in thatprogram. i did wonder, do we break itdown or could we break it down with students by interruptedlearning.
we can.i think anecdotally we havemore information. you want us to break down theinformation on the sites to show you, we can do that.okay, because i think that may be a factor in some of thetrending we are seeing there. something that we need to becognizant of particularly at the high school level.and that's a reason why we put the social and emotionalsupports for the students that don't have that.and understanding of being in a
school, let alone not talkingabout instructional. but being literally in a school.right. and we know that's an issueand an area that we support on. and we look and provide moreinformation on the students and data.i think that would be helpful to put some of this in context.and to hopefully guide us and things we may need to do in thefuture. to see the comparison, we havebeen asking before and really glad to see the comparison ofthe ap pass scores and the
grades which do seem to bepretty darn consistent. i mean there are a few that getbad grades and still do well at test and a handful that get highgrades and don't do so well. but generally speaking ittracks. and lastly in the worldlanguages, if this is the gold report for it to be looked at.our vietnamese program at [inaudible] high school, i wouldbe interested off line or part of the work session to language is part of goal 1.right, i think that was a
feather in our cap, the first invirginia and possibly the only one in virginia, and interestedto see how we do. thank you for your thoroughreport and look forward to the work session.thank you. we next go to studentrepresentative matters. okay, that's really hard tofollow, but i will try to keep this brief.again i would like to thank dr. duran, he came to the laststudent council advisory meeting and opened up opportunities forstudent engagement and we are
excited about, thank you forcoming. at the last student advocacymeeting, we also had a lot of interesting presentations fromjennifer [inaudible] and thank you for coming to discuss mentalhealth and wellness, and i want to give a quick thank you tofairfax high school, the students raised over 2,500 cansfor their food for others drive. and jefferson had a successfulwalk-a-thon. in the spirit of the holidays alot of our students mobilizing these teams to create awareness.and also a lot of students are
increasing awareness of humantrafficking. a lot of our students areworking with local girl scout troops and community members andorganizations, and this is one update that we also had at ourmeeting. and finally at the meeting wediscussed fairfax county youth survey with a student leadersand a couple of alarming statistics that we discoveredfrom the youth survey. in the addition of being largedisparity between schools and prominent issues like substanceabuse or teen sex trafficking.
and we noticed there was a largeincrease in almost every category in high school fromwhat i call under-class men to upper class men, from sophomoreto junior years there was an increase in alcohol consumptionand substance abuse and texting and driving.and wondered if some coming of age or older students.a lot of students alarmed to find as students get older theextent of to where the issues are prominent in our communityare greater and greater. and notice that a lot of seniorsare suffering from issues and
working on awareness as aresponsible member. and one biggest surprise wastexting and driving. and especially in seniors andjuniors, juniors are not aware yet of the repercussions ofthat. and students had ideas to workwith local organizations to get a car or another vehicle that isdamaged by a texting driver and putting in front of the schooland show students what affects of texting and driving and a lotof students getting involved in this already.again we saw a lot of work to be
done from the fairfax countysurvey but a lot of groups are getting started to reach out tothe community to improve our students' lifestyles.that's all i have, and hope that every student has a healthy andsafe and joyous holiday season and a happy new year.thank you. confirmation of action taken inclosed meeting and this is to include student disciplinarymatters and the board has discussed each and at this timewill confer to the recommended action and call on mrs. schultzfor a motion.
i move to excuse fromattendance from school certain students disclosed in closedmeeting pursuant to virginia code 22-1-254-b-1.second. is there a second?seconded by mrs. hough. all those in favor.that's unanimous, that passes. mr. strauss.i move that a student that moved illegal drugs to theschool and to be before the superintendent.second. all in favor.unanimous.
mr. moon.i move that the school board [inaudible] terms and conditionsdiscussed in closed session. is there a second?seconded by mrs. palchik. all those in favor.[calling roll] those opposed.schultz and derenak-kaufax. all those abstaining, hough andthat motion passes. mrs. hynes for a motion.i move to accept the recommendation of the hearingofficer regarding the employee identified in closed meeting andto authorize the chairman to
notify the employee by letter ofthe board's decision. second.seconded by mrs. schultz, all in favor.opposed. abstaining.that motion passes. i call on mrs. schultz for amotion. madam chair i move that theschool board grant the grievability appeal of theemployee discussed in the closed there a second? seconded by mr. moon.all those in favor.
and that is unanimous, thatmotion passes. item 4.02, fy 2017 midyearbudget review. mrs. derenak-kaufax.i move that the school board review revenue and changes of2017 detailed in the budget item.seconded by mr. moon. mrs. derenak-kaufax.we briefly had a discussion in a work session and mid-yearfunds and at the work session the beginning balance and thereis opportunity in the future to change this should we desire.and that's all.
mr. moon.nothing more to add. all right.i see no other lights on. so with that i will take a voteon the motion to have the school board revenue and expenditurechanges reflected in the fy-2017 mid-year review detailed in theagenda item. all in favor.that vote is unanimous, that motion passes.our adopted rules of parliamentary procedure,robert's rules, provide for a consent agenda listing severalitems for approval of the board
by a single motion.most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gonethrough board subcommittee review and recommendation.documentation concerning these items has been provided to allboard members and the public in advance to assure an extensiveand thorough review. items may be removed from theconsent agenda at the request of any board memberprior to the meeting. 5.01, approve the minutes of thedecember 6, 2016 school board minute.5.02, approve additional
appointments in the agenda item.5.03 award a contract to lowest bidder, dustin construction the amount of $17,382,000 and authorization the divisionsuperintendent or the assistant superintendent and department offacilities and transportation to negotiate on behalf of theschool board. 5.04, award chiller replacementto lowest bidder, boiler & furnace cleaners hurley company,and to authorize the division superintendent or assistantsuperintendent to administer the contract on behalf of the schoolboard.
and 5.05, confirm theseparations for the period beginning november 1, 2016, andending november 30, 2016. any objections to approve theconsent agenda? hearing and seeing no objection,the consent agenda is approved. we now turn to new business.the following are new business agenda items, there will not bea vote but action for future meetings.6.01, approve the 2018-2022 capital improvement program.and 6.02, strategic plan goal 1 and strategies 1 and 2.and now superintendent matters,
dr. lockard.thank you, madam chair, i want to thank the members of thebudget task force that have agreed to reconvene this years.and held their first meeting this past week and begin theirwork. and everyone is aware that theaim is to have refreshed or new recommendations ready for ourbudget work session on january 23.we appreciate all who were on the budget task force andsupporting us in that work. with the winter weather rapidlyapproaching.
i want to remind everyone thereis a number of ways to receive our late opening andcancellation information. i am sure that everyone has thatprogrammed in and ready to go. but we recently sent thatinformation home. and be sure that you are ready,as it crept upon us here. we try to make decisions asearly as we can, but sometimes mother nature doesn't alwayscooperate. be ready.and finally i would like to say as we approach the season here,i want to wish everyone merry
christmas and happy holidays andto wish all staff and administrators and students andfamilies to find that much-needed time to take a breakand enjoy the company of each other over the holidays andrecharge. appreciative of all of thosefolks do for our school community.and madam chair, that concludes my comments.thank you, dr. lockard. and you now board reports and icall on mrs. derenak-kaufax for report on the scypt committee.we met on december 7 and had
a full agenda and discussed thescypt response to the directive of the retreat earlier thisyear. and there was a discussion onthe proposal supervisor herrity had put forward on drug counselprogram and that was discussed. and discussed potential ofimplications on school and county programs given the ballotfailure on the meal tax and given instruction of how othergovernments throughout the country dedicate funding formeal funding. and madam chair, i ask that thebreadth and depth of what is
happening at scypt is importantand i would like to schedule a work session in the coming year.i ask that now. we will put that on the list.thank you, mrs. derenak-kaufax. and call on mrs. hynes for areport on the audit committee meeting on december 14.thank you, i mention that the school board had an audit worksession on the 12th, on monday. and talked about the searchprocess and got feedback from school board members on proposedaudit plan amendment for the 2017 audit plan.then the audit committee had a
work session last night, on the14th and received a report on the city funds audit.and began our review of the 1420, the audit charter.and reviewed the audit plan amendments in light of schoolboard input from monday night. and we did make some progress onour auditor general search proposal.thank you, i call on mrs. strauss for a report on ourforum tonight. thank you, we did hold aforum this evening. and we considered two was revising the length of
terms for the school healthadvisory committee. and decided to refer to this thegovernance committee to see whether or not we would acceptthe recommendation from the committee to have theappointments, the citizen appointments the committee to betwo years instead of one. the agreement was to considerthe governance. we also discussed whether or notthe school board should review policy 8335.this is the policy that governs our policy regarding [inaudible]school board property.
and it's been 10 years since weadopted this policy. and we decided to refer this togovernance for further discussion to see if any changesto the policy. in light of the fact that thereis changes in technology, fees and various community concernsetc. we did refer both items togovernance for further discussion and possiblerecommendations to come back to the board.thank you, we move to board matters and mrs. hynes to startus off.
well, i don't have much tosay, it's late we had a busy and useful meeting.i would say happy holidays to everyone and i hope that y'allhave a safe and enjoyable time, see you next year.mrs. palchik. yes, a quick few things,highlights. i was able to go to providenceelementary school to meet with principal phillips.and had a councilery meeting here and talk with students andwhat is working and what to improve with the programs.and i had my second meeting with
pta and pto boards this pastweekend. always a lively and excitefuland camaraderie in sharing experiences.and we had board members that talked about first-aid trainingthat they found helpful and the opening of the pantry in thehigh school that is a huge success.and finally talking about the budget task force.i hope that people are engaged in the process and thank you dr.lockard for re-engaging the task force and a great way to have acommunity conversation.
and finally this year is one ofthose times that hanukkah will fall on christmas and hope allstay warm. and thank you to the mpo's thathelped out when the sunday school teacher was stuck and youwere there to help. appreciate everything you do forus every day and happy holiday and stay safe and warm.pass. schultz.a couple -- sorry i have a few things.first of all, i want to thank the members of the hostcommittee at jill's house for
inviting was an awesome experience to go to their winter fundraiser.this is a house that is unlike anything almost in the country.that aids young students with intellectual disabilities, andoften profound intellectual disabilities and provides familyrespite. it was an amazing experience, anumber of nicu nurses provide time to those profoundlydisabled. and i want to give a shout-outto west springfield that had a challenging week this week witha water main break and mr.
platenberg is still here, acongratulations to principal muki, and all the staff and thestudents. this was an in-person livetraining for true grit in life, because i never know whathappens, water main breaks happen to corporate owners andhomeowners. and they got a splash ofadulthood -- actually no splash, no water.but terrific working across fcps, i am grateful for theoutcome. and to give a shout-out to westspringfield for their buddy's
club that had the wintergathering yesterday. and put together presents forkids. it was an amazing event.unfortunately i couldn't attend but got reports of it.and centreville high school, mr. jagil, your mannequin challengevideo is awesome, and making its rounds.and want to say to robinson, good luck, the beast of theeast, your wrestling team is headed to the university ofdelaware this weekend, and one of the largest wrestlers in thecoast and one particular
wrestler, you getting ashout-out. and weslyn and double overtime,what an amazing game and congratulations.and lastly this is a call-out to our ultimately, profoundlytalented band in all of our high schools.the reports that are reverberating across the regionin schools in d.c. not showing up for filling out applicationsfor a presidential inauguration are frankly utterlydisheartening to me. and we have such profound talentin band after band in all of our
high schools.what an amazing opportunity for us to showcase not only thisregion but the nation. how we do fine and performingart in fairfax county. and so i really hope that manyof the band directors in the schools take advantage of thisopportunity that lays bare at our highlight the amazing, not only music educators but thestudents and their talents. i look forward to you takingadvantage of that. i want to congratulate chrisjohnson, who is a music and
computer science teacher atfairfax academy, chris has for a third time nominated for musiceducator of the year, this is a grammy award.and chris performs in the junior college and composing in theclasses. and chris performs at the galaorchestra, and he's dedicated to our school and children.happy holidays and happy hanukkah, and it's not coldenough here, i'm going to canada where it's colder.mrs. strauss, come back safely.last few days i was able to
enjoy music and arts and theprograms of many of our students.i went to south county secondary school last night that listenedto the winter [inaudible] concert.[inaudible] it was two days ago, because yesterday i was[inaudible] school with fairfax county academy studentsperformed twice yesterday. in a showcase of nutcracker forthe younger students and great to show the younger what theycan do when they grow up. but the most exciting thing thathappened to me in last couple of
weeks was nothing other thanactually being at the game, westfield beating oscar smithtwo years in a row, and not second overtime but thirdovertime, westfield stopped oscar smith at the 1-yardlinefor state championship. it was worth the 170 miles oneway trip. thank you.i would like to say thank you to mr. moon for going to watchwestfield. and i want to also jump on theband wagon and point out a very long time ago, as a high schoolfootball player.
what an accomplishment to winthe state championship at the highest level of high schoolfootball in virginia. it's really a testimony to thefortitude of the kids and the dedication of the coachesinvolved in that operation, it's a bit of a dynasty at thispoint. congratulations again to you have set the standard and the basketball team has towin the second state championship also, we will seehow that goes. thank you to everybody that cameout to office hours they
recently was great it meet people and hear directly from the parentsin my community. and i will have office hoursafter the new year, tentatively scheduled for first of february.and thank you to all the board and appreciate your conjenialityand welcoming me to the board i have learned a great amount in12 months and look forward to working with everyone next year.merry christmas, and happy hanukkah.mrs. derenak-kaufax. i had the pleasure of goingdo schools and meeting with
teachers and students at mountvernon and hayfield high school. and i enjoyed musical performsat edison high school where i know a student well.and they had two days of hosting high schools from australia andthey performed both holiday and regular music programs togetherover two nights and it was wonderful.i also checked into the budget task force meeting this week.and want to thank all those volunteering their time for dr.lockard's task force. we realize we are asking a lotof you and it will take you time
but we thank you forparticipating so much. i also, this week we alsowelcomed a new cohort, a student leader, we are looking forwardto work with all of you. and yesterday i was honored tospeak to girl scout troop 1444 on civic engagement and this wasa very engaged group that asked a lot of thoughtful questions,and thank you ladies for inviting me.and finally i would like to say happy holidays, merry christmas,happy hanukkah to all the students and staff out there,have a joyful and restful break
and come back renewed in mcelveen. as we conclude this very longmeeting tonight, after the very long year.i want to wish all of my colleagues a wonderful holidayseason and a wonderful 2017. and i hope the length of thismeeting does not partend bad news for this coming year, iknow we will spend a lot of hours together and hopefully notdriving through the country side at 100 miles per hour.but hope we all do well in 2017. thank you, and i too want tothank my colleagues for all of
their work this year and wisheverybody in our community and on the board and certainly ourwonderful staff, happy holidays and have a restful break and awonderful new year. with that, this meeting isadjourned. [gavel]